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World of Tanks 7on7 Non Pro Cup #08 (23.06.13 17:00 MSK)
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23.06.13 KEROSIN General Detail
23.06.13 EnClawe Detail

World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT June Cup #4 (22.06.13 19-00 MSK)
created from rating comment match
22.06.13 Komanda_1 Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 ESL Fun Cup #29 Танки 8 уровня
created from rating comment match
21.06.13 deers without antlers Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Super16 Июня. Квалификация№2
created from rating comment match
20.06.13 VlRUS Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Super16 Июня. Квалификация№1
created from rating comment match
17.06.13 SLK Detail
17.06.13 PTURS: Platoon Detail
17.06.13 Black-Tigers Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Non Pro Cup #06 (16.06.13 17:00 MSK)
created from rating comment match
16.06.13 JAWS Detail

World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT June Cup #3 (15.06.13 19-00 MSK)
created from rating comment match
15.06.13 The Aces: Sharpy junk Detail
15.06.13 JAWS Detail
15.06.13 The Others: New Breath Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 ESL Fun Cup #28 Танки 8 уровня
created from rating comment match
14.06.13 SOYUZ Detail
14.06.13 V-Style Detail