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Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Cup Series Season#1
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12.05.07 SdiouF EN PAUSE Detail
06.05.07 amnesia Haze sarko est passé omg Detail
29.04.07 Frite jambon beurre counter gg Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder
created to rating comment match
15.04.07 eoLx.Instinct by Linemax.eu INT Nice match but bad fair Detail
13.04.07 X-TremeClan bad server Detail
09.04.07 Soldiers at Work GG Detail
27.09.06 5on5 Team alt ... bad team bad spirit Detail
30.08.06 veriC Gaming CSS why so whine? Detail
25.08.06 Phyrexian gg good continuation Detail
24.08.06 Triple X gg good continuation Detail
20.07.06 in memory of Gate10 - 5on5 MR15 Int good train account Detail
23.06.06 CCCP Soldiers laming during the match Detail
30.05.06 in memory of OBC why you want deleted? Detail
24.05.06 The 7th Team Little in late but Nice Players. Detail
19.05.06 OLD - LDM Team fair play good luck for continuation Detail
17.05.06 madweasels not 5 players report but bad orga Detail
04.05.06 KILLABEES Detail
21.04.06 e-Perfection GG great team good continuation Detail
20.04.06 b4-Die Fair-Play Detail
17.04.06 iNquinity.CSS omg Detail
14.04.06 Painkillers Squad GG thx for this match team very fair play Detail
13.04.06 SP Palaimaxoi Very in late :/ (35 min) Detail
10.04.06 HavaNa 7 GG good team fair play Detail
09.04.06 BERZLOY GG thx for this game Detail
06.04.06 click it very good team GG see you later Detail
21.03.06 Fiat Nox GG good team fair play Detail
21.03.06 Streets of West team fair play see you next Detail
19.03.06 MuhKuhCrew Make protest because we leaved Detail
17.03.06 rEdOOmed no five players :( Detail
15.03.06 Heador Factory team fair play good continuation Detail
14.03.06 DOG Soldiers of Kadan - CSS GG team fair play Detail
13.03.06 inFusion GG team fair play Detail
09.03.06 faberi Bellatores lucky man lucky men pause / unpause? be fair Detail
08.03.06 Team - Vendetta Detail
07.03.06 National Security Forces stupid comment during the match Detail
26.02.06 Virus Ptaci Chripky GG see you in 2007 Detail
17.02.06 e-Perfection monster skill and good strats gg Detail
16.02.06 Team Deathmatch Fragger team fair play no prob Detail
01.02.06 e-Company they leave bad orga play at 3 and 4 Detail
28.01.06 Tresor e-Sports last and leave? Detail
10.01.06 Propheten der Hoelle.css Detail
08.01.06 Mafia-Gaming.de team fair play Detail
08.01.06 UltraFrag powered by PCeshop.cz gg Detail
04.01.06 volenti nihil difficile old gg good team fair play Detail
04.01.06 FullTeamGamers2 gg comme dhab Detail
03.01.06 finish bad server bad mani bad cut bad team Detail
02.01.06 Freedom Shooters Detail
28.12.05 Team X-Dream - Night Angels gg good orga team fair play Detail
28.12.05 Incredible Crew css gg good team fairplay good orga Detail
22.12.05 Rohlik s Maslem team fair play gg Detail
20.12.05 Pro-HL.com Ministry Of Darkness 4 players.... for 10 round Detail
20.12.05 Inaktive_main mans of rulz invent Detail
11.12.05 Inferno eSports GG thx for this match Detail
11.12.05 in memory of noRL team fair play GG see you soon Detail
05.12.05 danTOnQ team fair play e organisé merci de leur fair play Detail
04.12.05 International Military Intelligence GG good team fairplay Detail
02.12.05 Nice One GG good level good orga Detail
30.11.05 Incredible css.INT.Inaktiv GG Detail
28.11.05 Inaktive_main GG great game see you soon Detail
28.11.05 Never Fall Back they leave during the match :( Detail
20.11.05 no Limits to Fight GG good match Detail
07.11.05 BeGiNnEr SeRvEr TeAm GG thx for this match Detail
03.11.05 Epic Elite 5on5 Squad GG Fair play team Detail
