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Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Open Cup #116 Europe
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16.11.19 Pateu de cal Detail
16.11.19 TeletubiseHD Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Open Cup #78 Europe
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15.11.19 mashuP [Zula] Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Open Cup #77 Europe
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08.11.19 US Marines Detail
08.11.19 Chared eSports Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Open Cup #54 Europe
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31.05.19 Dude where's my Quantum 1 Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Open Cup #53 Europe
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24.05.19 Dude where's my quantum Detail
24.05.19 BloodScribers Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Open Cup #90 Europe
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18.05.19 NortheNBullz Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Open Cup #52 Europe
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17.05.19 Reaperz Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #83 Europe
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30.03.19 KAZNA-Team Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #44 Europe
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25.03.19 CZ-SK Tým C Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #82 Europe
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23.03.19 BigUnibrow - Zula Detail
23.03.19 Greskee Detail
23.03.19 GR Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #43 Europe
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18.03.19 Mikstura Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #81 Europe
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16.03.19 BigUnibrow - Zula Detail
16.03.19 E-NergY[FR] Detail
16.03.19 Konkistadori Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #42 Europe
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11.03.19 3v3 randoms Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #80 Europe
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09.03.19 virtuE Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #41 Europe
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04.03.19 Black Boys Detail
04.03.19 ByaKuGaN Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #79 Europe
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02.03.19 AMB1TION Detail
02.03.19 Konkistadori Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #40 Europe
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25.02.19 Crystal Team Detail
25.02.19 Pandore eSport Detail
25.02.19 zulpro Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #78 Europe
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23.02.19 5P Detail
23.02.19 NeverBack Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #39 Europe
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18.02.19 KEKW Detail
18.02.19 Octalit_Esport Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #77 Europe
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16.02.19 Mixed Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #38 Europe
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11.02.19 IceCold Zula Detail
11.02.19 INVICTUS Detail
11.02.19 Crystal Team Detail
11.02.19 SuRe Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #76 Europe
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09.02.19 NETopery Detail
09.02.19 ZulaBalkanci Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #37 Europe
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04.02.19 inFLAME eSports Detail
04.02.19 MNE-ESPORT4 Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #75 Europe
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02.02.19 NETopery Detail
02.02.19 SPANISH-WARRIORS Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #36 Europe
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28.01.19 ŽNj Detail
28.01.19 Vination Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #74 Europe
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26.01.19 Vination Detail
26.01.19 Team Bandits Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #35 Europe
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21.01.19 Panteri Detail
21.01.19 Young5 Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #73 Europe
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19.01.19 HATELOVE Detail
19.01.19 Blue Fox Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #34 Europe
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14.01.19 HATELOVE Detail
14.01.19 VAC Detail
14.01.19 SMITE Detail
14.01.19 Holosight Detail
14.01.19 ProDiGy Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #72 Europe
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12.01.19 Spriggan 3 Detail
12.01.19 JbaciMtera Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #33 Europe
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07.01.19 Wild-Animals Detail
07.01.19 KUPROS-ELLADA Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #71 Europe
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05.01.19 NETopery Detail
05.01.19 Werewolves Detail
05.01.19 Dr.Oetker Detail

