RatingΒ iViiZion_Clan

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Rainbow Six Siege (PS4) Open Ladder 5on5 Italy
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23.03.19 FCG-Ghost Army Gamma Detail
01.03.19 Yollaiauli Detail
22.02.19 ItzGaming Detail
18.02.19 Spartan_eSport Detail
15.02.19 OhhMyTeaM Detail
01.02.19 AK-47 Detail
26.01.19 FCG-Ghost Army Gamma Detail
13.01.19 OhhMyTeaM Detail
05.01.19 Fallen_Ghost Detail
31.12.18 RGT.Anonymous Detail
26.12.18 Rip Detail
21.12.18 Rip Detail
14.12.18 FCG-Ghost Army Gamma Detail
30.11.18 Mythic E-Sports Detail
16.11.18 ImPaCTw Detail
11.11.18 FeNiK.GG Detail
03.11.18 NovaReflex_jac Detail
01.11.18 No Name Detail
28.10.18 Mysterious Squad Alpha Detail
26.10.18 Stantuffi gang Detail
19.10.18 SkiRiBiZZo GaMiNg Detail
14.10.18 BlackShark eSports Detail
11.10.18 NovaReflex_jac Detail
18.07.18 Bulli Esports Detail
17.07.18 vEx. Detail
01.07.18 NovaReflex_jac Detail
26.06.18 FC Gaming G.A. Detail
22.06.18 ShadowGaming Detail
17.06.18 Team Hydra Detail
15.06.18 Team FearLess Detail
31.05.18 ONFiRe.GAMiNG Detail
21.05.18 EnErGy Detail
15.05.18 JaGuArS 2.0 Detail
14.05.18 FC Gaming G.A. Detail
11.05.18 Thund3RLoCK Detail
30.04.18 GAMELOYALTY Detail
30.04.18 IGP-Fantasy Detail
29.04.18 BlackEagle_Esports Detail
19.04.18 EN3MY-GAMING Detail
11.04.18 IGP-Jaguars Detail
10.04.18 MilkShake eSports Clan Detail
31.03.18 IGP-Jaguars Detail
31.03.18 IGP-Fantasy Detail
29.03.18 Dire Wolves Detail
28.03.18 Pait Detail
28.03.18 GlobusGaming Detail
27.03.18 𝑫𝒐𝑡𝒐𝒕π‘ͺπ’“π’š. Detail
25.03.18 IGP-Jaguars Detail
04.03.18 GZ Und3rLocK Detail
01.03.18 Exo Alpha Detail
12.02.18 eXe eSports ELITE_Jac Detail
05.02.18 PhOeNiX_Gaming Detail
04.02.18 SuperLex_Esports Detail
29.01.18 PhOeNiX elitΓ© Detail
26.01.18 eXe eSports ELITE_Jac Detail
22.01.18 ExPlOsIoN_EsPoRtS Detail
21.01.18 ExPlOsIoN_EsPoRtS Detail
20.01.18 LaFoX eSports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #83
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16.03.19 FCG-Ghost Army Omega Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #80
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23.02.19 Hero-_-ESPORTS Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #76
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26.01.19 HunGry.DuDe Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #74
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12.01.19 Chicken Boys Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #100
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06.01.19 aVa eSport Detail
06.01.19 OverExtended eSports Bravo Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #97
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16.12.18 ATomiCK-eSportS Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #68
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10.11.18 Flawless eSports Detail
10.11.18 YouFeelMe eSports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #56
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28.07.18 CYRIX.eSports Detail
28.07.18 ImPerial.WaRRioRs Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #52
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30.06.18 WhiteNova E-Sport Detail
30.06.18 Manguste Esports Detail
30.06.18 Team fire bird Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #51
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23.06.18 St4LkeR Detail
23.06.18 GalaxyEsports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #50
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16.06.18 IPM.eSports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #48
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26.05.18 Bulli Esports Detail
26.05.18 I gladiatori Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #44
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28.04.18 Dominetor-Project Detail
28.04.18 IMMORTAL_SNA3K3S Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #43
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21.04.18 FWG-Supreme.Gaming Detail
21.04.18 Scorpions.GG Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #42
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14.04.18 Insanity-EternaL Detail
14.04.18 Ak-47 Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #40
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24.03.18 𝑫𝒐𝑡𝒐𝒕π‘ͺπ’“π’š. Detail
24.03.18 Last Kings Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #38
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10.03.18 Yamha E-SPORTS Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #37
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03.03.18 RunClan Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #35
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10.02.18 Hero team Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #34
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03.02.18 Outplayed FY Essence Detail
03.02.18 Salvation eSports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #32
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13.01.18 Poison_eSports Detail
13.01.18 TiTaniumEsportITA Detail
13.01.18 Demons gaming Detail