Rating League of eXtraordinary Gentlemen

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Vietcong TeamplayLadder
created to rating comment match
04.11.05 X-MaRiNeS.Vc-Honorary Team Byli OK Detail
01.06.05 Uz to Bal gg ale měli šílený lagýýýýýýýýýýý.Jinak obrá hra díky Detail
24.05.05 edd.vc team Hrály ste férově, domluva OK Detail
21.05.05 neRoliTe Detail
21.05.05 XanTiX Reaction Detail
18.05.05 True hard clan GG Detail
23.04.05 Red Cross GF... Detail
24.03.05 Under Czech Flag.VC Celkem se to dalo... Detail
12.03.05 Killers from Tower Good fight hodne stesti do dalsich her Detail