Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder |
22.06.06 |
uyR.Legendary |
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20.06.06 |
da Roxor united - dRu 3on3 |
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16.06.06 |
geek arts |
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27.05.06 |
da Roxor united - dRu 3on3 |
BJ |
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26.05.06 |
xPr.cs |
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21.05.06 |
HypnOz |
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18.05.06 |
rise of doom |
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15.05.06 |
LeVeL Up |
GG ! bonne continuation :) |
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05.05.06 |
switchclick |
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26.04.06 |
ethnics.mix |
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04.04.06 |
sheep-moi |
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29.03.06 |
Team Troll |
GG les Spartz! |
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16.11.05 |
any-one |
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14.11.05 |
Rush United |
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06.11.05 |
Violence in videogames |
gg |
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02.11.05 |
Hellway - Instant death |
Comme d hab rien a dire sur les potos, toujours aussi sympa ;) gg |
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24.10.05 |
PiXel Team |
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02.10.05 |
rise of doom |
domage pour votre 5eme joueur qui part avant la fin, quoi qu\'il en soit, bonne team fair play |
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26.09.05 |
extent |
joueur correct rien a dire ! bj |
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23.09.05 |
Team Vilain |
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14.09.05 |
siGn.Gaming |
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13.09.05 |
Tz-crew |
Bien joué, good team gl&hf pour la suite |
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07.09.05 |
paradoX |
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06.09.05 |
Popples |
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30.06.05 |
out of control |
tres bonne team, comme toujours |
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30.06.05 |
Peace.Drunk |
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28.06.05 |
LeVeL Up |
GG |
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26.06.05 | |
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14.06.05 |
cSc |
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08.06.05 |
out of control |
Team agréable à jouer |
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08.06.05 |
SONT NUL §§§§ |
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07.06.05 |
DarkEyes |
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06.06.05 |
AirWeak |
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05.06.05 |
ImpGamers |
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04.06.05 |
oversize |
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02.06.05 |
Believe in me |
gg , beau match |
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27.05.05 |
Skill was Off |
n1, meilleurs, sympas, cool. |
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26.05.05 |
elfe |
team tres sympa |
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25.05.05 |
cSc |
gg good team good ambiance hf pour la suite |
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24.05.05 |
Team GiL |
gg |
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23.05.05 |
siGn.Gaming |
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21.05.05 |
Xtreme |
Moment tres agreable meilleur team que l\'on est vu sur l\'esl a l\'heure actuelle |
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19.05.05 |
access-team |
gg |
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16.05.05 |
team zerotp |
GG! nuke on la po strat :\'( :\'( :\'( |
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08.05.05 |
AirWeak |
bj , team sympa |
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03.04.05 |
elfe |
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01.04.05 |
MastR |
gg skilled :) |
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29.03.05 |
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28.03.05 |
legionnaiRe |
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27.03.05 |
Soldier Of Earth |
bon match simpatoche, a tres bientot surement!! |
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25.03.05 |
LeveL uP FamilY |
GG GL Pour la suite ! |
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16.03.05 |
nine.lives |
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15.03.05 |
insecurized.proxy |
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13.03.05 |
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04.03.05 |
InerTia |
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03.03.05 |
metalrushkillers |
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16.02.05 |
Hellway |
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02.02.05 |
out of control |
ils ont leave apres 6 rounds |
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26.01.05 |
ccc |
Très sympa gga eux et bisus |
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25.01.05 |
Too Strong For You |
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19.01.05 |
elfe |
: ) |
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18.01.05 |
NyX |
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12.01.05 | |
leaver |
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06.01.05 |
PeaceMakers PMs |
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04.12.04 |
cSc |
gg good team gl hf pour la suite |
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28.11.04 |
lamah of Legend |
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24.11.04 |
Neuilly Sur Marne |
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21.11.04 |
Legionnaire |
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14.11.04 |
brutal.Rush Cs.oNe |
GG bon fair play =) |
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06.11.04 |
antiKon-squad |
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29.06.04 |
Dead2 The World |
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28.06.04 |
unintended |
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26.06.04 |
Rage 4 Ev3r |
bon on c fait ouned mais ct sympas pour une fois malgré a la fin un laisser aller de la team enface (rush pompe) vraiment une tres skiller et sympas GG |
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24.06.04 |
neVer Team Gaming |
No Comment :S |
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22.06.04 |
Identity |
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11.06.04 |
Lightning-Legend |
gg good team fair play |
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07.06.04 |
Replay |
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