Rating United Slovak Swat Players

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
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03.04.11 Alcaholix - 3 v 3 very good game Detail
27.02.11 MW2 GanJa Team all ok Detail
05.02.11 Bullshit gg Detail
21.01.11 improved Technics all ok, but steam fell in last round :( Detail
10.01.11 FragX Gaming all good Detail
13.05.10 Aerosol eSports Detail
12.05.10 Paranoia eSports MW2 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
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23.01.11 PeWueS e-Sport Gamers Detail
02.01.11 Lenzen RuleZZ all good Detail
01.01.11 Team Nice One Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Capture The Flag 5on5 Ladder
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15.08.10 MyClub mw3 They did use all weapons, but ... what ever.. Detail
26.07.10 Aerosol eSports extreemly late, for the last minute, other then that, ok Detail
21.07.10 Team.famous good game , but did not wait for failed member Detail
19.07.10 NaDaaaaaaa all good , except settings of server Detail
22.06.10 In memory of DeVIATE Gaming all good, fine oponent Detail
20.05.10 Novum eXemplum Offensionis all good, fair play match ! Detail
12.05.10 Tony - mw2 all ok Detail
11.04.10 Hartz4Life gg Detail
05.04.10 Tony - mw2 Good game, hard but good Detail
02.04.10 För hemligt all ok, no problems Detail
31.03.10 Soldiers Of Fear #1 all ok Detail
28.03.10 Hartz4Life All good, hard match Detail
28.03.10 team Pokkkerface.jpg Their server was bad, one player had ping only 1 bar ( Detail
21.03.10 Radoxgaming Excelent even game Detail
15.03.10 Tony - mw2 Good game , and good oponent Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Headquarters Pro 3on3 May Cup
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10.05.10 Tony - mw2 all fine Detail

Call of Duty 4 PAM Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
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27.04.08 star-gate.clan COD4 squad gg Detail
17.04.08 ReeN hat nen kleinen Finger gg Detail
23.03.08 Delete-Delete ok Detail
19.03.08 Die UFO Bande Detail
16.03.08 Omicron.CoD4 Detail
16.03.08 ReeN hat nen kleinen Finger Detail
14.03.08 Most Wanted Detail
11.03.08 brotherhood of dead rabbit gg Detail
09.03.08 Fallen Angels Gaming gg Detail
08.03.08 reBoot 4 BF3 gg Detail
08.03.08 Czech Amateur Clan CoD good game Detail

SWAT 4 Barricaded Suspects 3on3 Ladder
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19.07.07 Special Force Gaming gg, good oponent Detail
15.07.07 Ghost Recon Polska .2nd. good oponent Detail
12.05.07 Striving For eXcellence gg, no problems Detail
23.04.07 Utvar Rychleho NAsazeni gg Detail
15.04.07 MoRtal 3on3 team 2 gg Detail
09.04.07 Wild Rose-Black Death SWAT 4 gg, no spawn camping in fairfax, good oponent Detail
20.03.07 Russian Elite Forces gg Detail
08.03.07 GladiatoReS gg Detail
25.02.07 GladiatoReS gg, fast game with lots of nades Detail
24.02.07 Black Lion Italia - INAKTIV excelent game Detail
22.02.07 0osing Skill gg Detail
21.02.07 Fast Virus gg, little bit boring :) Detail
11.02.07 Wild Rose-Black Death SWAT 4 gg in Riverside, bg in abomb Detail
10.02.07 InVisible gg Detail
08.02.07 ZRUSENO gg Detail
01.02.07 Special Force Gaming gg Detail
21.01.07 XyBorgS gg Detail
07.01.07 3n4 gg Detail
21.12.06 Wild Rose-Black Death SWAT 4 gg Detail
20.12.06 Team SPECNAZ and Delta Force 3 gg Detail
16.12.06 FightClub gg Detail
16.12.06 MoRtal CUP gg Detail
10.12.06 MoRtal 3on3 team 2 gg Detail
06.12.06 XyBorgS gg Detail
05.12.06 MoRtal CUP gg Detail
03.12.06 Russian Elite Forces gg, verry good game Detail
02.12.06 SPZDF Cup gg Detail
24.11.06 Black Widow gg Detail
19.11.06 RefLeX gg, but it take long time to setup the server. Detail
15.11.06 Wild Rose-Black Death SWAT 4 gg Detail
11.11.06 MoRtal CUP gg Detail
29.10.06 FightClub gg/bg 50/50 Detail
28.10.06 3n4 gg Detail
25.10.06 Wild Rose-Black Death SWAT 4 gg Detail
25.10.06 Ghost Recon Polska gg Detail

