Rating Team Vitality 

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ESL R6 (PC) Pro League Season 11 2019 - Europe
created from rating comment match
06.04.20 Rogue Detail
30.03.20 Chaos Detail
23.03.20 Virtus.pro Detail
22.01.20 Virtus.pro Detail
20.01.20 Rogue Detail
13.01.20 BDS Detail
09.01.20 G2 Esports Detail
06.01.20 Team Empire Detail

R6:Siege (PC) Six Invitational Qualifier Playoffs 2020
created from rating comment match
18.12.19 CR4ZY Detail
16.12.19 Mkers Detail

ESL R6 (PC) Pro League Season 10 2019 - Europe
created from rating comment match
14.10.19 GiFu Detail
04.10.19 Team Empire Detail
23.09.19 Natus Vincere Detail
22.07.19 GiFu Detail
15.07.19 PENTA Sports Detail
15.07.19 G2 Esports Detail
21.06.19 Natus Vincere Detail
17.06.19 Team Empire Detail

R6:Siege (PC) Raleigh Qualifier Playoffs 2019
created from rating comment match
18.07.19 Natus Vincere Detail
17.07.19 GiFu Detail
16.07.19 Virtus.pro Detail
12.07.19 Natus Vincere Detail
11.07.19 Team GamerLegion Detail

ESL R6 (PC) Challenger League Playoffs Season 9 2019 - Europe
created from rating comment match
10.05.19 Natus Vincere Detail
29.04.19 Defusekids Detail

ESL R6 (PC) Challenger League Season 9 2019 - Europe
created from rating comment match
22.04.19 ACTINAPACT Detail
22.04.19 Mkers Detail
15.04.19 Defusekids Detail
15.04.19 Supremacy Detail
08.04.19 XTreme Video Esport Detail
08.04.19 Natus Vincere Detail
01.04.19 KKona KKopteri Detail
01.04.19 ACTINAPACT Detail
26.03.19 Mkers Detail
25.03.19 Defusekids Detail
18.03.19 Supremacy Detail
18.03.19 XTreme Video Esport Detail
12.03.19 Natus Vincere Detail
11.03.19 KKona KKopteri Detail

R6:Siege (PC) Six Invitational Playoffs 2019
created from rating comment match
21.01.19 Rogue Detail
16.01.19 Virtus.pro Detail
16.01.19 XTreme Video Esport Detail
16.01.19 CLICK Detail
15.01.19 ACTINAPACT Detail
15.01.19 Rogue Detail
14.01.19 Virtus.pro Detail

ESL R6 (PC) Pro League Season 8 2018 - Europe
created from rating comment match
25.10.18 PENTA Sports Detail
18.10.18 Supremacy Detail
20.09.18 Team Secret Detail
14.09.18 G2 Esports Detail
27.07.18 Team Secret Detail
27.07.18 G2 Esports Detail
05.07.18 Supremacy Detail

ESL R6 (PC) Paris Major Stage 2 Qualifier - Europe
created from rating comment match
07.07.18 Team Empire Detail
06.07.18 KKona KKopteri Detail
03.07.18 T3H eSports Detail
02.07.18 #XBOXMasterRace Detail

R6:Siege (PC) 5on5 Six Invitational 2018 Playoffs Europe
created from rating comment match
13.01.18 Team ORGLESS Detail
06.01.18 Rogue Detail
05.01.18 Sawdust Detail

R6:Siege (PC) Six Invitational 2018 Ladder 5on5 Europe
created from rating comment match
23.12.17 T3H eSports Detail
22.12.17 1stCav eSport Club R6S Detail
21.12.17 ACTINAPACT Detail
21.12.17 Supremacy Detail
20.12.17 PhantomStarGG.R6 Detail
20.12.17 Reborn Detail
19.12.17 TEAM REQUIEM Detail
19.12.17 #XBOXMasterRace Detail
18.12.17 Team ORGLESS Detail
17.12.17 Reborn Detail
17.12.17 ACTINAPACT Detail
16.12.17 Mr's Detail
16.12.17 MetaleaK Detail
15.12.17 Team Empire Detail
15.12.17 Unnamed Detail
14.12.17 Aquila Detail
14.12.17 TEAM REQUIEM Detail
13.12.17 Deadshot Esports Detail
12.12.17 PENTA Sports Detail
12.12.17 Reborn Detail
11.12.17 Hell Gaming A.S.D. Detail
11.12.17 MarGouLin Detail
10.12.17 Ouroboros Detail
10.12.17 against All authority .R6 Detail
10.12.17 Ouroboros Detail
09.12.17 Hell Gaming A.S.D. Detail
09.12.17 Two pracc Detail
09.12.17 Synthax Detail
09.12.17 illusion eSports Detail
08.12.17 beGeniusESC Detail
08.12.17 Rogue Detail
08.12.17 E2 eSports MX Detail
08.12.17 B30 Detail
06.12.17 Rogue Detail
06.12.17 Pinky Ponks Detail
06.12.17 PENTA Sports Detail

