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R6: Siege (PS4) X-MAS Tournament 2019 Europe
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23.12.19 RugbyBoys Detail
23.12.19 KanaX Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #220 Europe
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23.02.19 DolphinZ Detail
23.02.19 Comeback is Real Detail
23.02.19 DrekTz.R6S Detail
23.02.19 Kings Esports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Vanilla Cup #21 Europe
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13.02.19 GG.FeNiK Detail
12.02.19 LARRYS VON NEBENAN Detail
12.02.19 Brothers Team NemeSis Detail
11.02.19 VibeZ eSports Detail
11.02.19 MIX BOT Detail
11.02.19 Crazy_Bananas Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #105
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10.02.19 Daz Detail
10.02.19 ViSiON Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #212 Europe
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02.02.19 TG4U OG Detail
02.02.19 TuGaWarrioRs Detail
02.02.19 Inglorious Gaming Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #211 Europe
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30.01.19 NightWolve Clan Team Alpha Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Vanilla Cup #20 Europe
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28.01.19 MämmiKourat reunited Detail
28.01.19 LEGENDZ eSports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #209 Europe
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23.01.19 R.TrustX E-Sports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #102
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20.01.19 INSANITY.GG Detail
20.01.19 BuffBlitz eSports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Vanilla Cup #18 Europe
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18.12.18 Remastered.gg Detail
17.12.18 Pick Ups Only Detail
17.12.18 horax eSports One_Shot Detail
17.12.18 Afrikaner im Dienst 69 Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #198 Europe
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15.12.18 RuN eSport Detail
15.12.18 AfumBa Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 3on3 Secure Area Com Cup #192 Europe
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27.11.18 Empire R6 Detail
26.11.18 AWz eSports Detail
26.11.18 RedLionsClan Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #191 Europe
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24.11.18 TG4U OG Detail
24.11.18 Oreoá Detail
24.11.18 Team AUTarchy by AUThority.GG Detail
24.11.18 Empire R6 Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #190 Europe
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21.11.18 Team Omega by Unchained Detail
21.11.18 Sofa-Sportler Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #93
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18.11.18 Durex.Esports [GOLD] Detail
18.11.18 The.CW Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #189 Europe
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17.11.18 Senior eSports Detail
17.11.18 GRU'S-CHIPPYTITZ Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #188 Europe
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14.11.18 WhiteTigerZ Jr. Detail
14.11.18 D6mons H9aven A Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Monthly Challenge October 2018 Finals Nordic
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12.11.18 Kauhajoen Welehot Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #185 Europe
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07.11.18 WhiteTigerZ Jr. Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Vanilla Cup #15 Europe
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05.11.18 Crypticz.gg Detail
05.11.18 OdxI_Esports Detail
05.11.18 DeSiRe.GG Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #91
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04.11.18 Strange_eSports_Jac Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #184 Europe
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03.11.18 Loading... Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Halloween Cup 2018 Europe
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01.11.18 Team Kill Gaming Detail
31.10.18 Team Princess Detail
31.10.18 Team_best Detail
31.10.18 ArcticFox E-Sports Team Hydra Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #90
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28.10.18 JoKerZ e-Sports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Monthly Challenge #30 Nordic
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27.10.18 SWE_Ez Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #180 Europe
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24.10.18 The_dark_Bnana Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #173 Europe
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03.10.18 M/S Sheipanvene Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #84
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16.09.18 K.E.M.Strike Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Monthly Challenge August 2018 Finals Nordic
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10.09.18 sapnu puas eSport Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #164 Europe
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08.09.18 Nessus Gaming Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #82
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02.09.18 Team YaGod Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #161 Europe
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01.09.18 Severity Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Vanilla Cup #10 Europe
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27.08.18 OG - Initium Novum Detail
27.08.18 Dziula Squad Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #159 Europe
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25.08.18 Cougar e-Sports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #158 Europe
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22.08.18 Virtual Horizons eSports r6s Detail
22.08.18 TripleX_Sports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 3on3 Secure Area Com Cup #157 Europe
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20.08.18 Malluaiset tulee Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Monthly Challenge #20 Nordic
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18.08.18 Eradicate eSports Detail
18.08.18 Karhuryhmä Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #155 Europe
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15.08.18 Baller die Waldfee Detail
15.08.18 RageQuit Detail
15.08.18 SIR e-Sports Team Teedox Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #154 Europe
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11.08.18 Diamond Soldiers Detail
11.08.18 Celestial-eSports Detail
11.08.18 Hierarchy_Esport Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #153 Europe
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09.08.18 Kronos Gaming Detail
08.08.18 NameLess.GG Detail
08.08.18 GamingZentrum eSports Detail
08.08.18 DEG esport Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #78
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05.08.18 Hyperdead Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #145 Europe
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18.07.18 Army of Temper Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Vanilla Cup #7 Europe
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16.07.18 BlackList.ED Detail
16.07.18 The_Ice_Fire Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 3on3 Secure Area Com Cup #142 Europe
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09.07.18 TEAM.INFRONT. Detail
09.07.18 AimDexen Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #74
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08.07.18 Ascension eSports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #138 Europe
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28.06.18 EneKlene Detail
28.06.18 M/S Sheipanvene Detail
27.06.18 KinderPinguin GANG Detail
27.06.18 JANİSSARİES Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #135 Europe
