Rating 1ere Legion HoRiZoN 

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League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #366 / 100 € à gagner
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29.10.13 Moins BridEs Que La Moyenne http://puu.sh/539l7.jpg Detail
28.10.13 Skumbag BoB Detail
28.10.13 Faya Time Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 Cup #364 - Qualifier EPS #13
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24.10.13 ImpacT.LeGenDs Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 Cup #363 - 100 € à gagner
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21.10.13 MADCORPS Stitch GAMING Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #361 / Qualifier EPS #11
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17.10.13 MmoFr Line 2 Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #360 - 100 €
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14.10.13 DeathroW.LoL Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #355 / Qualif EPS #7
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03.10.13 RedFox Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #349 / Qualif EPS #3
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19.09.13 Ace Gaming.LOL Detail