Rating Hate Crew 

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Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
27.08.07 AtmosFear.cs gg Detail
21.08.07 doomteam Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Old Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
18.09.06 finilesph GG all dmg lag général sur votre serv :S Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.02.06 Fromages Qui Puent Detail
22.01.06 Net.One Detail
17.01.06 taG Bonne team, sympas Detail
04.01.06 nug Detail
03.01.06 furious.g GG/Team fair play Detail
02.01.06 Les Serial Killer Detail
08.12.05 BAD GAMER Detail
06.12.05 TeaM-TaZ_ GG bonne team fair play;). Detail
05.12.05 TeLephone.oldgen GG bonne continuation dans l\'ESL =) Detail
04.12.05 3bola team sympatique.gg Detail
30.11.05 KeepCool.be bj. Detail
29.11.05 Les Serial Killer Detail
28.11.05 Flash Light GG! Detail
27.11.05 Independance GamerZ Detail
24.11.05 GP-GaminG gg Detail
23.11.05 xPerience.uN Detail
22.11.05 ELI Detail
20.11.05 Nes pour Tuer bonne team bien sympatique Detail
06.11.05 Night Gamerz gg Detail
02.11.05 orto team Detail
10.10.05 erratic Detail
04.10.05 Debase On a tous pleuré !!! Detail
26.09.05 Nothing to Say Tres fair play, et tres bon level. A jouer ! Detail
21.09.05 xYz.cs team fair play Detail
14.09.05 Counter Strike Smoker Killer GG beau match Team fair play Detail
31.08.05 TrEz team pas fair play Detail
29.08.05 Popples Detail
08.08.05 ImpGamers Detail
01.08.05 Out Of Order GG Detail
31.07.05 cort Detail
28.07.05 AleiZ je sais pas :D Detail
27.07.05 aciD.Team Team sympa. Bonne ambience :) Y\'a juste le server ki touche pas des masses..... Detail
25.07.05 TrEz bonne entente GG Detail
24.07.05 Still alive Detail
20.07.05 Putain De Carnage Detail
18.07.05 ParadiSiak tres sympa Detail
13.07.05 zerotp gg ^^ team sympa Detail
03.07.05 Too Strong For You Detail
29.05.05 Eternal Masters Gamers Detail
22.05.05 Evolve GG all =) beau match Detail
18.05.05 Tontons Flingueurs Detail
11.05.05 LEET.H4X0R Detail
08.05.05 DfP Detail
03.05.05 QvT.Family - 93 Detail
07.04.05 ALLAHU AKBAR bonne team sympa ! Detail
11.03.05 Alphabet-Team Detail
16.02.05 Clan Drake Detail
08.02.05 ObjectifPoules gg fairplay et tout Detail
02.02.05 Les Greats Fraggeurs GG a + pour une revanche Detail
24.01.05 autruche.online aucun pb team fair play :) Detail
23.01.05 SVORAJE team tres sympa, GG Detail
22.01.05 Sea Sex And Gun team tres sympatik a jouer Detail
20.01.05 Fromages Qui Puent team très cool a refaire les gars Detail
14.01.05 UseLess Detail
30.12.04 Once Upon a Time Une team super sympa que j espere on aura l occasion de rejouer =) Detail
20.12.04 HeretiClan Detail