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R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Winter Cup 2019 #2 Europe
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22.02.20 Tachanka's Angels Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #210
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16.02.20 Passion Is Real Detail
16.02.20 LFO ça toi ça va toi Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #209
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09.02.20 SuperGirl 2.0 Detail
09.02.20 Tornadic Esports Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #461 Europe
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08.02.20 Team Neon Detail
08.02.20 German Lions Detail
08.02.20 Dihwbnwnajka Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #460 Europe
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07.02.20 Inevitable Gaming Detail
05.02.20 HeXa eSport Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #208
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02.02.20 FLEX Detail
02.02.20 Old Gang Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #457 Europe
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29.01.20 Spandauer Stahlspatzen Detail
29.01.20 Team Free Candy Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #206
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19.01.20 Sieht man das ? Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #452 Europe
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18.01.20 iNoTxTeam Detail
18.01.20 Asphyxiate R6 Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #451 Europe
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15.01.20 Copper Is Back Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #205
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12.01.20 Moto Moto Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #202
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22.12.19 Shadows IQ Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Open Cup #79 United Kingdom
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17.12.19 FreeElo Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Open Cup #78 United Kingdom
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10.12.19 iEnVy eSports Detail
10.12.19 Team Scuffed Men Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Vanilla Open Cup #437 Europe
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02.12.19 Inevitable Gaming Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #199
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01.12.19 Oracle.GG Detail
01.12.19 Z2 Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #436 Europe
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30.11.19 RXAR Esports Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #435 Europe
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27.11.19 Just DeLa Detail

R6: Siege (One) 3on3 Secure Area Open Cup #434 Europe
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26.11.19 Ekypa esport Detail
25.11.19 MindGames eSports Detail
25.11.19 Phantom Soliders German V2 Detail
25.11.19 Reveon Rus Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #198
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24.11.19 Win a go4 Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #433 Europe
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24.11.19 Apfel Bande Detail
23.11.19 cS WiiSports Detail
23.11.19 Win a go4 Detail
23.11.19 BMI ü70 Detail
23.11.19 Esoteric Esports Detail

Rainbow Six Siege (One) Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
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17.11.19 Team Scuffed Men Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #197
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17.11.19 Équipe sombre 666 Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #430 Europe
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16.11.19 Risen Heroes Detail
16.11.19 Team Septic Detail
16.11.19 M3GA ALLIANCE Detail
16.11.19 DS2 Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Autumn Cup 2019 #4 Europe
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13.11.19 qvG-eSports Team Nemesis Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Open Cup #74 United Kingdom
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12.11.19 iEnVy eSports Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #427 Europe
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09.11.19 Team Argon Detail
09.11.19 Top fragging you Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Open Cup #73 United Kingdom
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05.11.19 DS2 Detail
05.11.19 MiR eSports Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #424 Europe
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02.11.19 MindGames eSports Detail
02.11.19 Drunken Soldiers Detail
02.11.19 RXAR Esports Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Vanilla Open Cup #419 Europe
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21.10.19 SMJ E-Sport Team Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #191
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06.10.19 SZN Detail

R6: Siege (One) 3on3 Secure Area Open Cup #410 Europe
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30.09.19 Magicant eSports Detail
30.09.19 Just4Fun Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #409 Europe
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28.09.19 Digital Fury Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #408 Europe
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25.09.19 SMJ E-Sport Team Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Open Cup #67 United Kingdom
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24.09.19 FLEX Detail
24.09.19 Esoteric Esports-Ps4 Detail
24.09.19 TurkeyLegs Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #406 Europe
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21.09.19 Tsunami Esports Official Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #188
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15.09.19 Chinese Mafia Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #187
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08.09.19 Coked up Randys Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #400 Europe
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07.09.19 Not used Detail
07.09.19 Rhysisboosted Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Open Cup #64 United Kingdom
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03.09.19 ACE Esport Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #396 Europe
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28.08.19 Karasuno Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #185
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25.08.19 shao attack Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #394 Europe
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25.08.19 Team Revon Detail
24.08.19 TS eSports.. Detail
24.08.19 T.A.G Detail
24.08.19 qvG-eSports Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #393 Europe
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21.08.19 Unknown Gaming Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Open Cup #62 United Kingdom
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20.08.19 Official Esports Detail
20.08.19 Python - Esports Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #184
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18.08.19 GOAT Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #391 Europe
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17.08.19 S4P Gaming Detail
17.08.19 REFL3X E-SPORTS Detail
17.08.19 GHoMeTa Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #390 Europe
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14.08.19 2x swiss cup Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Open Cup #61 United Kingdom
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13.08.19 uG eSports Detail
13.08.19 CHAOS Esports Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #387 Europe
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07.08.19 Stockies Cuddle Gang Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Open Cup #60 United Kingdom
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06.08.19 FLEX Detail

