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Rainbow Six Siege (PC) Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
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12.11.18 Manguste-eSports Detail
05.11.18 Intrepid Fox Late between maps 10 min Detail
30.10.18 Servo's Meme Factory Detail
29.10.18 Cool Kids Klan Detail
22.10.18 TTC IceWolves Detail
12.10.18 Clockwork eSports Detail
08.10.18 POLARIST GAMING Detail
01.10.18 SniperBoys549 Detail
29.09.18 RAPID FORCE Detail
08.09.18 Outplayed Fatality Detail
30.08.18 IGP - Banshee Detail
19.08.18 BAT E-SPORTS R6S Main Detail
12.08.18 XTATiC Detail
09.08.18 PATRIOT5 vol.2 Detail
03.08.18 TSV Hamelspringe e.V Detail
02.08.18 WiLD MultiGaming Detail
01.08.18 Arctic Gaming Detail
31.07.18 Legacy Gaming Detail
24.07.18 Tulpar e-Sports Detail
21.07.18 Team Varsity Detail
18.07.18 KNOWS Detail
15.07.18 GoSkilla Detail
08.07.18 - Detail
06.07.18 LunatiC Detail
02.07.18 KillaBeez Detail
13.06.18 NF Team Detail
11.06.18 YBK eSports Detail
10.06.18 PATRIOT5 Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #290 Europe
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07.11.18 v1Lk1 Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #285 Europe
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24.10.18 Fortnut Börgör Gaming Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #256 Europe
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04.08.18 RobloxEsportsCO Detail
04.08.18 InFight Mix Detail
04.08.18 SYNTAX eSports R6S Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Open Cup #6 - Poland
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28.05.18 Just Chillin Detail
28.05.18 Ranked HEROUS Detail
28.05.18 The Last Spartan Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #231 Europe
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26.05.18 NONAME eSports Detail
26.05.18 Kyron Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Battle of the Nations Qualifier #1 Poland
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24.05.18 Just Chillin Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Open Cup #5 - Poland
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19.05.18 robie ruchy Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Open Cup #1 - Poland
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14.04.18 Team ASCENT Cup Detail
14.04.18 Uganda Knuckles Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #110
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18.03.18 Royalty Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #103
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28.01.18 Mix FreeAgent Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 3on3 X-Mas Cup 2017 Europe
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28.12.17 No Fate Detail