ESL R6 (PC) Pro League Year 2 Season 3 2017 - Group A - Europe
created from rating comment match
05.10.17 Team ORGLESS Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #69
created from rating comment match
04.06.17 ROOM FACTORY Mixarino Detail
04.06.17 Memories Detail
04.06.17 Les Poulets du Soleil Levant Detail
04.06.17 SWEAT eSports Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Monthly Finals March 2017
created from rating comment match
11.04.17 Barrage eSports. R6S PC Detail
11.04.17 LAST 20 SEC Detail
11.04.17 EYES ON U - R6S Detail

ESL R6 (PC) Challenger League S1 Group B 2017 Europe
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10.04.17 Invicta-Gaming Detail
21.03.17 SADBOYS Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #60
created from rating comment match
02.04.17 1stCav eSport Club R6S Detail
02.04.17 EnerGy Multi-Gaming Detail
02.04.17 Knugens Hjältar Detail
02.04.17 HornetS Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #59
created from rating comment match
26.03.17 Supremacy Detail
26.03.17 QuanTum-eSports Detail
26.03.17 EnerGy Multi-Gaming Detail
26.03.17 DeathroW Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2017 Europe #113
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15.03.17 S1 eSports Detail
15.03.17 FHD Detail
15.03.17 Axiom.EU Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #57
created from rating comment match
12.03.17 The Last Danes.R6 Detail
12.03.17 eMastery gg wp Detail
12.03.17 True Copper Detail

ESL R6 (PC) Challenger League Season 1 2017 Open Qualifier #2 Europe
created from rating comment match
12.03.17 Monkeys GO4 Win Detail
12.03.17 Les pro du net Detail
11.03.17 AlerioN Detail
11.03.17 Wizards e-Sport Club Detail
11.03.17 In Honor of Team ZODIACS Detail
11.03.17 Dachis Detail

ESL R6 (PC) Challenger League Season 1 2017 Open Qualifier #1 Europe
created from rating comment match
10.03.17 Radiant eSports Detail
09.03.17 EYES ON U - R6S Detail
09.03.17 against All authority .R6 Detail
09.03.17 Axiom.EU Detail
09.03.17 Helix eSports Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2017 Europe #111
created from rating comment match
08.03.17 TORNADO.R6 Detail
08.03.17 LAST 20 SEC Detail
08.03.17 Synergy Squad - R6:Siege Detail
08.03.17 Dachis Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #56
created from rating comment match
05.03.17 Monkeys GO4 Win Detail
05.03.17 GiFu esports Detail
05.03.17 1stCav eSport Club R6S Detail
05.03.17 XiLe Detail
05.03.17 Mixed irgendwas Detail
05.03.17 Victory Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #55
created from rating comment match
26.02.17 XiLe Detail
26.02.17 Deadly Five Detail
26.02.17 1stCav eSport Club R6S Detail

ESL R6 (PC) Pro League Season 1 2017 Open Qualifier #2 Europe
created from rating comment match
25.02.17 against All authority .R6 Detail
25.02.17 Natus Dominari Go4R6 Team Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Monthly Finals January 2017
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14.02.17 infernal Gamerz Detail
14.02.17 BAM eSport Detail
14.02.17 Team ImmenZ Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #51
created from rating comment match
23.01.17 1UPeSport.GAIMX Detail
22.01.17 7uP.R6S Detail
22.01.17 LOREM lPSUM Detail
22.01.17 XIM5 Detail
22.01.17 VFL Z3rO FireFighters 2 Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2017 Europe #101
created from rating comment match
19.01.17 BAM eSport Detail
19.01.17 iLumina eSport Detail
18.01.17 Garden eSports Detail
18.01.17 Team Valiant Detail
18.01.17 inTenSia Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #50
created from rating comment match
16.01.17 BAM eSport Detail
15.01.17 infernal Gamerz Detail
15.01.17 1nFamy Detail
15.01.17 Team KapaKlan Detail
15.01.17 Charlie carries Detail
15.01.17 Di mateo Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2017 Europe #97
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05.01.17 BAM eSport Detail
05.01.17 going to graveyard Detail
04.01.17 Team Enyx Detail
04.01.17 Bad 1.0 Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #48
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03.01.17 team_Minions Detail
03.01.17 3️⃣1️⃣ Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #44
created from rating comment match
04.12.16 1UPeSport Detail
04.12.16 BAM eSport Detail
04.12.16 Team Accused Detail

