Rating SiegeStateOfMind .SiegeMind

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Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #13
created from rating comment match
01.05.16 Bad Call-Outs Detail

Rainbow Six Siege (One) Open Ladder 5on5 North America
created from rating comment match
27.04.16 BoNeSaW and friends Detail
28.02.16 Krusty Krew Detail
28.02.16 Wayne Mahar Groupies Detail
28.02.16 AION 100 Detail
27.02.16 Retaliation Detail
27.02.16 Too High To Play Detail
26.02.16 l Devotion Detail
26.02.16 Mafia Esports Detail
26.02.16 Light Speed Gaming Detail
26.02.16 Retaliation Detail
25.02.16 Fire Team Whiskey Detail
25.02.16 United States of Canada Detail
24.02.16 AION 100 Detail
24.02.16 Team Work Defined Detail
23.02.16 Savage Skrubs Detail
22.02.16 Sexy Man Clan Detail
22.02.16 420 Siege 420 Detail
21.02.16 AION 100 Detail
21.02.16 Mafia Mexicana Detail
21.02.16 Mass Hysteria Detail
21.02.16 Wayne Mahar Groupies Detail
21.02.16 Middle Finger Mafia Detail
20.02.16 United States of Canada Detail
20.02.16 The Back Door Commodores Detail
19.02.16 SOUND GAMING Detail
19.02.16 Sexy Man Clan Detail
19.02.16 SOUND GAMING Detail
19.02.16 Suicide Squad Detail
18.02.16 LAB Detail
18.02.16 FoE Detail
17.02.16 TBKB Have a clip of shooting DogleggedElm in head and him surviving. Detail
17.02.16 Oblivion Detail
16.02.16 l Devotion Detail
16.02.16 Aporia Esports Detail
15.02.16 Sexy Man Clan Detail
14.02.16 R6Street2Track Detail
14.02.16 TEABAG_NATION bad host connection. Good players Detail
14.02.16 Unknown Gamers Detail
14.02.16 suicideDRIVE Detail
14.02.16 Pro Vision Gaming Detail
14.02.16 ADS Legion Detail
13.02.16 Aporia Esports Detail
12.02.16 Galactic Mafia Detail
12.02.16 Brothers In War Detail
11.02.16 United States of Canada Detail
10.02.16 Retaliation Detail

Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #4
created from rating comment match
28.02.16 Light Speed Gaming Detail
28.02.16 DevilsRejects Bad internet connection on their end Detail
28.02.16 Dirty D and the boys Detail

Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #2
created from rating comment match
15.02.16 Nemesis v1 Detail
15.02.16 Dirty D and the boys Detail
14.02.16 Retardedkillers Detail
14.02.16 The Muppet Men Detail
14.02.16 Sink Clan Detail

Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #1
created from rating comment match
07.02.16 Carnage and Chaos Detail
07.02.16 EL Savages Detail
07.02.16 Tossing a C4 Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Community Cup 2016 NA #3
created from rating comment match
31.01.16 ayy team gg Detail
31.01.16 Virtual Detail