Rating SoldiersOfTheRevolution 

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World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #132
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31.01.15 Rusty Roster Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #198
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18.01.15 Go4500gold Detail
18.01.15 The UN1T Detail

Wargaming.net League Europe Bronze Series
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12.01.15 2DPA Team Detail
07.01.15 YOLO Detail
06.01.15 Torpeda-Team#Opium Detail
08.12.14 Conundrum Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #197
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11.01.15 aVAV - a Verbis ad Verbera Detail
11.01.15 AustrianRevengeSquad Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #196
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04.01.15 GG Was Close Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #195
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28.12.14 PRMB Gaming Detail
28.12.14 Bulgarian Gaming Society 7v7 Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #194
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21.12.14 Team Swift eSports Detail
21.12.14 Armored Hussars Detail
21.12.14 Vérnyulak Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #192
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07.12.14 Rusty Roster Detail
07.12.14 Panteri Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #191
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30.11.14 nF 7v7 Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #190
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23.11.14 Debelixa Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #123
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11.11.14 Celowanie jest dla slabych Detail
11.11.14 Batalion Stalowych Hien Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #188
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09.11.14 7vs7 Black Tigers ! Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #117
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08.11.14 El Pazdzerze Detail
08.11.14 Stalowe Cycki Detail
08.11.14 Allahu-Akbar Detail
08.11.14 Animae Domnatum Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #186
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26.10.14 Torpeda-Team#WoT Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #115
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25.10.14 ShotMeDown Detail
25.10.14 szybkie_nupki Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #120
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21.10.14 Celowanie jest dla slabych Detail
21.10.14 DemonyWojny Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #185
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19.10.14 TWB-Gaming Detail
19.10.14 Grey Steel Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #119
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14.10.14 Snowman Team TDSTR Detail
14.10.14 Learn To Play Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #184
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12.10.14 Momentum OLD Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #118
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07.10.14 Stronk Siema Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #183
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05.10.14 Happy Tree Friends_T1 Detail
05.10.14 ATJ ALFA 7vs7 Detail
05.10.14 The Revival Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #117
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30.09.14 Stronk Siema Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #182
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28.09.14 HacknCheat 7v7 Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #110
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20.09.14 Strzelamy z Golda Detail

Go4WoT Europe Cup #180
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14.09.14 OM Trolling Team Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #107
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30.08.14 ShotMeDown Detail
30.08.14 PEGI to som prawdziwi pszyiaciele Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Fun Cup #2
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16.08.14 Report piahu13 Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 175
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10.08.14 BRAVE Second Hand 7x7 Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #112
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06.08.14 UTOPIA Detail
05.08.14 Who Cares? Detail
05.08.14 Lemming Train Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #106
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02.08.14 RNG Team Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #105
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26.07.14 GramyEsla Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #103
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12.07.14 BANG BANG 3v3 Detail
12.07.14 Golden Noobki Detail
12.07.14 IS200 Detail
12.07.14 White Siemka Squad Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #102
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05.07.14 Siema kto PL? Detail
05.07.14 Knurolaki Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #107
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01.07.14 Elite Steel Battalion Detail
01.07.14 Juice juice daje walkowera Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #101
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28.06.14 BANG BANG 3v3 Detail
28.06.14 Proo nooby 3vs3 Detail
28.06.14 Armia Cienia Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #100
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21.06.14 Siuraki Squad Detail
21.06.14 Anomali.WoT Detail
21.06.14 TROLOLO SKILL Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #104
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10.06.14 Parabellum Detail
10.06.14 Stronk Siema Detail
10.06.14 Polish Armoured Brigade Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #98
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07.06.14 Bastards Detail
07.06.14 Vril eSports Detail
07.06.14 4Pazie4 Detail
07.06.14 MAGISTERY Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #95
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17.05.14 KeNiJ kEnIj KeNiJ Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #94
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10.05.14 Szpon Beliara Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #93
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03.05.14 Siuraki Squad Detail
03.05.14 Unicum Tomatoes Detail
03.05.14 Kapitan Parufka Squad Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Fun Cup #1
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26.04.14 StareDranie Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #98
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15.04.14 Semper Invictus Detail
15.04.14 VAV-Super7 Detail

World of Tanks 2on2 Bracia w Boju #6
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13.04.14 JBMNT Detail
13.04.14 Psycho Squirrels Detail
13.04.14 Pancerne Stopy Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #92
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12.04.14 Samce Jada Tankami Detail
12.04.14 1EPP SQUAD 2 Detail

World of Tanks 2on2 Bracia w Boju #5
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06.04.14 Polish Wings Detail
06.04.14 Polska Jazda Pancerna Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #90
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29.03.14 Brzydcy Zli i Szczerzy Detail
29.03.14 Crazy Eagle Squad Detail
29.03.14 Only_PlaY_ Witch_nOOb Detail

World of Tanks 2on2 Bracia w Boju #3
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23.03.14 BimBer SquaD Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #89
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22.03.14 Snowman Team Detail
22.03.14 Dystrykt Tankistow Detail

World of Tanks 2on2 Bracia w Boju #2
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16.03.14 Göring Team Detail
16.03.14 mArCInN155 Nic po prostu rozwalili nas Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #88
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15.03.14 Lemur Squad Detail
15.03.14 Verses Of Steel Detail
15.03.14 Amore Pomidore Detail
15.03.14 TankersiCOM Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #93
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11.03.14 VAV-Super7 Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 153
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09.03.14 V Batalion Remontowy Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #87
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08.03.14 Siema PL Detail
08.03.14 BURACZKI 3ON3 Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 152
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02.03.14 Happy Tree Friends_T1 Detail
02.03.14 1CZTB Detail
02.03.14 HacknCheat 7v7 Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #86
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01.03.14 I_Tank_With_My_Face Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #91
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25.02.14 The Plague Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Złoto dla Zuchwałych #90
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18.02.14 Elite Steel Battalion Detail
18.02.14 StronkHussarKamikaze Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #84
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15.02.14 Fani reprezentanta PL ProxCx Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #82
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01.02.14 O-ATOM Detail
01.02.14 WOS B Detail
01.02.14 1 Batalion Czolgow Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #81
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25.01.14 EDB Jesiotry Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #80
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18.01.14 Szpon Beliara Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Złoty Pluton #79
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11.01.14 Siema kto PL? Detail

World of Tanks 3on3 Turniej Noworoczny
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04.01.14 Reklamowka z Biedronki Detail
04.01.14 Szpon Beliara Detail
04.01.14 lapdance1 Detail
04.01.14 No Name.PRO Detail
04.01.14 Colourful Friends Detail