R6 (One) Six Invitational Qualifier Cup #1 Europe
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03.12.16 7uP.R6S Detail
03.12.16 Ad R6S Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #41
created from rating comment match
13.11.16 Be Naked Detail
13.11.16 AMG Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Monthly Finals October 2016
created from rating comment match
08.11.16 Supremacy Detail
08.11.16 infernal Gamerz Detail
08.11.16 Barrage eSports Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #38
created from rating comment match
23.10.16 Supremacy Detail
23.10.16 Barrage eSports Detail
23.10.16 Ex3cutioner Team Detail
23.10.16 unlimited Gaming Esports Detail
23.10.16 Vendetta Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #37
created from rating comment match
16.10.16 Barrage eSports Detail
16.10.16 VoiD Gaming.R6S Detail
16.10.16 Team Kaos Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #78
created from rating comment match
12.10.16 1UPeSport Detail
12.10.16 Dragons Power Gaming Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #36
created from rating comment match
10.10.16 Supremacy Detail
09.10.16 1nFamy Detail
09.10.16 OTz I Revival Detail
09.10.16 Be Naked Detail
09.10.16 Verve eSports Detail
09.10.16 MPEP Detail

R6 (One) France 6Cup Road to Paris Finales
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09.10.16 Lethal Divide eSport Closed Detail
03.10.16 Osterity R6 Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Monthly Finals September 2016
created from rating comment match
04.10.16 VoiD Gaming.Test Detail

R6 (One) France 6Cup Road to Paris
created from rating comment match
27.09.16 Bad 1.0 Detail
21.09.16 Ordinary Detail
15.09.16 Saints Esport Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #33
created from rating comment match
18.09.16 Rift Gaming R6S Detail
18.09.16 ePunks.gg Detail
18.09.16 Osterity R6 Detail
18.09.16 SILENT KILLS Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #68
created from rating comment match
08.09.16 Osterity R6 Detail
07.09.16 Di mateo VV Good Game Detail
07.09.16 OTz I Europe Detail
07.09.16 Ex3cutioner Team Detail
07.09.16 SinisteR.Casual Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #31
created from rating comment match
04.09.16 vuLcan eSports Detail
04.09.16 Osterity R6 Detail
04.09.16 Ex3cutioner Team Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #66
created from rating comment match
01.09.16 SinisteR.R6S Detail
31.08.16 Di mateo Detail
31.08.16 Asgard R6S Detail

R6 (One) France Summer Challenge Finales
created from rating comment match
28.08.16 eXeS.Demential Detail

R6 (One) France Summer Challenge Cup #3
created from rating comment match
21.07.16 Epsilon eSports Detail
21.07.16 Supremacy Detail
20.07.16 Asphor.eSport Detail
20.07.16 Aura Esport Detail

R6 (One) France Summer Challenge Cup #1
created from rating comment match
06.07.16 SDL Motorsport R6S Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Monthly Finals June 2016
created from rating comment match
05.07.16 Team Viral Detail
05.07.16 Team Egnite Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #21
created from rating comment match
26.06.16 PuR eSports Detail
26.06.16 OTz I Revival Detail
26.06.16 Rift Gaming Detail
26.06.16 Players Union FR 2 Esport Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #19
created from rating comment match
13.06.16 Xenos.GG Detail
12.06.16 Team-infused_ Detail
12.06.16 ePunks.gg Detail
12.06.16 Playerz With Attitudes Detail
12.06.16 o UK o Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #18
created from rating comment match
06.06.16 Supremacy Detail
05.06.16 Dont Panik R6S Detail
05.06.16 impeX CmBk Detail
05.06.16 FulMinaT Conspiration Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #40
created from rating comment match
02.06.16 eQuation eSport Detail
01.06.16 FORTIS abcdeSports Detail
01.06.16 Team Egnite Detail
01.06.16 Xenos.GG Detail
01.06.16 DarkteamV2 Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #17
created from rating comment match
30.05.16 Xenos.GG Detail
29.05.16 Supremacy Detail
29.05.16 BAM eSport Detail
29.05.16 The Sentinels Detail
29.05.16 FulMinaT Conspiration Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #16
created from rating comment match
23.05.16 NeXus_R6S Detail
23.05.16 XGS eSports e.V. Detail
22.05.16 Enigma.Trix eSport Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #36
created from rating comment match
18.05.16 Rise Of EviL Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #34
created from rating comment match
11.05.16 Team-infused_ Detail
11.05.16 dzs.Rainbow Six Detail
11.05.16 inVerse R6S Detail

Plantronics EU R6: Siege Challenge - April Final
created from rating comment match
07.05.16 Team-infused_ Detail
07.05.16 Redemption R6S Detail
07.05.16 OTz I Revival Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #32
created from rating comment match
04.05.16 Supremacy Detail
04.05.16 Pb82 Chroma Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Monthly Finals April 2016
created from rating comment match
03.05.16 Xenos.GG Detail

