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Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder
created from rating comment match
07.06.05 hihood match sans problèmes, équipes fair play :) Detail
15.03.05 basic-instinct gg Detail
14.03.05 InerTia Detail
13.03.05 Game Seven Detail
08.03.05 Fou du Rush gg bel esprit , bonne team Detail
09.02.05 stopped ESL Detail
17.12.04 ParadiSiak gg pas de pb Detail
03.12.04 Team GiL gg Detail
02.12.04 Frenchcore bonne embience ;) Detail
21.11.04 Neuilly Sur Marne Detail
16.11.04 brutal.Rush Cs.oNe Mouais ... trop d\'attente sinon gg Detail
05.11.04 lamah of Legend Detail
04.11.04 OFF Team fair play et sympa sans soucis :) Detail
02.11.04 RealGamerz gg. Detail
02.11.04 ShaKa gg les mecs Detail
20.10.04 aRena.cs Detail
13.10.04 Hall of Peace Detail
30.09.04 Kyser-Kill Detail
29.09.04 Boss Of Scandal Strategyz GG Detail
28.09.04 eXe.uNited Detail
27.09.04 elfe Un plus Detail
26.09.04 funOnly Detail
24.09.04 zero pointe CS Detail
20.09.04 ParadiSiak super esprit Detail
11.06.04 inhumans n1 et gl Detail
09.06.04 Instinct To Surviv bon match Detail
05.06.04 nightblow Detail
31.05.04 In Your AsS Team GG a vous vonne continuation Detail
28.05.04 CorSica regisTered_0rder gg belle team Detail