Rating Pietravalle Clan Soldiers 

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Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 [h]K & BullFrog Cup Playoffs
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28.03.06 Tazor Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 [h]K & BullFrog Cup
created from rating comment match
09.03.06 Angels of Death - HK Cup- by pc-power.info Detail
23.02.06 KiLLeR kLaN Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Premiership
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30.05.05 oldstyle.IT Detail
25.05.05 QuiD Detail
13.05.05 X.Net.Pr0 Detail
11.05.05 sG Team White Detail
28.04.05 Independent Detail
25.04.05 Sfinge Detail
14.04.05 Hokuto Nanto Fighters bella mi sono divertito molto Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder
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05.05.05 i Ribelli Detail
03.05.05 Ammerde Detail
07.04.05 Bella per GiZ Detail
05.04.05 Violent Devils GG ai PCS Detail
04.04.05 Smurfs Detail
31.03.05 Team Valverde.eSport Detail
01.03.05 i Ribelli Detail
16.02.05 S.E.A.L. clan Detail
09.02.05 nG CS 1.6 Section Detail
03.02.05 Smurfs GG peccato per i problemi :( uando volete sfidateci giokiamo sul vostro :) Detail
18.11.04 S.E.A.L. clan gg Detail
17.11.04 Paura e Delirio Detail
16.11.04 Doh Clan gg :) Detail
10.11.04 as-OnFire.Europa Detail
04.11.04 G.I.S. Bella! Detail
29.10.04 Hokuto Nanto Fighters GG Detail
27.10.04 Ketchup Dovrebbe essere giusto... Detail
12.10.04 Valverde e.Sports Management Detail
26.05.04 SilverHawks Team eVo gg Detail
25.05.04 Brotherhood Of Steel ottimi e correttissimi :D Detail
17.05.04 Calo di Tensione GG Detail
06.05.04 Black Panthers Detail
04.05.04 reLax HQ - old style gg :D Detail
20.04.04 Infinity StylerS Detail
08.04.04 The w4nteds Detail
06.04.04 7 siNs Detail
05.04.04 CncC ClaN eXplosiVe gg raga!! Detail
29.03.04 TTuBBieS Detail
22.03.04 Calo di Tensione gg Detail
22.03.04 United Clan CS Z Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Cup #3
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09.12.04 eXorium Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Cup #1
created from rating comment match
26.11.04 Paura e Delirio Detail