Rating Spartz 

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Spring Cup Counter-Strike 5on5 Nova Gameplazza Amateur
created from rating comment match
06.07.06 bLue-oNe Detail
05.06.06 rise of doom Detail
14.05.06 nug Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Old Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
02.07.06 SymbiOz Detail
26.06.06 nug gg très bonne team Detail
25.06.06 uyR.Legendary gg Detail
19.06.06 cyberaddict Detail
15.06.06 ibdm Detail
13.06.06 bLue-oNe Detail
13.06.06 Ninja GG Detail
10.06.06 viTess gg team fair play Detail
08.06.06 xPr.cs Detail
06.06.06 clairvoyance gg Detail
01.06.06 K-oS Detail
28.05.06 bLue-oNe Detail
22.05.06 xPr.cs Detail
16.05.06 tolerance Zero - EAS Detail
11.05.06 FACE2FACE! Detail
10.05.06 Play Or Die gg Detail
09.05.06 Get2Gev'.esport Detail
26.04.06 clairvoyance Detail
10.04.06 K-oS Detail
05.04.06 INHUMANS gg Detail
18.01.06 FACE2FACE! Detail
16.01.06 FiV3 - EAS Detail
02.01.06 Evolve gg bonne team Detail
14.12.05 Cowboyz Detail
13.12.05 ParadiSe-crew Detail
13.12.05 CXTEAM Detail
28.11.05 4u - Friends Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder
created from rating comment match
22.06.06 uyR.Legendary Detail
20.06.06 da Roxor united - dRu 3on3 Detail
16.06.06 geek arts Detail
27.05.06 da Roxor united - dRu 3on3 BJ Detail
26.05.06 xPr.cs Detail
21.05.06 HypnOz Detail
18.05.06 rise of doom Detail
15.05.06 LeVeL Up GG ! bonne continuation :) Detail
05.05.06 switchclick Detail
26.04.06 ethnics.mix Detail
04.04.06 sheep-moi Detail
29.03.06 Team Troll GG les Spartz! Detail
16.11.05 any-one Detail
14.11.05 Rush United Detail
06.11.05 Violence in videogames gg Detail
02.11.05 Hellway - Instant death Comme d hab rien a dire sur les potos, toujours aussi sympa ;) gg Detail
24.10.05 PiXel Team Detail
02.10.05 rise of doom domage pour votre 5eme joueur qui part avant la fin, quoi qu\'il en soit, bonne team fair play Detail
26.09.05 extent joueur correct rien a dire ! bj Detail
23.09.05 Team Vilain Detail
14.09.05 siGn.Gaming Detail
13.09.05 Tz-crew Bien joué, good team gl&hf pour la suite Detail
07.09.05 paradoX Detail
06.09.05 Popples Detail
30.06.05 out of control tres bonne team, comme toujours Detail
30.06.05 Peace.Drunk Detail
28.06.05 LeVeL Up GG Detail
26.06.05 attack.community Detail
14.06.05 cSc Detail
08.06.05 out of control Team agréable à jouer Detail
08.06.05 SVORAJE SONT NUL §§§§ Detail
07.06.05 DarkEyes Detail
06.06.05 AirWeak Detail
05.06.05 ImpGamers Detail
04.06.05 oversize Detail
02.06.05 Believe in me gg , beau match Detail
27.05.05 Skill was Off n1, meilleurs, sympas, cool. Detail
26.05.05 elfe team tres sympa Detail
25.05.05 cSc gg good team good ambiance hf pour la suite Detail
24.05.05 Team GiL gg Detail
23.05.05 siGn.Gaming Detail
21.05.05 Xtreme Moment tres agreable meilleur team que l\'on est vu sur l\'esl a l\'heure actuelle Detail
19.05.05 access-team gg Detail
16.05.05 team zerotp GG! nuke on la po strat :\'( :\'( :\'( Detail
08.05.05 AirWeak bj , team sympa Detail
03.04.05 elfe Detail
01.04.05 MastR gg skilled :) Detail
29.03.05 CXTEAM Detail
28.03.05 legionnaiRe Detail
27.03.05 Soldier Of Earth bon match simpatoche, a tres bientot surement!! Detail
25.03.05 LeveL uP FamilY GG GL Pour la suite ! Detail
16.03.05 nine.lives Detail
15.03.05 insecurized.proxy Detail
13.03.05 CXTEAM Detail
04.03.05 InerTia Detail
03.03.05 metalrushkillers Detail
16.02.05 Hellway Detail
02.02.05 out of control ils ont leave apres 6 rounds Detail
26.01.05 ccc Très sympa gga eux et bisus Detail
25.01.05 Too Strong For You Detail
19.01.05 elfe : ) Detail
18.01.05 NyX Detail
12.01.05 attack.community leaver Detail
06.01.05 PeaceMakers PMs Detail
04.12.04 cSc gg good team gl hf pour la suite Detail
28.11.04 lamah of Legend Detail
24.11.04 Neuilly Sur Marne Detail
21.11.04 Legionnaire Detail
14.11.04 brutal.Rush Cs.oNe GG bon fair play =) Detail
06.11.04 antiKon-squad Detail
29.06.04 Dead2 The World Detail
28.06.04 unintended Detail
26.06.04 Rage 4 Ev3r bon on c fait ouned mais ct sympas pour une fois malgré a la fin un laisser aller de la team enface (rush pompe) vraiment une tres skiller et sympas GG Detail
24.06.04 neVer Team Gaming No Comment :S Detail
22.06.04 Identity Detail
11.06.04 Lightning-Legend gg good team fair play Detail
07.06.04 Replay Detail

Counter-Strike 3on3 MR12 Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.05.06 Symbi0z cool raoul Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
27.11.05 argh Detail

Autumn Cup Counter-Strike Open Genius Gameplazza
created from rating comment match
23.10.05 YaKuZa Essayez juste d\'etre plus ponctuel et y aura plus rien à redire Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.06.05 HighPerformance ils commencent à 4 et viennent 15 minutes en retard Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Gameplazza Premiership Amateur
created from rating comment match
06.12.04 Ownage Xperience Detail
12.11.04 Hardrules Detail
26.10.04 FarmeRs-clan Detail