R6: Siege (One) 3on3 Secure Area Open Cup #386 Europe
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05.08.19 nellimolnar fanok Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #182
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04.08.19 Shade Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #385 Europe
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03.08.19 iEnVy eSports Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #382 Europe
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28.07.19 Maccies Detail
27.07.19 E.N.G Detail
27.07.19 Justin Beaver Detail
27.07.19 RUSTEAMPLAY Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #381 Europe
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24.07.19 Karasuno Detail
24.07.19 iEnVy eSports Detail
24.07.19 Team Velocity Detail

R6: Siege (One) 3on3 Secure Area Open Cup #380 Europe
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23.07.19 Tornadic Esports Detail
22.07.19 Granny Bashers Detail
22.07.19 Tryhard Esports Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #180
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21.07.19 TITAN Esports EU Team Omen Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #379 Europe
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20.07.19 Synergy Esports Detail
20.07.19 Shade Detail
20.07.19 Akuil l Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #378 Europe
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17.07.19 R2F Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Open Cup #57 United Kingdom
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16.07.19 CLEG ESPORTS Detail
16.07.19 Gucci Gang Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Vanilla Open Cup #377 Europe
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15.07.19 FaTe Esports Detail
15.07.19 qvG.Invisible Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #179
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14.07.19 Dogma Gaming Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #376 Europe
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13.07.19 Karasuno Detail
13.07.19 R2F Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #375 Europe
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11.07.19 HoneyBee Detail
10.07.19 ToXic Detail
10.07.19 TeamBean Detail
10.07.19 R1P eSports Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Open Cup #56 United Kingdom
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09.07.19 CLEG ESPORTS Detail

R6: Siege (One) 3on3 Secure Area Open Cup #374 Europe
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08.07.19 Carry eSports Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #178
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07.07.19 Team Rezine Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #373 Europe
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06.07.19 DPI.eSports Detail
06.07.19 Oblivion Esports Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #372 Europe
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03.07.19 eVolute.GG Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #370 Europe
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29.06.19 RezalationGB Detail
29.06.19 five randys Detail
29.06.19 Wasted_Potential Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #369 Europe
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26.06.19 Red Dot Rangers Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Open Cup #54 United Kingdom
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25.06.19 London Fields pussi Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #176
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23.06.19 eVolute.GG Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #367 Europe
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22.06.19 Necro Gaming e.V. Team Smoke Detail
22.06.19 Team11 Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Vanilla Open Cup #365 Europe
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17.06.19 Team VSNRY Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #175
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16.06.19 IPM ESPORTS Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Open Cup #52 United Kingdom
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12.06.19 London Fields pussi Detail
11.06.19 Team Mad Cows Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #174
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09.06.19 STeaLTH e-Sports Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #361 Europe
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08.06.19 InTheDark Detail
08.06.19 Before7 Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Open Cup #51 United Kingdom
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04.06.19 Wacko Detail
04.06.19 ?!? Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #173
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02.06.19 Last Hope Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Open Cup #50 United Kingdom
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28.05.19 Inevitable Gaming Detail
28.05.19 Sexy 7-0 Detail
28.05.19 Black Ice gang gang Detail

Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #172
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26.05.19 FearLess eSports Detail