31.10.05 XxXtreme Cafe GG good team fair play and good orga Detail
28.10.05 KillerInstinkt CS S Squad II gg but not fait play Detail
28.10.05 SpecialTactical&RescueService GG team fair play no prob Detail
27.10.05 Changed to Q-eSport Detail
24.10.05 4ever2gether GG good team fair play Detail
14.10.05 massive-terror-attack Detail
13.10.05 Touristes Tres Fair-Play, bonne team. Detail
13.10.05 Sons of Liberty Detail
03.10.05 Arcatera-Gaming Fragless Altough we\'ve plaid, and wun, the Arca team insult us during the last 10 minutes. Detail
03.10.05 evolution.team GG good team fair play Detail
28.09.05 Meatfreaks Europe GG good team fair play good plug in Detail
28.09.05 aGressiV Detail
27.09.05 Art of Kill Detail
18.09.05 Roxxors Extrem Gathering gg aux #R3G super match team fair play rien a dire Detail
19.08.05 LeVo - Last Evolution - GG Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 One Day Cup 5on5
created to rating comment match
01.04.07 TechniCs Detail
01.04.07 Ancienne Team oSGZ - gRoiK Detail
01.04.07 Diaz EN PAUSE gg domage que vous étiez 4 Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 3on3 Ladder
created to rating comment match
31.03.07 try again dont want rr when timed out at first round Detail
26.03.07 DRoN Nice match Detail
16.08.06 3 Ausser Rand und Band gg good continuation Detail
15.08.06 HORIZONTALBOMBER gg good continuation Detail
13.08.06 NitroGrafix - Sensoria.Nx 3on3 GG a vous bonne continuation Detail
12.08.06 das goht ANDERSCH ab gg good continuation Detail
07.08.06 mYtarget.eSports GG a vous bonne continuation Detail
30.07.06 gameSiDE GG good continuation on ESL Detail
30.07.06 Guess who GG good continuation on ESL Detail
24.07.06 RAUS HIER GG thx for this war good continuation Detail
16.06.06 LanStark Ping Fakers Detail
12.06.06 JMS-SkillFakers GG good team from good country Detail
11.06.06 Storm of Resistance 3on3 Nice spirit Detail
02.06.06 German Underground Soldiers Fair Play Players Detail
26.05.06 Virtual Society GG good team fair play Detail
23.05.06 InnerCircle eSports 3on3 GG Fair-Play team Detail
21.05.06 Seniors good spirit good continuaion Detail
14.05.06 Team HDJ renaissance GG thx for your fair play see you soon Detail
04.05.06 3 teSticleS GG great team Detail
10.04.06 clanless CSS good team fair play Detail
09.04.06 Compact Disaster - 3on3 GG good team fair play Detail
12.03.06 Gamepower.at team fair play good continuation Detail
02.03.06 toXic.LU Team fair play good luck for continuation Detail
26.02.06 Stars of Suicide speak english please g Detail
24.02.06 teamloeschung GG great skill team fair play Detail
05.02.06 Players Club team fair play no prob see you next time Detail
27.01.06 ByG 3on3 Freaktal team fair play see you next year Detail
15.01.06 SwedishGoats bad pause bad fair play Detail
11.01.06 EX Team Invi team fair play no problem Detail
08.01.06 boOsted css gg Detail
06.01.06 AR3A-D3.3on3 nice game Detail
30.12.05 macrOmafia gg good orga good continuation Detail
26.12.05 kekeMu Detail
23.12.05 Aut00matiKKs 3on3 gg good continution Detail
22.12.05 Creativ' STAFF GG rien a dire revanche very soon Detail
21.12.05 my.radiosity good orga and good continution guys Detail
18.12.05 Ultimate Street Fighters gg sorry for your 3 rd Detail
18.12.05 Virus.Gaming MAINTEAM GG thx for this game good orga Detail
13.12.05 GoD-Systems.3on3 good team fair play Detail
11.12.05 volenti nihil difficile GG good team Detail
08.12.05 EXIT team fai play thx for this match Detail
05.12.05 Streets of West good team fair play Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder2
created to rating comment match
08.01.07 aNgeL's WingS Detail
