Main Members (2) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Rating History Rating The Old Jedi Academy Aurochs back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] JK:JA Open Ladder 3on3+ Team Deathmatch Europe created to rating comment match 05.08.06 Dynamite.TDM Detail 03.08.06 roYality - eSports Detail 02.07.06 KANTRIDA Detail 23.06.06 Die Leeten. - JKA Detail 22.06.06 ScheissReaper Detail 19.06.06 Brotherhood of the Eternal SoulhunTers Detail 18.06.06 Brotherhood of LightSabers Detail 17.06.06 unNatural.hun Detail 16.06.06 Jedi Sentinels Detail 16.06.06 Insane' Detail 15.06.06 psYcho eSports.JKA Detail 12.06.06 Zenith Detail 12.06.06 Revoltados esports- The Unknown Angels.jka- <3 Detail 10.06.06 roYality - eSports Detail 10.06.06 The Jedi Troopers Detail 31.05.06 unReal.TDM Detail 28.05.06 Revoltados esports- The Unknown Angels.jka- Detail 27.05.06 ADL Gaming Team Detail 27.05.06 unNatural.hun Detail 25.05.06 Jedi Sentinels - Squad B <3 Detail 25.05.06 sfun squad Detail 23.05.06 Zenith Detail 23.05.06 no Limits. TDM Detail 19.05.06 KANTRIDA Detail 30.04.06 The Unknown Angels - TuA Detail 21.04.06 ADL Gaming Team Detail 18.04.06 Brothers of Sword impatient flamers, especially kayzer Detail 15.04.06 Sith Lords Detail 15.04.06 Zenith Detail 14.04.06 the HIGH council Detail 13.04.06 Alliance Of Knights IS INACTIVE Detail 09.04.06 KANTRIDA Detail 07.04.06 Insane' Detail 25.02.06 Insane' Detail 29.01.06 Jedi7_inactive Detail 18.01.06 Legacy Detail 31.10.05 Number 2 is Dead Detail 02.10.05 guArdians Detail 18.09.05 Slaves of Force Detail 03.09.05 The Unknown Angels TDM Detail 18.08.05 Slaves of Force Detail