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Vietcong TeamplayLadder
created to rating comment match
25.09.14 Slovak Squad Detail
25.09.14 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
23.09.14 Sklad Slovaku Detail
19.09.14 4ngels Dog Detail
18.09.14 The Brave Warriors Detail
16.09.14 uNikorn eSport Team Detail
14.09.14 Riders on the Strom Detail
13.09.14 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
13.09.14 uNikorn eSport Team Detail
10.09.14 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
09.09.14 Team of Cheating Soldiers Detail
08.09.14 Riders on the Strom Detail
07.09.14 Sklad Slovaku Detail
04.09.14 Slovak Squad Detail
03.09.14 Team of Cheating Soldiers Detail
01.09.14 Slovak Squad Detail
01.09.14 Black Angels Detail
31.08.14 Slovak Squad Detail
31.08.14 4ngels Dog Detail
27.08.14 Slovak Squad Detail
25.08.14 Black Angels Detail
23.08.14 4ngels Dog Detail
22.08.14 Slovak Squad Detail
19.08.14 4ngels Dog Detail
19.08.14 uNikorn eSport Team Detail
17.08.14 Slovak Squad Detail
17.08.14 Riders on the Strom Detail
13.08.14 4ngels Dog Detail
23.07.14 Slovak Squad Detail
22.07.14 The Brave Warriors Detail
12.10.11 4ngels Dog Detail
10.10.11 StarS * new era Detail
06.10.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
04.10.11 Riders on the Strom Detail
02.10.11 CITRONS Detail
29.09.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
27.09.11 Fellowship of the Best GG Detail
14.07.11 PiTBULLS.vC gg Detail
28.06.11 SLAVERS GAMING Detail
26.06.11 -PainKillers- gg Detail
21.06.11 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
19.06.11 SLAVERS GAMING Detail
12.06.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
09.06.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
08.06.11 Riders on the Strom Detail
07.06.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
29.05.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
22.05.11 Valte Voci GG Detail
19.05.11 Bizon Gamers. vC Detail
16.05.11 Hell Raiders Detail
15.05.11 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
05.05.11 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
01.05.11 HOCHIMIN GG Detail
28.04.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
25.04.11 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
17.04.11 NorthStars SQuad GG Detail
10.04.11 Valte Voci Detail
03.04.11 Riders on the Strom Detail
20.03.11 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
23.02.11 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
06.02.11 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
26.01.11 SW4T.vC Detail
26.01.11 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
23.01.11 TEAM VON CAVUMHAZE Detail
20.01.11 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
17.11.10 Obludy from forest Detail
13.11.10 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
10.11.10 Obludy from forest Detail
07.11.10 HOCHIMIN Detail
04.11.10 Vandenberg Detail
01.11.10 Spiders_Alfa Detail
30.10.10 Obludy from forest Detail
07.06.10 Soldiers For Peace Detail
18.05.10 Happy Gay Team Detail
17.05.10 Your eNemy.eu Detail
16.05.10 Soldiers For Peace Detail
12.05.10 Chlazeny pivo Detail
06.05.10 Soldiers For Peace Detail
04.05.10 NorthStars SQuad Detail
03.05.10 Happy Gay Team Detail
27.04.10 Chlazeny pivo Detail
26.04.10 Soldiers For Peace Detail
22.04.10 SW4T.vC Detail
20.04.10 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
19.04.10 Happy Gay Team Detail
16.04.10 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
15.04.10 Happy Gay Team Detail
13.04.10 Soldiers For Peace Detail
06.04.10 NorthStars SQuad Detail
04.04.10 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
01.04.10 Soldiers For Peace Detail
