Rating SpaceCats e-Sports

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Zula 5on5 TESFED Vodafone Freezone Cup Turkey
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14.12.19 BaBiL Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #68 Europe
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01.11.18 Adriatic Team Detail
01.11.18 RUMTERKAN Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #61 Europe
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27.10.18 - Detail
27.10.18 FluX eSport Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #67 Europe
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25.10.18 Turtles All the Way Down Detail
25.10.18 TryToWin Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #23 Europe
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22.10.18 You feel me? Detail
22.10.18 Gamelike Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #60 Europe
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20.10.18 NETopery Detail
20.10.18 ZBLEH_team Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #66 Europe
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18.10.18 Infested Detail
18.10.18 In memory of mortal!ty Detail
18.10.18 El_Cartel Detail
18.10.18 DEADPRESTIGE Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #22 Europe
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15.10.18 ThinkTwice Detail
15.10.18 Commanders Detail
15.10.18 _Assassins_ Detail
15.10.18 Deviance Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #59 Europe
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13.10.18 ForTheWinZula Detail
13.10.18 Panteri Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #65 Europe
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11.10.18 Turtles All the Way Down Detail
11.10.18 siamotuttibionici Detail
11.10.18 VİYARE eSports Detail
11.10.18 yee boiiiii 3v3 Detail
11.10.18 Karasuno Esports 2 Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #21 Europe
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08.10.18 Secret Detail
08.10.18 MadSlavS Detail
08.10.18 DEADPRESTIGE Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #58 Europe
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06.10.18 NETopery Detail
06.10.18 GetRekt Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #64 Europe
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04.10.18 Turtles All the Way Down Detail
04.10.18 Viyare e-Sports 3v3 Detail
04.10.18 Made in Italy Detail
04.10.18 WhoKnowsIt? Detail
04.10.18 NightHunters Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #20 Europe
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01.10.18 Raz dwa trzy Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #57 Europe
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29.09.18 WhoKnowsIt? Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #63 Europe
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27.09.18 GoToLegend Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #19 Europe
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24.09.18 IQ e-Sports 3v3 Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #56 Europe
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22.09.18 BARBERS! Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #62 Europe
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20.09.18 yee boiiiii 3v3 Detail
20.09.18 Dzikie Wonsze Detail
20.09.18 Taurus E'sport Detail
20.09.18 R Team! Detail
20.09.18 Cadde4Group Elite Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #55 Europe
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15.09.18 VİYARE eSports Detail
15.09.18 𝓜𝓪𝓭𝓟𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓸𝓶𝓼 Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #61 Europe
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13.09.18 Infested Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #17 Europe
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10.09.18 IndaFace! Detail
10.09.18 BARBERS 3v3 Detail
10.09.18 Hi'eSports Detail
10.09.18 MOBs Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #60 Europe
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06.09.18 weArebAck Detail
06.09.18 NoPA!N Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #16 Europe
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03.09.18 Dislekler Detail
03.09.18 Werewolves Detail
03.09.18 Panteri Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #53 Europe
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01.09.18 VİYARE eSports Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #59 Europe
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30.08.18 IQ'ünmü? Detail
30.08.18 NoPA!N Detail
30.08.18 ZulaSpain Detail
30.08.18 AttentiSborro Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #15 Europe
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27.08.18 Roeero Detail
27.08.18 AMB1TION Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #52 Europe
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25.08.18 IQ e-Sports Detail
25.08.18 ZulaSpain Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #58 Europe
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23.08.18 PRIDE Detail
23.08.18 NightHunters Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #14 Europe
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20.08.18 yee boiiiii 3v3 Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #51 Europe
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18.08.18 NETopery Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #57 Europe
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16.08.18 4Se-eSports Detail
16.08.18 PRIDE Detail
16.08.18 NotPay2Play Detail
16.08.18 SpaceCats3v3v2 Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #13 Europe
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13.08.18 Falcon Team Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #50 Europe
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11.08.18 PRIDE Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #56 Europe
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09.08.18 HATELOVE Detail
09.08.18 Anger Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #12 Europe
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06.08.18 V-Spot Detail
06.08.18 il mio team Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #49 Europe
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04.08.18 NETopery Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #55 Europe
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02.08.18 Magovi Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #11 Europe
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30.07.18 PRIDE Detail
30.07.18 Spacinnati Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #54 Europe
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26.07.18 KebabØS Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #10 Europe
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23.07.18 Wextions Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #47 Europe
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21.07.18 NETopery Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #46 Europe
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14.07.18 AnatoliaN Tigers Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #52 Europe
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12.07.18 Yogurtlu Kebap Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #8 Europe
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09.07.18 myVanity Detail
09.07.18 HATELOVE Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #45 Europe
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07.07.18 Panteri Detail
07.07.18 ITA/ProjectZero Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #51 Europe
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05.07.18 MHT-Team Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #7 Europe
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02.07.18 Grezna eSports Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #44 Europe
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30.06.18 yee boiiiii Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #50 Europe
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28.06.18 onlyKEBAB Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #6 Europe
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25.06.18 Phu eSports Detail
25.06.18 Panteri Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #43 Europe
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23.06.18 KLYV Detail
23.06.18 TwiceTeam Detail
23.06.18 VengeanceLadies Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #49 Europe
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21.06.18 NETopery Detail
21.06.18 Empire Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #5 Europe
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18.06.18 NETopery Detail
18.06.18 TimingMilitaryGroup Detail
18.06.18 RATATA TEAM Detail
18.06.18 BLOODESC Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #42 Europe
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16.06.18 Chicken Hunter Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #4 Europe
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11.06.18 Itallian Detail
11.06.18 DeadPrestige Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #41 Europe
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09.06.18 iMoRTaL Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #3 Europe
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04.06.18 Chicken Hunter Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #40 Europe
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02.06.18 Death-Energy Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #46 Europe
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31.05.18 TEAM INSTINCT Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #2 Europe
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28.05.18 Deadly Secret Detail
28.05.18 NoTearS Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #39 Europe
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26.05.18 Viyare E-SPORT Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #45 Europe
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24.05.18 NETopery Detail
24.05.18 Ace eSport Detail
24.05.18 Flying Teabag Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #1 Europe
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21.05.18 Team Paria Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #44 Europe
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17.05.18 Ad Astra Detail
17.05.18 ZE-AP Detail
17.05.18 Les trois mousquetaires Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #37 Europe
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12.05.18 Hawkerss http://prntscr.com/jh13zm Detail
12.05.18 HATELOVE #2 Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #43 Europe
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10.05.18 NETopery Detail
10.05.18 HATELOVE #2 Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #42 Europe
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03.05.18 Team Paria Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #35 Europe
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28.04.18 Vengeance eSports Detail
28.04.18 HATELOVE Detail
28.04.18 Sparta Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #41 Europe
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26.04.18 iMoRTaL Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #34 Europe
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21.04.18 inFLAME eSports Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #40 Europe
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19.04.18 NEVERQUIT Detail
19.04.18 GameLike #2 Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #33 Europe
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14.04.18 - Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #39 Europe
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12.04.18 KLYV Detail
12.04.18 6ix9ine ready btw Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #32 Europe
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07.04.18 Team LanEx Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #37 Europe
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29.03.18 Emme MFC Zula Detail
29.03.18 Colapis Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #36 Europe
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22.03.18 TEAMAqua Detail