SWAT 4 Barricaded Suspects 3on3 Spring Cup 2007
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03.05.07 Immortal gg Detail
30.04.07 XyBorgS gg, but some respawncamping.... Detail
29.04.07 CreepyBastards gg with a little camp here and there... Detail

SWAT 4 Barricaded Suspects 3on3 Winter Cup 2007
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17.01.07 Support Team _ 1 gg , excelent oponent Detail
15.01.07 Server 13 gg, little slow. Detail

SWAT 4 The Stetchkov Syndicate Barricaded Suspects 5on5 Ladder
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26.11.06 Wild Rose-Black Death SWAT 4 gg Detail
28.10.06 MoRtal - Multigaming Clan gg, unable to play 5vs5 :( Detail
21.10.06 Wild Rose-Black Death SWAT 4 gg Detail
14.10.06 Russian Elite Forces gg, nice action game Detail
05.10.06 Utvar Rychleho NAsazeni gg Detail
01.10.06 Fast Virus excelent game Detail
27.09.06 XyBorgS gg, but many camp and respawn camp. Detail
23.09.06 GRUPA SZYBKIEGO REAGOWANIA excelent game , thanks guys Detail
31.08.06 XyBorgS gg, little bit camp Detail
27.08.06 XyBorgS gg Detail
17.08.06 Fast Virus gg Detail
30.07.06 XyBorgS Detail
17.07.06 XyBorgS kind of camp Detail
10.07.06 Utvar Rychleho NAsazeni gg Detail
05.07.06 unitedesports.com good game Detail
22.06.06 PRO They left the match :( Detail
22.06.06 Fast Virus gg Detail
14.06.06 XyBorgS gg, super hra Detail
11.06.06 KSK 5on5 TSS Team Good game Detail
08.06.06 Utvar Rychleho NAsazeni gg Detail
01.06.06 unitedesports.com good game Detail
30.05.06 Fast Virus gg Detail
25.05.06 cYb-Clan good game, but little abusive Detail
23.05.06 Utvar Rychleho NAsazeni gg Detail
20.05.06 SWAT-FIGHT-CLUB they swear in match and say we cheat if they are loosing other then that , gg Detail
19.05.06 T-EAGLES SW4 gg, like always Detail
17.05.06 The Killers of Darkness Werry bad lag on their server Detail
08.05.06 GermanSwatElite Good game Detail
04.05.06 Fast Virus gg Detail
26.04.06 Polskie Oddzialy Specjalne little camp :( Detail
22.04.06 DOG Soldiers - SWAT 4 respawn kill in foodwall = sux Detail
18.04.06 unitedesports.com good game Detail
17.04.06 Taktischer Fun Clan they swear in match and say anybody is cheating Detail
16.04.06 Pixcom2 GG Detail
14.04.06 Semper Paratus gg Detail

SWAT 4 Barricaded Suspects 3on3 Summer Cup 2006 3on3
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15.09.06 XyBorgS Detail

SWAT 4 The Stetchkov Syndicate Smash and Grab 4on4 Spring Cup 2006 4on4
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07.08.06 Russian Elite Forces Detail
01.08.06 DOG Soldiers - SWAT 4 gg Detail
24.07.06 XyBorgS gg Detail
16.07.06 Polskie Oddzialy Specjalne good game Detail