07.01.07 A supprimer GG good team biên patiente Detail
17.12.06 La BoucHeRit GG bonne team sympa merci de votre patience Detail
14.12.06 vinewood#4 gg bonne war Detail
12.12.06 les_copain_de_zizi GG bonne team sympa Detail
10.12.06 Frite jambon beurre counter GG bonne team stable Detail
05.12.06 Name4 gg merci de votre patience Detail
03.12.06 Absolute Brain gg bonne war Detail
30.11.06 LuBriCity -En pause- Detail
28.11.06 Ancienne Team oSGZ - gRoiK gg Detail
27.11.06 Geek2 une team sympa a joué pas d\'embrouille en vu Detail
21.11.06 myOs GG Bonne team bien organisé Detail
19.11.06 ExceL GG Bonne team bien organisé Detail
16.11.06 aNgeL's WingS GG Bonne team bien organisé Detail
26.06.06 Ancienne Team oSGZ - gRoiK Team Fair Play Detail
20.06.06 SpT Team tres sympathique bonne continuation Detail
01.06.06 Canasky92 Team fair play good luck for continuation Detail
28.05.06 InHumainS very good team a bientot Detail
14.03.06 KiLLerS Detail
13.03.06 oSGZ Origins GG bon mental bon team play une team qui donne des exemple Detail
11.02.06 outteam Gg aux stunt team fair play aucun problemes Detail
20.01.06 Mastery team super fair play a recommandé Detail
23.12.05 Eternel gg good team rien a dire fair play avec ca Detail
22.12.05 Lyon Terror Crew team fair play et sympa aucun soucis Detail
18.12.05 MouluS gg good team fair play Detail
16.12.05 Unknown Kommando a tres bientot pour une revanche sur nuke Detail
30.11.05 FullTeamGamers2 bien organisé comme dhabitude Detail
17.10.05 CRT tres bonne team fair play bon courage pour la suite Detail
12.10.05 Les Barraudeurs plug in pas mal sur le serveur mais pas assez de fps Detail
11.10.05 FullTeamGamers2 Detail
04.10.05 BrainTeam Bon skill, match tres serré, dommage quelques soucis entre eux... Detail
03.10.05 Function of gg tres bonne team leur snipe font tres mal Detail
31.07.05 popogffg team fairplay sa fait plaisir Detail
06.07.05 O2 Gamerz bonne team bon fair play Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 3on3 Old Ladder
created to rating comment match
05.01.07 No-Name.css GG bonne team sympa Detail
16.12.06 Fun Frag Arena GG bonne team sympa Detail
06.06.06 vinewood#4 Bonne team sympathique Detail
13.04.06 Family_Business GG team super sympa et fair play Detail
07.04.06 Akatsuki beau match serré team fair play et bien skilled Detail
29.03.06 MainStyleZ GG bonne team sans embrouille Detail
28.03.06 Woohoo commentaires inutile durant le match Detail
19.03.06 Aim-lesS GG bon level revanche bientot Detail
14.03.06 Esport Players Css team fair play et sympa aucun soucis Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Amateur Series
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04.10.06 LanFan GG Good team Detail
29.09.06 closed4tw GG Good team Detail
27.09.06 n!faculty GG Good team Detail
25.09.06 Tactical Assault Team GG Good team Detail
25.09.06 r0fl die katz GG Good team Detail
25.09.06 Guerillasheep PASSOA GG Good team Detail
19.09.06 in loving memory of SoaF whine during the match? Detail
03.09.06 xTp GG Good team Detail
29.08.06 what ever 1 gg good continuation Detail
28.08.06 13-3-7 iNactiv gg good continuation Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Amateur Series
created to rating comment match
26.09.06 LEGroupe Gaming Community En Deuil GG bonne team fair play bonne continuation Detail
21.09.06 UBERPOKWTF?! GG bonne team fair play bonne continuation Detail
04.09.06 vinewood#4 GG bonne team fair play bonne continuation Detail
31.07.06 LEGroupe Gaming Community En Deuil Bon match, bon joueur. GL Detail
30.07.06 FullTeamGamers2 GG à bientôt Detail
27.07.06 pavO Detail
17.07.06 Authentic-Gamers team sympa et fair play bonne continuation Detail