30.03.10 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
28.03.10 Vandenberg Detail
25.03.10 Happy Gay Team Detail
23.03.10 Happy Gay Team Detail
18.03.10 ReSpeCt#TeAm ChaOs 4 oN 4 Detail
07.03.10 SW4T.vC Detail
06.03.10 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
04.03.10 Spiders_Alfa Detail
03.03.10 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
01.03.10 SW4T.vC Detail
28.02.10 Chlazeny pivo Detail
25.02.10 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
23.02.10 Chlazeny pivo Detail
22.02.10 Happy Gay Team Detail
21.02.10 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
21.02.10 Chlazeny pivo Detail
21.02.10 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
25.01.10 SW4T.vC Detail
02.01.10 SW4T.vC Detail
30.12.09 Chlazeny pivo Detail
21.12.09 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
17.12.09 Vietcong Veteran Warriors Detail
16.12.09 Chlazeny pivo Detail
10.12.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
08.12.09 Vietcong Veteran Warriors Detail
07.12.09 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
04.12.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
03.12.09 Vandenberg Detail
02.12.09 Vietcong Veteran Warriors Detail
30.11.09 Chlazeny pivo Detail
28.11.09 Spiders_Alfa Detail
28.11.09 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
25.11.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
24.11.09 Chlazeny pivo Detail
19.11.09 SW4T.vC Detail
18.11.09 Chlazeny pivo Detail
17.11.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
15.11.09 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
12.11.09 Chaos is High Detail
11.11.09 NorthStars SQuad Detail
10.11.09 Vietcong Veteran Warriors Detail
09.11.09 Chlazeny pivo Detail
06.11.09 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
05.11.09 SW4T.vC Detail
03.11.09 Chaos is High Detail
29.10.09 Vietcong Veteran Warriors Detail
27.10.09 GreenStreetElita Detail
27.10.09 inweawe Detail
22.10.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
21.10.09 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
20.10.09 GreenStreetElita Detail
15.10.09 Vandenberg Detail
14.10.09 NorthStars SQuad Detail
13.10.09 Chlazeny pivo Detail
29.09.09 Spiders_Alfa Detail
24.09.09 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
22.09.09 UpRising Team Detail
15.09.09 Optimus vc TeaM Detail
12.07.09 Spiders_Alfa Detail
24.06.09 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
14.06.09 .DMK. Demolition klan Detail
11.06.09 SW4T.vC Detail
09.06.09 Immortal Gaming Team Detail
07.06.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
04.06.09 Extract.vc Detail
31.05.09 Imperactiv Detail
28.05.09 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
26.05.09 .DMK. Demolition klan Detail
24.05.09 DOG Soldiers Detail
20.05.09 Vandenberg Detail
17.05.09 Imperactiv Detail
14.05.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
10.05.09 .DMK. Demolition klan Detail
05.05.09 Immortal Gaming Team Detail
26.04.09 NorthStars SQuad Detail
19.04.09 DOG Soldiers Detail
12.04.09 NorthStars SQuad Detail
05.04.09 Spiders_Alfa Detail
29.03.09 .DMK. Demolition klan Detail
15.03.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
08.03.09 Mimo provoz Detail
01.03.09 Chlazeny pivo Detail
04.05.08 Libria Detail
01.05.08 Vandenberg Detail
27.04.08 Killers from Tower GG Detail
04.11.07 DOG Soldiers Detail
31.10.07 Happy Gay Team Detail
27.10.07 Spiders_Beta Detail
25.10.07 Czech Amateur Clan Detail
21.10.07 Happy Gay Team Detail
18.10.07 GIRL'S SQUAD gg Detail
16.10.07 Happy Gay Team Detail
15.10.07 Spiders_Alfa Detail
14.10.07 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
11.10.07 Czech Amateur Clan GG Detail
