Rating Zmiotacze 2v2 

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World of Tanks 2on2 Bracia w Boju #36
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21.12.14 UgotujeCiPierogi! Detail

World of Tanks 2on2 Bracia w Boju #35
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14.12.14 SuperPazieSquad Detail
14.12.14 BIG BOOM Detail

World of Tanks 2on2 Bracia w Boju #32
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23.11.14 Pluton Pancerny Kosodrzewina Detail

World of Tanks 2on2 Bracia w Boju #31
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16.11.14 2k tluszczu fan klub Detail
16.11.14 FullMetalJacek Detail

World of Tanks 2on2 Bracia w Boju #28
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26.10.14 PKN Orlen Detail

World of Tanks 2on2 Bracia w Boju #24
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28.09.14 Pomidorki2on2 Detail
28.09.14 Noob Zord Squad Detail
28.09.14 Owocowy Squad Detail

World of Tanks 2on2 Bracia w Boju #23
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21.09.14 NOOB Detail
21.09.14 Dystrykt Tankistow 2on2 Detail
21.09.14 Buroki Detail

World of Tanks 2on2 Bracia w Boju #22
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14.09.14 2k tluszczu fan klub Poczekali aż zjem kolacje :P Detail
14.09.14 NOOB Detail
14.09.14 Unknownteam Detail

World of Tanks 2on2 Bracia w Boju #21
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07.09.14 Amazing Gaming Detail
07.09.14 Tomatoes Detail

World of Tanks 2on2 Bracia w Boju #20
created from rating comment match
31.08.14 Kochankowie Detail
31.08.14 Gold noobs Detail
31.08.14 JBMNT Detail
31.08.14 Duszendo Detail