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Rating Atomic Demouleur Corporation

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Battlefield 2 Championship Season II Division 3
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14.06.06 Gangsta Rasta Connection equipe fairplay, merci. Detail
30.05.06 Scara-B Merci pour Wawannn, et tres bonne team fairplay et tout Detail
24.05.06 Xtrem Rangers Squadron Detail
04.05.06 Kouilles Crues Detail
03.05.06 Warriors of Avalon Detail

Battlefield 2 5on5 Ladder Infantery
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25.05.06 Death Shadow Team Tres bonne team. et Fuck EA et leur patch 1.3 de merde ^^ Detail
19.05.06 Kouilles Crues Detail
12.05.06 GRolanD Detail
30.04.06 Commandos du desert Detail

Winter Cup Battlefield 2 Hercules Gameplazza Open
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07.03.06 Soldiers of Despair Detail
02.03.06 Delta Finest Clan Detail
24.02.06 Les Daemons Detail
22.02.06 Team1forAll Detail
07.02.06 HFR Team Detail