Plantronics EU R6: Siege Challenge - April Cup #4
created from rating comment match
30.04.16 Team Bionic Detail
30.04.16 Redemption R6S Detail
30.04.16 OTz I Revival Detail
30.04.16 Divinity Detail

Plantronics EU R6: Siege Challenge - April Cup #3
created from rating comment match
23.04.16 iDomina eSports Detail
23.04.16 Team-infused_ Detail
23.04.16 Redemption R6S Detail
23.04.16 NeXus_R6S Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #11
created from rating comment match
17.04.16 BAM.R6S Detail
17.04.16 eQuation eSport Detail
17.04.16 Playerz With Attitudes Detail

Plantronics EU R6: Siege Challenge - April Cup #2
created from rating comment match
16.04.16 Team-infused_ Detail
16.04.16 Team Bionic Detail
16.04.16 Enigma.Trix eSport Detail
16.04.16 Brother To Guerria Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Monthly Finals March 2016
created from rating comment match
12.04.16 Team Bionic Detail
12.04.16 - The Select FeW - Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #9
created from rating comment match
04.04.16 Supremacy Detail
03.04.16 Roster Test Detail
03.04.16 Team Bionic Detail
03.04.16 ePunks.gg Detail
03.04.16 Homer Game fr Detail

Rainbow Six Siege (One) Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
created from rating comment match
22.03.16 BAM.R6S Detail
24.02.16 Team sabotage Detail
23.02.16 AuraEsport Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #7
created from rating comment match
21.03.16 Roster Test Detail
20.03.16 Supremacy Detail
20.03.16 ImmenZ.. Detail
20.03.16 Unity e-Sports Detail
20.03.16 Ghost Gaming X1 Detail

Rainbow Six: Siege (One) 5on5 Coupe de France - Groupe A
created from rating comment match
18.03.16 iSlayinG Detail
11.03.16 BAM.R6S Detail
04.03.16 187uN Detail
29.02.16 OKLM Detail
24.02.16 BIFL Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #6
created from rating comment match
13.03.16 Roster Test Detail
13.03.16 Supremacy Detail
13.03.16 Team infused RB6 Detail
13.03.16 iSlayinG Detail
13.03.16 Elysium R6 Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #16
created from rating comment match
09.03.16 ePunks.gg Detail
09.03.16 The Jihadi lethals gg Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Monthly Finals February 2016
created from rating comment match
08.03.16 Supremacy Detail
08.03.16 Les Gaulois Detail
08.03.16 Team BWB Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #5
created from rating comment match
06.03.16 Supremacy Detail
06.03.16 Roster Test Detail
06.03.16 Fallen Spartans Detail
06.03.16 PANDA Gaming Team RB6 Detail
06.03.16 FFS Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #14
created from rating comment match
03.03.16 DON Gaming RB6 Detail
03.03.16 Pretty in pinkl Detail
02.03.16 TNT - Raptors Detail
02.03.16 OTz I Revival Detail
02.03.16 AVR.Rainbow Team Hornet gg Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #4
created from rating comment match
29.02.16 Roster Test Detail
28.02.16 Supremacy Detail
28.02.16 Team infused RB6 Detail
28.02.16 Unity e-Sports Detail
28.02.16 SensoriA UnReaL Detail
28.02.16 Team Heart Break Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #3
created from rating comment match
21.02.16 Redemption R6S Detail
21.02.16 Zambia team Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #2
created from rating comment match
15.02.16 ImmenZ.. Detail
14.02.16 Roster Test Detail
14.02.16 InFamouS.Vintage Detail
14.02.16 OTz I Revival Detail
14.02.16 Nofolknchance Detail
14.02.16 Breach Boys Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #1
created from rating comment match
08.02.16 Team BWB Detail
08.02.16 Epsilon eSports Detail
08.02.16 DON Gaming RB6 Detail
07.02.16 ImmenZ.. Detail
07.02.16 InFamouS.R6S Detail
07.02.16 Elysium R6 Detail
07.02.16 xDr3ampupp3tsx Rushing us as we were unable to veto as site not responding on time and a bit snappy in messages. Detail
07.02.16 Knights of Doom Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #7
created from rating comment match
07.02.16 TeamGillette friendly and fair matches, thanks and gg Detail
07.02.16 InFamouS.R6S Detail
06.02.16 Safety First got jobs? Detail
06.02.16 AVR.Rainbow Team Hornet Detail
06.02.16 Thomas the dank engine Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Kickoff Cup 2016 Europe #3
created from rating comment match
14.01.16 Spirit.of.Champion Detail
12.01.16 Supremacy Detail
11.01.16 AVR.Rainbow Team Hornet Detail
11.01.16 UNITY Rolcage Detail