09.10.07 Liquidators vc Squads super hra Detail
07.10.07 Happy Gay Team Detail
27.09.07 Czech Amateur Clan Detail
29.08.07 Manhunti Detail
14.08.07 Czech Vietcong Team GG Detail
31.07.07 Unlimited Rushers Detail
31.07.07 Chlazeny pivo gg Detail
30.07.07 Happy Gay Team Detail
29.07.07 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
27.06.07 Whole World Is Ours gg Detail
26.06.07 Unlimited Rushers Detail
24.06.07 Happy Gay Team Detail
10.06.07 Vandenberg Detail
06.06.07 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
05.06.07 NecroTic Shoters Detail
28.05.07 Vietnamska Demokraticka Strana Analniho Odporu Detail
27.05.07 HOCHIMIN Detail
25.05.07 Czech Vietcong Team Detail
22.05.07 NecroTic Shoters Detail
21.05.07 Czech Amateur Clan Detail
20.05.07 Magic Balloons - MarBles Detail
20.05.07 Liquidators vc Squads gg Detail
17.05.07 Happy Gay Team gg Detail
16.05.07 Czech Amateur Clan Detail
13.05.07 Killers from Tower gg Detail
12.05.07 Liquidators vc Squads gg Detail
08.05.07 DOG Soldiers gg Detail
07.05.07 Chlazeny pivo Detail
04.05.07 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
03.05.07 Happy Gay Team Detail
29.04.07 Whole World Is Ours Detail
23.04.07 Brothers with Guns Detail
21.04.07 e-Gamerz Detail
20.04.07 Czech Amateur Clan Detail
16.04.07 Magic Balloons - MarBles Detail
14.04.07 Czech Amateur Clan ... Detail
09.04.07 Czech Amateur Clan Detail
07.04.07 Czech Vietcong Team gg Detail
06.04.07 Liquidators vc Squads gg Detail
06.04.07 Vandenberg gg Detail
05.04.07 Happy Gay Team Detail
04.04.07 Brothers with Guns gg Detail
30.03.07 Liquidators vc Squads gg Detail
29.03.07 HOCHIMIN gg Detail
26.03.07 DOG Soldiers gg Detail
25.03.07 Czech Vietcong Team gg Detail
22.03.07 Vandenberg kecy Detail
21.03.07 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
20.03.07 Magic Balloons - MarBles Detail
19.03.07 Magic Balloons.inactive Detail
18.03.07 DOG Soldiers gg Detail
15.03.07 Happy Gay Team gg Detail
14.03.07 Czech Vietcong Team gg Detail
13.03.07 Liquidators vc Squads gg Detail
12.03.07 Soldiers For Peace gg Detail
11.03.07 Brothers with Guns gg Detail
09.03.07 Vandenberg Detail
08.03.07 Big World Dangerous gg Detail
07.03.07 DOG Soldiers Detail
06.03.07 Happy Gay Team gg Detail
05.03.07 HOCHIMIN Detail
04.03.07 Magic Balloons - MarBles Detail
04.03.07 NecroTic Shoters gg Detail
03.03.07 Czech Amateur Clan Detail
02.03.07 Czech Vietcong Team gg Detail
01.03.07 e-Gamerz gg Detail
28.02.07 DOG Soldiers gg Detail
27.02.07 Liquidators vc Squads gg Detail
25.02.07 Soldiers For Peace Detail
25.02.07 Happy Gay Team gg Detail
24.02.07 Killers from Tower gg Detail
22.02.07 Vandenberg gg Detail
21.02.07 Czech Vietcong Team Detail
20.02.07 Czech Amateur Clan gg Detail
18.02.07 Brothers with Guns g Detail
18.02.07 NecroTic Shoters gg Detail
17.02.07 Soldiers For Peace Detail
16.02.07 Happy Gay Team gg Detail
16.02.07 Vandenberg Detail
15.02.07 Czech Vietcong Team Detail
14.02.07 Red Dog gg Detail
12.02.07 Magic Balloons.inactive gg Detail
11.02.07 Killers from Tower gg Detail
10.02.07 Czech Amateur Clan Detail
09.02.07 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
06.02.07 Czech Vietcong Team Detail
06.02.07 amaZonia Multigaming TeAm gg... Detail
04.02.07 Happy Gay Team fu kempy Detail
03.02.07 Red Dog gg Detail
02.02.07 Czech Vietcong Team Detail
31.01.07 Soldiers For Peace gg Detail
31.01.07 HOCHIMIN gg Detail
30.01.07 Vandenberg Detail
29.01.07 DOG Soldiers Detail
28.01.07 amaZonia Multigaming TeAm Detail
25.01.07 DOG Soldiers Detail
24.01.07 Czech Vietcong Team Detail
23.01.07 Magic Balloons - MarBles Detail
22.01.07 Killers from Tower Detail
21.01.07 Happy Gay Team Detail
19.01.07 Happy Gay Team Detail
17.01.07 Czech Vietcong Team Detail
