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Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #116
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18.06.17 Aviato Vol. 2 Detail
18.06.17 Team Moriarty Detail
18.06.17 United.kz Detail

Go4Dota 2 Europe February 2017 Finals - powered by Sennheiser
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15.03.17 The Brestomans Detail

Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #97 - powered by Sennheiser
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05.02.17 mYinsanity Detail
05.02.17 NOVA eSport Detail
05.02.17 Inae.Rozbíječi Detail

Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #84 - powered by Sennheiser
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06.11.16 Unity Detail

Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #72 - powered by Sennheiser
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14.08.16 111112132222 Detail

Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #61 - powered by Sennheiser
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29.05.16 Mystique Detail

NVIDIA Dota 2 Cup Series Qualifier #17 CIS
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28.05.16 Comanche Detail

Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #60 - powered by Sennheiser
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22.05.16 Goomba Gaming Detail

Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #59 - powered by Sennheiser
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15.05.16 Falcon Esports Detail
15.05.16 sgfsdgfsdgfdsgfdsgsdffsd Detail
15.05.16 Rising Stars Detail

Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #58 - powered by Sennheiser
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08.05.16 ThePuck Detail
08.05.16 BPI Gaming Club Detail
08.05.16 Future Silence Detail

NVIDIA Dota 2 Cup Series Qualifier #15 CIS
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16.04.16 Crowned Detail

Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #54
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10.04.16 DOGMA GAMING Detail
10.04.16 13MB Detail

NVIDIA Dota 2 Cup Series Qualifier #14 CIS
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09.04.16 VOID V HARDE Detail

Dota 2 ESL One Frankfurt Open Qualifier Europe
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02.04.16 Siberian Valenki Detail

NVIDIA Dota 2 Cup Series Qualifier #13 CIS
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19.03.16 AntonNaInvokere Detail
19.03.16 eRIFT выиграли GUS Gaming Detail

Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #49
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06.03.16 Siberian Valenki Detail
06.03.16 New Guys Detail
06.03.16 Terra Cotta Army DotA Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #48
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28.02.16 Siberian Valenki Detail
28.02.16 Sau Chin Detail
28.02.16 Elements Pro Gaming Detail

NVIDIA Dota 2 Cup Series Qualifier #12 CIS
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27.02.16 Comeback Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #47
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21.02.16 Jabberwock Detail
21.02.16 Baryl + 4 plebs Detail
21.02.16 Vauhti Detail
21.02.16 choko boys Detail

NVIDIA Dota 2 Cup Series Qualifier #11 CIS
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13.02.16 cliquekz Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #45
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07.02.16 Dwayne The John Rockson Detail

ESL One Manila 2016 Europe Open Qualifier
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23.01.16 PRIES.G2A Detail
23.01.16 On My Way Detail

NVIDIA Dota 2 Cup Series Qualifier #9 CIS
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09.01.16 Enso Detail
09.01.16 4 Friends + Smolin Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #38
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20.12.15 Danish Bears Detail
20.12.15 proXpert-gaming Detail
20.12.15 Inae.Rozbíječi Detail

NVIDIA Dota 2 Cup Series Qualifier #7 CIS
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12.12.15 StaraiaGvardia Detail
12.12.15 Yagoda Detail
12.12.15 DecentCoolPlayers Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #34
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22.11.15 DGG Esports Detail
22.11.15 Team Reaction: Dota2 Detail

NVIDIA Dota 2 Cup Series Qualifier #6 CIS
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14.11.15 D.P.W.Z. Detail
14.11.15 INXY.GG Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #29
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18.10.15 Abraxas Detail
18.10.15 S.P.B Detail
18.10.15 Mango manians Detail
18.10.15 Loving everyone is not Gay Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #27
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04.10.15 Dancing Ponies Detail

NVIDIA Dota 2 Cup Series Qualifier #3 CIS
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04.10.15 .feat.lookingforsponsors Detail
03.10.15 Sabay Gaming Detail
03.10.15 qwdqwfdsfsdfsd Detail
03.10.15 Ludum Industria Detail