Rating GunZ Gaming 

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Go4R6 (PC) LATAM Cup #64
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09.07.18 PL_AKIRA Detail
08.07.18 Só os BRABO Detail
08.07.18 Killers Silent Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #32
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28.12.16 F4natiks Detail
28.12.16 Team Immitis - XBOX Detail
28.12.16 TriX Gaming Detail
28.12.16 Born To Kill (B2K) Detail
27.12.16 Firestorm e-Sports Detail

R6 Six Invitational LATAM (One) Qualificatória #2
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10.12.16 Exile Gaming Xone Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #30
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04.12.16 INTZ e-sport Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #29
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27.11.16 LorDs Team Detail
27.11.16 Trung Sisters Team Detail
27.11.16 FoxTroT TEAM Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #28
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20.11.16 Unity e-Sports Detail
20.11.16 ARIES e-SportS Detail
20.11.16 Natural Born Killers Detail

R6 Copa da Comunidade (One) #2
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04.11.16 Da Pig Squad Detail
04.11.16 FanTaSy Team Detail
02.11.16 Born To Kill (B2K) Detail
02.11.16 Unity e-Sports Detail
21.10.16 LorDs Team Detail
19.10.16 phoeniX.TEAM Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #23
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09.10.16 SoFt Team Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #22
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02.10.16 HooSIER e-Sports Black Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #21
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25.09.16 UltraKill Detail
25.09.16 COD Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #20
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18.09.16 Warriors Phantoms Team Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #19
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11.09.16 Stormz Sports Detail
11.09.16 Renegados Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #18
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28.08.16 RECKLESS e-SPORTS Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #17
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21.08.16 Esquadrao SiX Detail
21.08.16 FLoW.GaMinG Detail

R6 Elite Six (One) Repescagem Season 2
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18.07.16 Best Players E-Sports Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #14
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03.07.16 Complex Gamingg Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #12
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20.06.16 Factory Assault Team Detail
19.06.16 Accuracy.Team Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #10
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06.06.16 fnaYc Team Detail
05.06.16 SHIELD Z Detail
05.06.16 Da Pig Squad Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #9 Edição Especial
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25.05.16 Dolly Team Detail
25.05.16 STrO Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #8
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22.05.16 Best Players E-Sports Detail
22.05.16 ANTI TERROR SQUADS Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #7
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15.05.16 OpiTimus Gaming Detail
15.05.16 OpiTimus Gaming Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Finais de Abril
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24.04.16 Black Dragons e-Sports Detail
24.04.16 Dolly Team Detail

R6 Elite Six (One) LATAM Season 1 Playoffs
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15.04.16 Santos Dexterity Detail

R6 Elite Six (One) LATAM Season 1
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13.04.16 Black Dragons e-Sports Detail
08.04.16 IcEd Coffee e-Sports Detail
06.04.16 Depressao Team Detail
03.04.16 Dolly Team Nenhum problema durante a partida Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #6
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27.03.16 STrO Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #5
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20.03.16 WarLive eSports Detail
20.03.16 Spartan Team - R6 Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #4
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13.03.16 Factory Assault Team o jogo foi pausado em out 1 x 0 gunz Detail
13.03.16 WarLive eSports Detail
13.03.16 SHIELD Z Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Finais de Março
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06.03.16 Esquadrao Suicida One Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #3
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29.02.16 FoX e-sports Detail
28.02.16 Dolly Team Detail
28.02.16 Suicide Squad Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #2
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26.02.16 Esquadrao Suicida One Detail
25.02.16 WarLive eSports Detail

R6 Liga Six (One) LATAM Cup #1
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22.02.16 Santos Dexterity 5 a 0 Primeiro Mapa 5 a 2 Segundo Mapa Detail
21.02.16 Maverick Team BR Retiraram pontuação de quando derruba alguém, e isso atrapalhou um pouco a jogabilidade. Detail
21.02.16 Factory Assault Team Detail
21.02.16 Dark Wolfs Detail