16.01.07 Czech Amateur Clan Detail
15.01.07 HOCHIMIN Detail
14.01.07 Soldiers For Peace Detail
13.01.07 Magic Balloons.inactive Detail
12.01.07 amaZonia Multigaming TeAm gg Detail
24.12.06 Czech Vietcong Team - Beta Detail
18.12.06 eNigma e-sports.vc Detail
17.12.06 Killers from Tower Detail
15.12.06 Czech Vietcong Team - Beta Detail
13.12.06 HOCHIMIN Detail
10.12.06 edd.vc team Detail
10.12.06 Killers from Tower Detail
08.12.06 Happy Gay Team Detail
05.12.06 Czech Vietcong Team Detail
04.12.06 amaZonia Multigaming TeAm Detail
03.12.06 Killers from Tower Detail
02.12.06 Soldiers For Peace Detail
01.12.06 Happy Gay Team Detail
19.11.06 Killers from Tower Detail
16.11.06 HOCHIMIN Detail
15.11.06 amaZonia Multigaming TeAm Detail
14.11.06 Magic Balloons - MarBles Detail
13.11.06 extReme Lamers - Detail
12.11.06 Happy Gay Team Detail
11.11.06 Czech Vietcong Team Detail
10.11.06 Soldiers For Peace Detail
08.11.06 Happy Gay Team Detail
07.11.06 amaZonia Multigaming TeAm Detail
06.11.06 Killers from Tower Detail
05.11.06 extReme Lamers - Detail
04.11.06 Zizalky Detail
04.11.06 Spiders_Alfa Detail
03.11.06 Czech Vietcong Team Detail
02.11.06 moops gaming Detail
29.10.06 Happy Gay Team Detail
28.10.06 Czech Vietcong Team Detail
26.10.06 Magic Balloons - MarBles Detail
24.10.06 Soldiers For Peace Detail
24.10.06 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
23.10.06 amaZonia Multigaming TeAm Detail
22.10.06 moops gaming Detail
18.10.06 edd.vc team Detail
17.10.06 Heroes from Vietnam gg Detail
16.10.06 uNikorn Detail
15.10.06 Czech Vietcong Team Detail
14.10.06 Soldiers For Peace Detail
11.10.06 Czech Vietcong Team Detail
10.10.06 MGZ Detail
09.10.06 Happy Gay Team Detail
08.10.06 edd.vc team Detail
07.10.06 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
06.10.06 Killers from Tower Detail
04.10.06 Czech Amateur Clan Detail
03.10.06 Magic Balloons.inactive gg Detail
01.10.06 HOCHIMIN Detail
30.09.06 Deadly corporation Detail
28.09.06 Drevorubci z Vietnamu Detail
28.09.06 Liquidators vc Squads gg Detail
26.09.06 MGZ Detail
25.09.06 Happy Gay Team Detail
24.09.06 Killers from Tower Detail
23.09.06 amaZonia Multigaming TeAm Detail
22.09.06 edd.vc team kontumace Detail
21.09.06 Czech Vietcong Team gg Detail
20.09.06 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
19.09.06 DOG Soldiers Detail
18.09.06 Deadly corporation Detail
14.09.06 Killers from Tower Detail
13.09.06 Happy Gay Team gg Detail
12.09.06 Czech Vietcong Team Detail
11.09.06 amaZonia Multigaming TeAm Detail
10.09.06 Soldiers For Peace Detail
07.09.06 DOG Soldiers Detail
06.09.06 Killers from Tower Detail
05.09.06 Magic Balloons - MarBles Detail
04.09.06 edd.vc team Detail
02.09.06 amaZonia Multigaming TeAm Detail
12.07.06 Alpha Detail
10.07.06 NyCro.vC Detail
08.07.06 amaZonia Multigaming TeAm Detail
06.07.06 Alpha Detail
03.07.06 edd.vc team Detail
02.07.06 Lipence versus Svet Detail
29.06.06 DOG Soldiers Detail
27.06.06 DOG Soldiers of Kadan - Alternative Team Detail
25.06.06 Killers from Tower kempy :X Detail
04.06.06 NecroRaisers Vietcong Detail
28.05.06 Happy Gay Team Detail
24.05.06 amaZonia Multigaming TeAm Detail
23.05.06 DOG Soldiers Detail
20.05.06 Hypnotic Union Detail
18.05.06 DOG Soldiers Detail
16.05.06 Alpha Detail
15.05.06 SWAT.vC Detail
14.05.06 Soldiers For Peace Detail
13.05.06 Killers from Tower Detail
10.05.06 edd.vc team Detail
09.05.06 Magic Balloons - MarBles Detail
05.05.06 inTenS Vietcong Team Detail
01.05.06 Soul Reavers Detail
30.04.06 Soldiers For Peace Detail
29.04.06 NecroRaisers Vietcong Detail
28.04.06 inTenS Vietcong Team Detail
23.04.06 Happy Gay Team Detail
21.04.06 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