Go4Zula Europe Cup #31
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30.12.18 5P Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #32 Europe
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24.12.18 ez Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #69 Europe
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22.12.18 144hz squad Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #31 Europe
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17.12.18 Nostalgie Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #30 Europe
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10.12.18 Astra eSport 3v3 Detail
10.12.18 Rzut OszczepemVVV Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #67 Europe
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08.12.18 AMB1TION Detail
08.12.18 Venom e-Sports Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #66 Europe
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01.12.18 NETopery Detail
01.12.18 Yilbeyroin Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #72 Europe
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29.11.18 AMB1TION Detail
29.11.18 WeedyGamers Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #28 Europe
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26.11.18 AMB1TION Detail
26.11.18 CroFamily Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #65 Europe
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24.11.18 - Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #71 Europe
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22.11.18 QQmore Detail
22.11.18 Łapciolandia Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #27 Europe
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20.11.18 YILDIZ TEŞKİLATI Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #64 Europe
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17.11.18 PRIDE Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #70 Europe
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15.11.18 El_Cartel Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #26 Europe
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12.11.18 Falcon Team Detail
12.11.18 LuXen-ESPORTS Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #63 Europe
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10.11.18 Konjske Snage Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #69 Europe
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08.11.18 Garrrbaci Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #25 Europe
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05.11.18 gucumameli Detail
05.11.18 CUMHURİYET Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #62 Europe
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03.11.18 MEMORIC Detail
03.11.18 [IR]-TaCTiCaL Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #68 Europe
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01.11.18 PompaTeam.zula Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #61 Europe
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27.10.18 MAŚN1UTKO Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #67 Europe
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25.10.18 INSTINCT Detail
25.10.18 Age Detail
25.10.18 Zula Balkan Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #23 Europe
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22.10.18 Angrybears eSport Detail
22.10.18 AnunnakiTeam Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #66 Europe
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18.10.18 WE DONT KNOW Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #22 Europe
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15.10.18 BlackBears Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #59 Europe
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13.10.18 NETopery Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #65 Europe
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11.10.18 Werewolves Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #58 Europe
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06.10.18 NETopery Detail
06.10.18 ElbetBirGün Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #64 Europe
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04.10.18 Viyare e-Sports 3v3 Detail
04.10.18 JakoTako Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #20 Europe
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01.10.18 JiTeM Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #57 Europe
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29.09.18 IQ e-Sports Detail
29.09.18 ZulaSpain ll Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #19 Europe
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24.09.18 StarWolf Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #55 Europe
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15.09.18 NETopery Detail
15.09.18 Team Bandits Detail
15.09.18 Head-HunterS Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #61 Europe
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13.09.18 eXaLted Detail
13.09.18 Dzikie Wonsze Detail
13.09.18 HATELOVE Detail
13.09.18 Justice Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #17 Europe
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10.09.18 visuaL Gaming Detail
10.09.18 Fenerbahçe 1907 Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #54 Europe
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08.09.18 NETopery Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #59 Europe
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30.08.18 SpaceCats 3x3 Detail
30.08.18 *Deporters* Detail

Go4Zula International Cup Series EU North East #08
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26.08.18 NETopery Detail
26.08.18 AMB1TION Detail
26.08.18 VVV Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #52 Europe
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25.08.18 -J-S-O- Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #58 Europe
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23.08.18 ZulaSpain ll Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #51 Europe
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18.08.18 WeArBest! Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #13 Europe
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13.08.18 AMB1TION Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #50 Europe
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11.08.18 WeKillForMoneY Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #56 Europe
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09.08.18 Magovi Detail
09.08.18 123SOLEIL Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #12 Europe
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06.08.18 PRIDE Detail
06.08.18 Team Culotte Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #55 Europe
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02.08.18 Magovi Detail
02.08.18 Remember Us Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #10 Europe
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23.07.18 KupusMafija Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #47 Europe
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21.07.18 SpaceCats e-Sports Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #45 Europe
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07.07.18 VatanSanaCanımFeda Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #7 Europe
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02.07.18 BalkanSpartan Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #43 Europe
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23.06.18 Empire Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #49 Europe
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21.06.18 ItalianMaccaroni 3v3 Detail
21.06.18 KONSANTRASYON Detail
21.06.18 Zula AuthoritY Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #5 Europe
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18.06.18 FantasyITA Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #48 Europe
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14.06.18 Deviance Detail
14.06.18 NoobsDestroyers Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #41 Europe
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09.06.18 iMoRTaL Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #47 Europe
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07.06.18 TEAM INSTINCT Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #2 Europe
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28.05.18 eldoka na fristajlu Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #39 Europe
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26.05.18 buh smoking Detail
26.05.18 HOT Fraggers Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #45 Europe
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24.05.18 Death-Energy Detail
24.05.18 Sparta Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #38 Europe
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19.05.18 5 Percent Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #37 Europe
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12.05.18 iMoRTaL Detail
12.05.18 Borani030 Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #43 Europe
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10.05.18 iMoRTaL Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #39 Europe
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12.04.18 RedBullZ-eSports Detail
12.04.18 KurtlarVadisi/ESC Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #32 Europe
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07.04.18 RainbowMight Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #29 Europe
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17.03.18 VERDERVEREMEM Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #28 Europe
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10.03.18 Revulution'ESC Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #27 Europe
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03.03.18 NETopery Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #30 Europe
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08.02.18 Macedonian Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #29 Europe
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01.02.18 Senpai-chan Detail
01.02.18 GreekActive Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #21 Europe
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20.01.18 KadimDostlar Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #18 Europe
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30.12.17 klawi.e-esport Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #15 Europe
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02.12.17 Vortex eSports Detail

Go4Zula Europe Cup #23
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08.10.17 Ra!nbow-Nation Detail