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R6 (One) France Summer Challenge Cup #3
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20.07.16 RSiX Detail
20.07.16 Player For Life Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #24
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17.07.16 R6 Pro League Y1S3 Detail
17.07.16 Gamerz 5 Detail
17.07.16 ApeX Detail
17.07.16 Tactical Gaming Brothers Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #53
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16.07.16 exceL eSports R6S Detail
16.07.16 Fab Animus Detail
16.07.16 Exiled Esport Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #22
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03.07.16 The Sentinels Detail
03.07.16 AneVia_Gaming Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #48
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29.06.16 TR6T Charlie Detail
29.06.16 rks chuwdu Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #21
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26.06.16 Be Naked Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #47
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25.06.16 Epsilon eSports Detail
25.06.16 AIE Gaming Club Detail
25.06.16 SiegerS Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #16
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23.05.16 dzs.Rainbow Six Detail
22.05.16 Dont Panik R6S Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #15
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16.05.16 Team Egnite Detail
16.05.16 BAM eSport Detail
15.05.16 Xenos.GG Detail
15.05.16 Unity e-Sports Detail
15.05.16 FORTIS abcdeSports sponge Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #14
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08.05.16 Xenos.GG Detail
08.05.16 XGS eSports e.V. Detail
08.05.16 AVR.Rainbow Team Hornet gg Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #13
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01.05.16 Team-infused_ Detail
01.05.16 RSiX Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #12
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24.04.16 BAM eSport Detail
24.04.16 Resolve.PS4 Detail
24.04.16 EXT R.6.S Nice bunch of players! Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #11
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17.04.16 Team Vitality Detail
17.04.16 iSlayinG Detail
17.04.16 NaNoxGEEK Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #10
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10.04.16 Les tchokers Detail

R6: Siege (One) Open League Spring 2016 Europe
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07.04.16 fabE Games R6S Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #9
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03.04.16 Team Bionic Detail
03.04.16 Roosters test Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #23
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03.04.16 Team-infused_ Detail
02.04.16 Xenos.GG Detail
02.04.16 ReBirth eSports Detail
02.04.16 Vixen eSports Detail
02.04.16 Scok Yeah Detail

Rainbow Six Siege (One) Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
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30.03.16 Skillz- ESP Detail
30.03.16 Redemption R6S Detail
29.03.16 XceLLence Detail
28.03.16 - The Select FeW - Detail
28.03.16 XGS eSports e.V. Detail
28.03.16 - The Select FeW - Detail
24.03.16 Cobalt R6 Detail
23.03.16 XceLLence Detail
22.03.16 Neo Esport Team très sympathique avec qui j\'aimerais rejouer sans interruption très bon match. Merci les B Detail
22.03.16 Team Vitality Detail
21.03.16 XceLLence Detail
15.03.16 Defenders of Society Remains Detail
15.03.16 Team I Pure Good game Detail
15.03.16 XceLLence Battered us, well played Detail
14.03.16 Jesus Army Un vrai plaisir. Detail
10.03.16 XceLLence Initially refused reschedule until they couldn\'t play, strong side, but very unfair. Detail
08.03.16 End of Game Over Detail
07.03.16 SHARKS Gaming R6S Detail
06.03.16 XceLLence Really good game. 2 Overtimes Detail
03.03.16 Cobalt R6 Detail
01.03.16 Cryogene eSports Detail
25.02.16 Team BWB Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #7
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20.03.16 Roster Test Detail
20.03.16 TNT - Raptors Detail
20.03.16 Team KapaKlan Alles in Ordnung Detail

Rainbow Six: Siege (One) 5on5 Coupe de France - Groupe A
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17.03.16 AuraEsport Detail
16.03.16 Spirit.of.Champion Detail
10.03.16 Team Vitality Detail
05.03.16 Les Petits Sangliers Detail
28.02.16 Sk1T Detail
24.02.16 Team CmBk Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #6
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13.03.16 Epsilon eSports Detail
13.03.16 BAM eSport Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #5
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06.03.16 Epsilon eSports Detail
06.03.16 Les Gaulois Detail
06.03.16 Unity e-Sports Detail
06.03.16 Pb82 Chroma Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #14
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02.03.16 - The Select FeW - Detail
02.03.16 No Sweats forfeit win due to them boring us to sleep with shit hosting and false rule claiming. Detail
02.03.16 BANANA Detail
02.03.16 Metal Gear Crew Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #4
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28.02.16 Strappa Detail
28.02.16 DON Gaming RB6 Detail
28.02.16 Elysium R6 Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #3
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21.02.16 PANDA Gaming Team RB6 Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #2
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14.02.16 Roster Test Detail
14.02.16 Btk7 Detail
14.02.16 Tenacity Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #1
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07.02.16 Naksun Paksut bad connection Detail
07.02.16 Gaming Friends Co Detail
07.02.16 Cryogene eSports Detail