Rating LazerrSharkz 

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World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #34
created from rating comment match
19.01.13 Grube grubasy Detail
19.01.13 Cruma Tower Detail
19.01.13 Legio Kuraki Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Turniej Noworoczny
created from rating comment match
05.01.13 Leszczyki Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #32
created from rating comment match
17.12.12 SturmPanzer Gruppe Detail
17.12.12 Just not U Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #30
created from rating comment match
08.12.12 W_E W_E Detail
08.12.12 Strzelamy Slepakami Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Srebrny Pluton #22
created from rating comment match
03.12.12 Bajaderki Detail
03.12.12 Free Exp Converters Detail
03.12.12 Nie ma Lipy Detail
03.12.12 Partacze Detail
03.12.12 Doom Divers Black Detail
03.12.12 PA-TD Detail
03.12.12 Felo de se Division Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #29
created from rating comment match
01.12.12 Felo de se Division Detail
01.12.12 Felo de se Division Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Srebrny Pluton #21
created from rating comment match
26.11.12 KlopTeam 3v3 Detail
26.11.12 Tadzikowy_Patrol Detail
26.11.12 B-O blue squad Detail
26.11.12 TTeam#WoT.HelloKitty Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Srebrny Pluton #20
created from rating comment match
19.11.12 PPL & MEAT 3on3 Detail
19.11.12 Felo de se Division Detail
19.11.12 KOBRA #B# Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Srebrny Pluton #18
created from rating comment match
05.11.12 SturmPanzer Gruppe Detail
05.11.12 FreeFragTeam.pl 2 3vs3 #2 Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #25
created from rating comment match
03.11.12 Polska Grupa Operacyjna Detail
03.11.12 Gustlik Laduj Odlamkowym Detail
03.11.12 Valkiria K-L-G Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Srebrny Pluton #17
created from rating comment match
29.10.12 PPL & MEAT 3on3 Detail
29.10.12 Bajaderki Detail
29.10.12 Szczelamy Za Zer0 Detail
29.10.12 X-RAY X Detail
29.10.12 Doom Divers Black Detail
29.10.12 Cruma Tower Detail
29.10.12 Dzikie dziki Detail