Main Members (1) Replay Archive (0) Awards (4) Rating History Rating Ozone - The legends back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] JK:JA Open Ladder 3on3+ Team Deathmatch Europe created to rating comment match 29.10.06 starAiming.JKA-II gg Detail 26.10.06 Force Renegades gg Detail 24.10.06 roYality - eSports gg Detail 23.10.06 saber ACADEMY gg Detail 15.10.06 whoCares Clan gg Detail 08.10.06 Jedi Sentinels gg Detail 01.09.06 Jedi Sentinels gg <3 :D Detail 31.08.06 Serenata.2on2 gg Detail 26.08.06 the HIGH council gayest squad Detail 25.08.06 whoCares Clan gg Detail 23.08.06 ADL Gaming Team gg! Detail 19.08.06 Jesters of Death - Jedi Academy JoD.jkja gg, nice guys :) Detail 18.08.06 Jedi Sentinels gg!! <3!!! Detail 31.07.06 roYality - eSports gg, round 2 kind of annoying but nvm Detail 22.07.06 JediKnight.TDM canny Detail 21.07.06 ADL Gaming Team Detail 18.07.06 xCessive gggggggggggg Detail 20.05.06 the HIGH council gg :D Detail 17.05.06 Saint.tdm !!!!<3 friendly & cool team Detail 13.05.06 Team DreaD gg Detail 22.04.06 Zenith gg Detail 12.04.06 e-Sport-Energy JKA - TDM gg, but organise ffs -.- dont waste ppls time...twice Detail 08.04.06 Number 2 is Dead gg Detail 07.04.06 no Limits. TDM good game Detail 04.04.06 KANTRIDA gg Detail 29.03.06 REMEMBER TFT gg friendly + fun match Detail 27.03.06 Serenata.2on2 gg Detail 26.03.06 The Unknown Angels - TuA Detail 21.03.06 KANTRIDA gg Detail 19.03.06 Insane' gg Detail 11.03.06 ReZuRecTion - Immortal Squadron. gg Detail 10.03.06 ADL Gaming Team gg :D Detail 05.03.06 no Limits. TDM Detail 06.02.06 Saint Team gg, very nice team Detail 30.01.06 Number 2 is Dead ggs Detail 30.01.06 AotJ JKA Gaming gg Detail 22.10.05 Funky Fun Squad Detail 17.10.05 LeiSuRe-eSports e.V. Detail 16.10.05 skill-Generation GG, sorry for the connections during round 2 ;( Detail 14.10.05 Number 2 is Dead Detail 10.10.05 Slaves of Force Detail 01.10.05 Funky Fun Squad Detail 18.09.05 no Limits. TDM Detail 12.09.05 starAiming.JKA gg fair play Detail 05.09.05 3litism 3legance 3xcellence Detail 29.08.05 saber Academy Detail 27.08.05 Royal Legion TDM Squad Detail 25.08.05 sfun squad gg´s Detail