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20.06.18 Despayeeto Detail
20.06.18 Chill Its Only Esl. Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Vanilla Cup #5 Europe
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18.06.18 Karma’s Schnitzelbande Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 3on3 Secure Area Com Cup #132 Europe
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11.06.18 RFLX Detail
11.06.18 Enz team Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #131 Europe
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09.06.18 M/S Sheipanvene Detail
09.06.18 Semper Fi eSports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #130 Europe
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08.06.18 DHAG Viperz Detail
06.06.18 Henry henry Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Monthly Challenge May 2018 Finals Nordic
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05.06.18 Kolomekuuskakkone Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #69
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03.06.18 Omaha Foxes Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #129 Europe
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02.06.18 We are One E-sports Detail
02.06.18 quacking Ducks Detail
02.06.18 Paroxysm E-Sports Alpha Detail
02.06.18 SurgeXL Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #128 Europe
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30.05.18 1Tracht Prügel Detail
30.05.18 Supremacy Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 3on3 Secure Area Com Cup #127 Europe
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28.05.18 SecureSquad Detail
28.05.18 5eggheads.EU Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #68
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27.05.18 ConsoleGanG Detail
27.05.18 DEG esport Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #125 Europe
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24.05.18 EZ PZ LMN SQZ Detail
24.05.18 Team Black by CT eSports Detail
23.05.18 Team Hound Detail
23.05.18 Red Dragons - TEAM FaTe Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Vanilla Cup #3 Europe
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21.05.18 Krawallbrüder8 Detail
21.05.18 MoneyRainSoldiers Detail
21.05.18 Interfectores Detail

Rainbow Six Siege (PS4) Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
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20.05.18 ATmG Detail
22.04.18 team eyzen R6S PS4 Detail
21.04.18 Hellfire old Detail
08.04.18 PreDaToR.GG Detail
07.04.18 DEG esport Detail
25.03.18 CNX.GG Detail
25.03.18 Team qTeX by CT eSports Detail
25.03.18 R6_OM3G4 Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Battle of the Nations Qualifier #1 Nordic
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19.05.18 NOOBS Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Monthly Challenge #7 Nordic
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19.05.18 Kolomekuuskakkone Detail
19.05.18 Eradicate eSports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Monthly Challenge April 2018 Finals Nordic
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08.05.18 Puutarhurit Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Vanilla Cup #2 Europe
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07.05.18 Revolution Gaming Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #65
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06.05.18 N2Ku_Team Execution Detail
06.05.18 Red Dragons - TEAM FaTe Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 3on3 Secure Area Com Cup #117 Europe
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02.05.18 Cancer Clan Detail
30.04.18 BIG Detail
30.04.18 Team Bocadillo Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #64
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29.04.18 FRESH Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #116 Europe
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28.04.18 RealFinGlish Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Monthly Challenge #4 Nordic
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28.04.18 Eradicate eSports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 3on3 Secure Area Com Cup #115 Europe
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25.04.18 X_God_Z Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Vanilla Cup #1 Europe
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23.04.18 Last Picks Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #63
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22.04.18 ArianaGrande Detail
22.04.18 Sniper-Gaming Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #114 Europe
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21.04.18 AL1V3.GG Detail
21.04.18 Hierarchy Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Monthly Challenge #3 Nordic
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21.04.18 1.st Kill Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #113 Europe
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18.04.18 Baer Clan Detail
18.04.18 Red-SkinS_ Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #62
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16.04.18 Infract_ Detail
16.04.18 Crimson Ligers.GG Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #112 Europe
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14.04.18 EneKlene Detail
14.04.18 Salvation Sports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 3on3 Secure Area Com Cup #111 Europe
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11.04.18 EzElo Detail
11.04.18 Bearing eSports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #61
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08.04.18 MIX GO4 FR Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Monthly Challenge #1 Nordic
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07.04.18 Puutarhurit Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #109 Europe
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04.04.18 Euphoria eSports Detail
04.04.18 LiamSwalk Detail
04.04.18 VersionOne Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Vanilla Easter Cup 2018 Europe
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02.04.18 Vizual9 Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #108 Europe
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31.03.18 Toofastforyou Detail
31.03.18 White_dragon E-Sports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 3on3 Secure Area Com Cup #107 Europe
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29.03.18 CyTroNix eSports by GAIMX Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #59
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25.03.18 FinGlish E-Sports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #106 Europe
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24.03.18 TheMickyMouses Detail
24.03.18 DP-Crew Detail
24.03.18 Xeonity family Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #105 Europe
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21.03.18 TheMickyMouses Detail
21.03.18 Immune_R6 Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #58
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18.03.18 Neit's Warriors Detail
18.03.18 NoVa.GG Detail
18.03.18 ABSOLUT3 Z3r0 Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 3on3 Secure Area Cup #103 Europe
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15.03.18 PaNtHeRa ClAn Detail
15.03.18 Baer Clan Detail
14.03.18 Back2Copper Detail
14.03.18 SYnetiC.GG Detail
14.03.18 TeamFresko Detail
14.03.18 DS5 Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #57
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11.03.18 Ouloulouh Detail
11.03.18 Oblivion E-Sports Detail
11.03.18 Pimmelbirnen Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #101 Europe
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08.03.18 Baer Clan Detail
08.03.18 TwitchTacticalsDivision Detail
07.03.18 vN.Team.YuniQe Detail
07.03.18 ImpERIalZ Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #56
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04.03.18 Raiders.R6S Detail
04.03.18 VeNoM Mix EU Detail