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Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 A-Series
created from rating comment match
12.05.14 Br00tal:-) Detail
05.05.14 OFFLINE MOD Detail
24.04.14 Mysterious Monkeys.R Detail
22.04.14 YDK.ME A-Series Detail
14.04.14 Mysterious Monkeys.R Detail
24.03.14 MeetYourMakers Detail
20.03.14 in memory of myRisk Detail
17.03.14 Over-shoulder-bolder-holder Detail
13.03.14 MeetYourMakers gg++ kaum flames Detail
10.03.14 Cant Touch This! Sure that they cheated! and they dont take it seriusly don\'t play fair behaviour Detail
20.06.13 Squad Delta Detail
18.06.13 56k-sports CS:S Detail
17.06.13 ALL EYES 0N Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Cups 5on5 Standard Cup #13
created from rating comment match
09.03.13 omiD Detail
09.03.13 wewewewewe Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Cups Weekend Cups 2012 #24
created from rating comment match
08.09.12 dA-cUp-k1nGs Detail
08.09.12 interisting me not Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO Cup #09 - 02/09
created from rating comment match
02.09.12 srs bsns Detail
02.09.12 -x-unnamed-x-#2 Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cups 3on3 MR15 Cup #02
created from rating comment match
01.09.12 KATE (C)UPTON2 Detail
01.09.12 chilledkröten Detail
01.09.12 rush4fame Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Cups 3on3 HG Cups 2012 #03
created from rating comment match
30.08.12 kawaiii Detail
30.08.12 Vetoplay Cup Detail
30.08.12 Becher 1.0 Detail