Main Members (6) Replay Archive (0) Awards (5) Rating History Rating Junglebrothers back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Vietcong Teamplay Ladder created from rating comment match 01.10.05 DOG Soldiers of Kadan - Alternative Team Detail 01.10.05 German Fight Elite Detail 01.10.05 Czech Amateur Clan Detail 29.09.05 We Were Immortal.VC Detail 28.09.05 Alpha Detail 27.09.05 We Were Immortal.VC Detail 25.09.05 New Generation Gamers Good players... but still to much talking in war.... Detail 04.09.05 Alpha Detail 29.08.05 DOG Soldiers of Kadan - Alternative Team Detail 22.08.05 PoLisH PlaYboYs Good Players!! Detail 21.08.05 Alliance of Darkness Detail 19.08.05 sharKz gg :) Detail 18.08.05 electronic Sports clan Nice enemy! nächste forderung kommt! Detail 17.08.05 ResT in Peace gg Detail 16.08.05 VC KINGZ Detail 10.08.05 die for Flag-HonoRaRY squaD Detail 08.08.05 electronic Sports clan Detail 27.07.05 flash-gaming GG and Thx for War!!! Detail 24.07.05 Propheten der Hö Detail 21.07.05 NecroRaisers Vietcong Detail 17.07.05 Veteran Camp Germany -VC 4on4- Nice Enemy! Detail 09.07.05 Grey-Wolves VC 4on4 Detail 08.07.05 Veteran Camp Germany -VC 4on4- n1 Enemy Detail 05.07.05 Alliance of Darkness Detail 27.06.05 Czech Amateur Clan Detail 26.06.05 Cyber GG... Good enEmy Detail 22.06.05 flash-gaming Detail 17.06.05 SkyRiders-Hononary Team.4on4-VC thx for game Detail 14.06.05 Veteran Camp Germany -VC 4on4- Nice Enemy! Detail 10.06.05 Vietcong Fun Fighters gut und nett Detail 03.06.05 die for Flag-HonoRaRY squaD gg Detail 25.05.05 flash-gaming Detail 22.05.05 Veteran Camp Germany -VC 4on4- Nice Enemy :D Detail 21.05.05 Authentix.Redaktion GG haben die führung verspielt..... Detail 21.05.05 electronic Sports clan Wie immer ++ =) Detail 19.05.05 Czech Amateur Clan No.1 gamers, but is equitableness say good bye after game, we stay on your server but you dont come.. Detail 16.05.05 Grey-Wolves VC 4on4 Detail 14.05.05 Grüne Teufel top wie immer Detail 12.05.05 We Were Immortal.VC Detail 10.05.05 Detail 08.05.05 flash-gaming Detail 04.05.05 Veteran Camp Germany -VC 4on4- Nice Enemy!! Detail 03.05.05 electronic Sports clan Detail 30.04.05 Dunno Team GG Thx Detail 30.04.05 Team SCB.VC -4on4- good game :) Detail 27.04.05 SkyRiders-Hononary Team.4on4-VC GG Detail 25.04.05 Alliance of Darkness Detail 22.04.05 We Were Immortal.VC Detail 20.04.05 Team SCB.VC -4on4- very skilled players on NVABase! respect, you were the better team :) Detail 20.04.05 wieso nur neutral Detail 16.04.05 Grey-Wolves VC 4on4 Detail 16.04.05 SkyRiders-Hononary Team.4on4-VC Detail 10.04.05 Czech Amateur Clan Detail 08.04.05 TEAM LÖSCHEN BITTE Detail 04.04.05 Tragic Army Guys Detail 01.04.05 Authentix.Redaktion GG Detail 31.03.05 Red Dog Detail 30.03.05 MGZ Dogs Detail 29.03.05 Rest in Peace HTC- Jungle Storm HaRdCoRe Spieler ;) Detail 24.03.05 VC KINGZ FAST!!!!!!! Detail 22.03.05 CraZy GaMing ClaN gg Detail 21.03.05 electronic Sports clan gg, keine chance ;D Detail 20.03.05 Magic Balloons.4v4 GG Detail 20.03.05 Grüne Teufel war mal wieder super gerne wieder Detail 19.03.05 Enemy in Front Detail 07.03.05 Quality Gaming-Team Vc very strong opponent! Detail 05.03.05 Grüne Teufel Sehr Gute und Faire Spieler gern wieder Detail 03.03.05 Alliance of Darkness Detail 01.03.05 Authentix.Redaktion GG Detail 24.02.05 Team-Fighter -4on4- IN4kTIV Detail 22.02.05 Veteran Camp Germany -VC 4on4- Nice Enemy!! Detail 19.02.05 In memory to ex-esp und lao n1 Detail 17.02.05 MfG Detail 10.02.05 just4fun playing Detail 08.02.05 We Were Immortal.VC Detail 06.02.05 Grey-Wolves VC 4on4 rap nachstemal bitte erst denken dann reden :) Detail 06.02.05 SCB PwNZ yA Detail 02.02.05 mal schauen was kommt Detail 31.01.05 the n00bHunt3rs by Detail 26.01.05 Enemy in Front Great Guys Detail 24.01.05 Rest in Peace Detail 17.01.05 Quality Gaming-Team Vc no chance... Detail 16.01.05 Detail 12.01.05 just4fun playing Detail 10.01.05 Red Dog Stenata :D Detail 09.01.05 DOG Soldiers Detail 06.01.05 Veteran Camp Germany -VC 4on4- Nice Enemy! Very closed Game Detail 28.12.04 CraZy GaMing ClaN - NoSkiLL Detail 24.12.04 Grey-Wolves VC 4on4 Detail 20.12.04 Veteran Camp Germany -VC 4on4- Flame Flame! Flame! Detail 20.12.04 eXotic Detail 18.12.04 Hunted Noobz by easy super fair!!! Detail 17.12.04 Alpha Detail 13.12.04 Red Dog Detail 12.12.04 SaD - Chaos Team Detail 10.12.04 Czech Amateur Clan not fair clan, write other how do after Detail 09.12.04 Vietcong Clan Kronach Detail 04.12.04 Tactical Operation Unit Clan Detail 02.12.04 x beiss vier auf vier Detail 29.11.04 the n00bHunt3rs by Detail 14.11.04 Kiss of Death Detail 13.11.04 New Xtreame Detail 12.11.04 Electronic Sports Clan Hammer Gegner Geiles Spiel! Revanche kommt ;D Detail 11.11.04 The Funky Brothers -VC- 4on4 ALLES GUT Detail 04.11.04 Harter War, netter Gegner Detail 30.10.04 dream 4 Detail 06.10.04 Veteran Camp Germany -VC 4on4- Nettes Verhalten! Detail 03.10.04 The Funky Brothers -VC- 4on4 alles sauber Detail 02.10.04 BRITA Detail 01.10.04 TheLoosers Zuviel GECAMPT!!! Nächstes mal bringe ich euch nen grill mit und fleisch und würstchen das wenn alle von uns TOT sind ihr was essen könnt ok?? Detail 26.09.04 for CUP wiedermal einen guten tag gehabt, was? Detail 01.09.04 FGP.VC 4on4 -rb- powered by ..... Detail