Rating BlackWire by vR

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Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #173
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31.05.20 Eagles eSport Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #171
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17.05.20 Les Gold Michet Detail
17.05.20 Toxics Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #170
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10.05.20 Les fesseuh Detail

Rainbow Six Siege (PS4) Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
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04.05.20 assurance Detail
02.05.20 Alpaca-Aiden Detail
26.04.20 LEGEND ESPORTS Detail
01.03.20 FratelliEasports Detail
26.02.20 FratelliEasports Detail
16.02.20 ORiGiNaL GaMiNG Detail
12.02.20 CLAN UCHIHA Haben uns beleidigt. Detail
09.02.20 Immortal.GaminG Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #169
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03.05.20 F6kingMasterS Detail
03.05.20 Die4MuskeltiereUndFinn Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #168
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26.04.20 FairyWorld Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Season Challenge Spring 2020 Open Cup #7 Germany
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21.04.20 PurpelEyeZz by ARC Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #381 Europe
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28.03.20 BlackList-esport Detail
28.03.20 NASONI Detail
28.03.20 38ARB Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #163
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22.03.20 Yessir Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #378 Europe
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21.03.20 UrAqT Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #377 Europe
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18.03.20 NTX-_-GVNG Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Season Challenge Spring 2020 Open Cup #2 Germany
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10.03.20 Team Nxgro Alpha Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #160
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01.03.20 TM Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #368 Europe
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26.02.20 LEGEND ESPORTS Detail
26.02.20 G.O.A.T. Army Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #365 Europe
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20.02.20 Violent Bulls Detail
19.02.20 Vx_GaMinG Detail
19.02.20 Avengers Sports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #158
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16.02.20 bruh Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #157
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09.02.20 Kronus Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Season Challenge Winter 2019 Open Cup #8 Germany
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28.01.20 KLNY Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #155
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26.01.20 Devils Lion Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #351 Europe
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18.01.20 ?? Detail
18.01.20 QsA Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Season Challenge Winter 2019 Open Cup #6 Germany
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14.01.20 WoooooooooooW Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #151
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29.12.19 KMA Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #147
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01.12.19 Assassins Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 3on3 Secure Area Open Cup #333 Europe
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25.11.19 D1 eSports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #145
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17.11.19 BestRegards Detail
17.11.19 BFG Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #144
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10.11.19 Freelooo Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #307 Europe
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25.09.19 F4LCoN_ESPORT Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #301 Europe
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11.09.19 ITALIAN RED DEVILS’ Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #296 Europe
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31.08.19 SCUFbyV1CTORY Detail
31.08.19 Tamère Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #295 Europe
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28.08.19 TEAM.INFRONT. Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #292 Europe
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21.08.19 Pagnotte eSports Detail
21.08.19 Solar Detail
21.08.19 Game of Dragons (Archonei) Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Monthly Challenge August 2019 Open Cup #3 Germany
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20.08.19 V2 eSports Ladder Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #286 Europe
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07.08.19 Kid Don's Detail