10.07.06 extenSia Nice players Detail
03.05.06 spirit of Game GG team super bien entrainé et super serieuse Detail
27.04.06 Hommes de l Ombre bonne team skilled et fair play a bientot pour revanche Detail
27.04.06 FullTeamGamers2 GG good team fair play comme d\'hab Detail
20.03.06 oSGZ Origins GG tres bon match comme toujours avec osgz Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Old Amateur Series
created to rating comment match
01.08.06 niGh-Gaming GG good continuation on ESL Detail
25.07.06 click it Very nice players, High skill with aequitas, the best team for me Detail
18.07.06 Team Impact eas.int problem of connect problem of orga Detail
06.07.06 OsmoZ Nice équipe Detail
25.06.06 Soldiers at Work good spirit good continuaion Detail
12.06.06 oSGZ Origins GG thx for your fair play see you soon Detail
11.06.06 Hommes de l Ombre GG bonne team sans embrouille Detail
07.06.06 Team - Vendetta GG great skill team fair play Detail
28.05.06 deadlyBullets bad spirit bad players Detail
16.05.06 tim sYnthesis bad team bad orga bad player s bad spirit go penality point Detail
02.05.06 oSGZ Origins GG match serré Detail
30.04.06 Fallen Seraphs Very in late, and make problem with SourceTV Detail
20.04.06 derclanisoff Fair-Play Detail
09.04.06 oSGZ Origins match tellement serré que 3 stylish on fait crise cardiaque emmené d\'urgence a l\'hopital Detail
09.04.06 15 Euro Przeczucia GG good team fair play Detail
24.03.06 RAWR! GG good team from good country Detail
11.03.06 Otaku war Team dommage que votre aventure s\'arrete la see you Detail
19.02.06 volenti nihil difficile old bad server bad orga bad sourceTV bad spirit bad match Detail

Spring Cup Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Nova Gameplazza Amateur
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22.06.06 FullTeamGamers2 GG bonne ambiance a bientot Detail
09.06.06 Hommes de l Ombre GG bonne team sans embrouille Detail
09.06.06 team morte Detail
04.06.06 myaRista for ever Team Tres skilled et tres silencieuse Detail
29.05.06 OsmoZ match dur a demarrer Detail
21.05.06 oSGZ Origins un jour on arrivera a gagné oui un jour le draw sera impossible GG Detail
15.05.06 Xtrem Source GG good team fair play Detail
09.05.06 Eternal PlayerZ GG great skill team fair play Detail

Wintercup Counter Strike: Source Hercules Gameplazza Amateur Finales
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28.02.06 spirit of Game team super sympa et skilled on se voit a la lan 79 pour passez un bon moment Detail

Wintercup Counter-Strike: Source Hercules Gameplazza Amateur
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19.02.06 spirit of Game Bonne team skilled et fair play Detail
14.02.06 Instinct.Gaming bad orga bad nickname dmg Detail
05.02.06 FullTeamGamers2 gg good team comme dhab bon serveur Detail
02.02.06 cyperBAW pas assez de joueurs Detail
31.01.06 Otaku war Team super strats super joueur sympathique Detail
24.01.06 Team emuLate good team fair play Detail
19.01.06 oSGZ Origins Detail
18.01.06 BrainTeam petit retard sans trop de consequence Detail

Autumn Cup Counter Strike: Source Genius Gameplazza Finales
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26.11.05 FullTeamGamers2 GG Detail

Autumn Cup Counter Strike: Source Genius Gameplazza Open Premiership
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14.11.05 VaKarM Detail
31.10.05 El merci davoir prevenu a lavance pour vous joindre ce fut tres dur Detail
25.10.05 Dark ELF team super fair play dsl pour bordel au debut super fonky ladmina eu un empechement et est arrivé en retard Detail
21.10.05 Authentic Tactical Gamers GG aux 4tg Tres bonne equipe fair play Detail