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Rating High Voltagee - inactive

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Red Faction Capture The Flag 3on3 Ladder
created to rating comment match
10.12.06 WILDLIFE great players, good attitudes, most fun war we had in ages :) Detail
12.08.06 BestShooter gg as always! :) Detail
03.07.06 BestShooter trish is too hot Detail
25.06.06 Audi Vide Sile gg Detail
27.05.06 Audi Vide Sile Detail
30.04.06 Evolution Sources glitcherssssssssss // insults.. just like last time Detail
23.04.06 Audi Vide Sile glitches again Detail
11.04.06 Evolution Sources too many false accusations Detail
10.04.06 Estgaming Detail
10.04.06 Audi Vide Sile 2 many times rocket was glitched on last map Detail
03.04.06 Rage on Killing talking shit all during game, glitching on purpose Detail
26.03.06 BestShooter a bit slow :) Detail
19.03.06 Audi Vide Sile Detail
12.03.06 BestShooter Detail
05.03.06 electro Sport AllianZ good attitude Detail
04.03.06 Audi Vide Sile some glitching, moaning, good behaviour from nightmar Detail
27.02.06 Red Faction Killers lots of glitching, but ok overall Detail
26.02.06 Seryjni Mordercy inactive glitching was uneeded. Detail
19.02.06 Devilzclan - Inactive Detail
12.02.06 United Electronic Players glitching was uneeded Detail
05.02.06 Estgaming =) Detail
28.01.06 electro Sport AllianZ gg Detail
21.01.06 Seryjni Mordercy inactive Detail
15.01.06 BestShooter players leaving, glitching, whining Detail
15.01.06 Red Faction Team very good behaviour. Detail
08.01.06 Audi Vide Sile thx for another good game :) no complaints. Detail
07.01.06 Vivid good attitude, although could be more friendlier :) Detail
24.12.05 Fragueurs Allumes name calling, whining Detail
17.12.05 electro Sport AllianZ some glitching but good overall Detail
12.12.05 United Electronic Players not good with the server issues :( Detail
11.12.05 Audi Vide Sile good behaviour :) Detail
27.11.05 BestShooter some lag whining but ok overall Detail
26.11.05 HiGh w4rrioR'S GrouP.iNaCTiV ok overall, they glitched though Detail
20.11.05 electro Sport AllianZ played 2 vs 3 when our player lagged out Detail
19.11.05 Fragueurs Allumes Detail
16.11.05 Audi Vide Sile on BC lots of bitching Detail
13.11.05 Red Masters Detail
09.11.05 Estgaming wtf is a pipi Detail
30.10.05 electro Sport AllianZ Detail
15.10.05 Red Masters very nice attitude RM. keep it up :) Detail
10.10.05 semper fidelis Detail
08.10.05 Fragueurs Allumes Detail

Red Faction Capture The Flag 3on3 Rail Ladder
created to rating comment match
11.06.06 Estgaming Detail