20.04.06 NERTZ Detail
18.04.06 DOG Soldiers Detail
12.04.06 The Legendary SkyRiders :-) GG Detail
10.04.06 Soldiers For Peace Detail
08.04.06 Soul Reavers Detail
05.04.06 Magic Balloons.inactive Detail
04.04.06 DOG Soldiers of Kadan - Alternative Team Detail
03.04.06 edd.vc team Detail
30.03.06 Total protector Team Detail
29.03.06 NecroRaisers Vietcong GG :D Detail
28.03.06 Fight for PEACE Detail
27.03.06 Heroes from Vietnam GG Detail
26.03.06 inTenS Vietcong Team Detail
25.03.06 Infern0.Vc Detail
24.03.06 DOG Soldiers GG Detail
22.03.06 uNikorn Detail
20.03.06 The Legendary SkyRiders Detail
17.03.06 Soldiers For Peace Detail
15.03.06 CyberStorm Detail
14.03.06 Alpha Detail
13.03.06 inTenS Vietcong Team Detail
12.03.06 nin-jah Detail
11.03.06 DOG Soldiers Detail
10.03.06 MGZ Detail
09.03.06 Czech Amateur Clan gg Detail
08.03.06 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
06.03.06 Spiders_Alfa cada smrdi!! Detail
05.03.06 Klub Starych Tatiku GG Detail
03.03.06 Warrior Within Detail
02.03.06 NecroRaisers Vietcong Detail
01.03.06 CyberStorm Detail
27.02.06 Soldiers For Peace Detail
21.02.06 Heroes from Vietnam gg Detail
20.02.06 SG-2 DIKY ZA HRU Detail
18.02.06 neutral respect Detail
16.02.06 Soul Reavers GG super hra! Detail
15.02.06 Happy Gay Team Detail
14.02.06 e-oN.KomedyTeam Detail
13.02.06 Spiders_Alfa Detail
12.02.06 DOG Soldiers of Kadan - Alternative Team Detail
11.02.06 Rychla Rota Detail
10.02.06 CyberStorm dobra hra! Detail
09.02.06 TimbrE GaminG.Vc Detail
08.02.06 NERTZ GG Detail
07.02.06 Soldiers For Peace GG Detail
06.02.06 Nitro Reloaded.Vc GG Detail
05.02.06 Enemy Killers GG Detail
04.02.06 rOHlicCi LAMY Detail
03.02.06 nin-jah GG Detail
31.01.06 The Legendary SkyRiders Detail
30.01.06 DOG Soldiers GG Detail
29.01.06 DOG Soldiers of Kadan - Alternative Team Detail
28.01.06 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
27.01.06 Czech Vietcong team and Europan Vietcong team Detail
26.01.06 nin-jah Detail
23.01.06 NERTZ Detail
22.01.06 Spiders_Alfa Detail
19.01.06 RedDragonsVietCong divne reakce neznalost pravidel a hra ve dvou Detail
17.01.06 Enemy Killers Detail
15.01.06 SG-3 Detail
13.01.06 X-MaRiNeS.Vc-Honorary Team SUPR GAME GG... :) Detail
11.01.06 Soldiers For Peace Detail
10.01.06 Happy Gay Team Detail
09.01.06 Metal Soldiers Detail
08.01.06 Nitro Reloaded.Vc Detail
06.01.06 CyberStorm Detail
05.01.06 Slovak Vietcong Team Detail
03.01.06 MarBles - owned by RemarQue Detail
02.01.06 Spiders_Alfa Detail
01.01.06 Rychla Rota chovani gut... Detail
29.12.05 X-MaRiNeS.Vc-Honorary Team Detail
28.12.05 TetraHydroCannabinol Detail
27.12.05 Neutral Rage Gaming Vietcong Team lamy Detail
23.12.05 Fight for PEACE Detail
22.12.05 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
19.12.05 The Legendary SkyRiders Gut gejm :) GL Detail
18.12.05 NYcro Detail
17.12.05 CaNabis Paradis3 Detail
16.12.05 Enemy Killers hnus !!!!!!!!!! Detail
15.12.05 Killers from Tower Detail
15.12.05 4fun no comment :( Detail
08.12.05 Dangerous vietcong Team GG... thx Detail
08.12.05 Soldiers For Peace Detail
07.12.05 X-MaRiNeS.Vc-Honorary Team GG, jeste jednou DIK Detail
20.11.05 Dangerous vietcong Team Lagy ale GG... Detail
26.10.05 VizZioN.VC Detail
25.10.05 SpiRiTeD FiGhTerS Detail
23.10.05 DELE Detail
19.10.05 Soldiers For Peace Detail
04.10.05 Waiting For Respawn Detail
29.09.05 Deathless Soldiers Detail
19.09.05 S.W.A.T Detail
18.09.05 Angels of Shadows Detail

Vietcong Teamplay Ladder
created to rating comment match
03.05.06 Nie Dla Idiotow Detail
16.04.06 Weiss ich nicht Detail
11.04.06 Veteran Camp Germany 2 Detail
23.03.06 l aGu.eSports l dead GG :D Detail
21.03.06 Fight for Freedom Detail
19.03.06 The Legendary SkyRiders Detail