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ESL R6 (PC) Six Masters 2019
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23.06.19 FNATIC Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup #76
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02.06.19 Turnstile Detail
02.06.19 Bizarre Gaming Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup #75
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26.05.19 ACME Esports Detail
26.05.19 ACME Esports Detail
26.05.19 Bizarre Gaming Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup #74
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19.05.19 Team CryptiK Detail
19.05.19 Power Plays Detail
19.05.19 Team CryptiK Detail
19.05.19 Power Plays Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup #72
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05.05.19 Read My Aggression Detail

R6: Siege - Six Oceanic Cup
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16.03.19 ORDER Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup - February Monthly Final
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09.03.19 Average Joe's (Ex-Skyfire) Detail
09.03.19 Tex "Tex" Thompson Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup #64
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03.03.19 SleeperGG (Disband) Detail
03.03.19 Justice Esports Detail
03.03.19 Team Esper Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup #61
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10.02.19 Bizarre Gaming Detail
10.02.19 Gold team Detail
10.02.19 Dynasty Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup #59
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27.01.19 JAB JAB Detail
27.01.19 Trevor the boooot Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup #57 - Summer Series Qualifier
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13.01.19 Rhythm Detail
13.01.19 Nagaoka Detail
13.01.19 SleeperGG (Disband) Detail
13.01.19 Sporks Not Forks Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup #55
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16.12.18 Please Change Your Name Detail
16.12.18 Downfall Detail
16.12.18 Invictus R6 - 2 Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup - October Monthly Final
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04.11.18 JarJarAcousticGuitar Detail
04.11.18 Dealy's Money Crew Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup #48
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28.10.18 SleeperGG (Disband) Detail
28.10.18 Uncanny eSports Detail
28.10.18 Bizarre Gaming Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup - September Monthly Final
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21.10.18 Exsto Gaming Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup #43
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23.09.18 Dealy's Money Crew Detail
23.09.18 Who Needs Actual Strats Detail
23.09.18 Exsto Gaming Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup #42
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16.09.18 Downfall Detail
16.09.18 Sphinx eSports Detail
16.09.18 Mount Franklin Detail
16.09.18 Exsto Gaming Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup #41
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09.09.18 Vanquish R6S Detail
09.09.18 Exsto Gaming Detail
09.09.18 Team Phoenix Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ July 2018 Monthly Final
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19.08.18 Downfall Detail
19.08.18 Downfall Detail
19.08.18 Who Needs Actual Strats Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup #38
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12.08.18 Downfall Detail
12.08.18 Downfall Detail
12.08.18 Team CryptiK Detail
12.08.18 Lèsè eSports ANZ Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup #37
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05.08.18 Downfall Detail
05.08.18 ACME Esports Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup #36
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29.07.18 Shattered R6 Detail
29.07.18 Downfall Detail
29.07.18 Allardice Gaming U18 Detail

Go4R6 (PC) ANZ Cup #34
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15.07.18 Downfall Detail
15.07.18 Bot Obama Detail
15.07.18 Shattered R6 Detail
15.07.18 Rhythm Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ Cup #31
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23.06.18 Knights eSports Detail
23.06.18 Carnage Detail
23.06.18 Spiced Amigo Turtles Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ Cup #30
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16.06.18 Knights eSports Detail
16.06.18 OTF Detail
16.06.18 ACME Esports Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ April 2018 Monthly Final
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03.06.18 Team CryptiK Detail
03.06.18 Team CryptiK Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ Cup #27
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27.05.18 Urban Gorillaz Detail
27.05.18 Urban Gorillaz Detail
27.05.18 MoistTowellet Detail
27.05.18 InFact Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ Cup #26
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20.05.18 Diamond Dropkicks Detail
20.05.18 Desolation Esports Detail
20.05.18 Team Ta Whomst Detail
20.05.18 Great War Detail
20.05.18 Apex Esports Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ Cup #25
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13.05.18 zegg Detail
13.05.18 Urban Gorillaz Detail
13.05.18 Allardice Gaming Detail
13.05.18 ACME Esports Detail
13.05.18 neXus Prophecy Detail
13.05.18 Team CryptiK Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ Cup #23
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29.04.18 Mother of War Detail
29.04.18 Victrix Detail
29.04.18 Desolation Esports Detail
29.04.18 Urban Gorillaz Detail
29.04.18 Abstract Black Detail
29.04.18 Team Ta Whomst Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ March 2018 Monthly Final
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22.04.18 Victrix Detail
22.04.18 Power Plays Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ Cup #21
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08.04.18 Victrix Detail
08.04.18 Outlaws Black Detail
08.04.18 CH3F Detail
08.04.18 Nagaoka Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ Cup #20
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01.04.18 Team CryptiK Detail
01.04.18 Devious R6 U18 just good. Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ Cup #19
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25.03.18 Mount Franklin Detail
25.03.18 Verdict Detail
25.03.18 Team Ta Whomst Detail
25.03.18 Happy Birthday Noodle Detail
25.03.18 Mother of War Detail
25.03.18 Legion Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ Cup #18
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18.03.18 Victrix Detail
18.03.18 ... Detail
18.03.18 Power Plays Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ Cup #17
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18.02.18 Pantheon eSports Detail
18.02.18 Knights eSports Detail
18.02.18 Team Tribal Detail
18.02.18 Rapid Esports R6 Detail
18.02.18 Smith’s Chips Esports Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ Cup #16
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11.02.18 Team Puffle Detail
11.02.18 Vanquish Blue Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ Cup #15
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04.02.18 Team CryptiK Detail
04.02.18 Victrix Detail
04.02.18 Knights eSports Detail
04.02.18 Pantheon eSports Detail
04.02.18 Eden Detail
04.02.18 Rapid Esports R6 Detail
04.02.18 KGB eSports Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ Cup #14
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28.01.18 Medusa Detail
28.01.18 Knights eSports Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ Cup #10
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18.11.17 Diamond Dropkicks Detail
18.11.17 Zero Gaming Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Go4R6 ANZ Cup #8
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04.11.17 AvanicEsportsGamingClubR6 Detail

Go4 Rainbow Six: Siege (PS4) ANZ Cup #7
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02.09.17 Force eSports Detail

Go4 Rainbow Six: Siege (PS4) ANZ Cup #5
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12.08.17 Absolute Gaming Detail
12.08.17 Oblivion Gaming Detail

Go4 Rainbow Six: Siege (PS4) ANZ Cup #4
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05.08.17 Urban Gorrilaz Detail

Go4 Rainbow Six: Siege (PS4) ANZ Cup #3
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29.07.17 Absolute Gaming Detail

Go4 Rainbow Six: Siege (PS4) ANZ Cup #2
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22.07.17 Absolute Gaming Detail
22.07.17 Genesis Detail