Rating raccoons.coolTronik BF

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Battlefield 2142 Infantry Ladder
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24.09.07 PinK Detail
23.09.07 XOXOXO Detail
03.09.07 GRolanD.2142 gg Detail
29.08.07 S.O.B.R. Psi Detail
22.08.07 XII Dirty Dozen gg Detail
21.08.07 Veritas-Gaming 2142 nice game Detail
20.08.07 Hungarian Titan Warriors gg Detail
02.07.07 MaxFloPlaY.bf2142 Detail
24.06.07 The .x7 Project Multigaming Organisation Detail
20.06.07 Our BF2142s memories Detail
14.06.07 PinK Detail
12.06.07 Russian Team Zero gg Detail
27.05.07 Tactical-fight-Crew_Bf2142'ExtremeGaming' nette Gegner :) Detail
07.05.07 OMEGA Combat Squad nice game Detail
19.04.07 Special Tactical Clan BF 2142 gutes Spiel, nette Gegner Detail
17.04.07 Revenge Wolves.BF Detail
12.04.07 SPQR Booster Pack noch ok, aber wollen sich 10 Min verstecken Detail
10.04.07 Silverdeath Clan BF2142 Detail
03.04.07 Universal Soldiers.bf2142 Detail
29.03.07 Gamert International e.Sports Community gg Detail
29.03.07 SOBR team gg Detail
25.02.07 Unleashed Elemental Forces GG Detail
25.02.07 ServerDivision GG, sehr nette Gegner Detail
22.02.07 Game-Republic BF2142 ESL GG, großer Respekt trotz 3 Mann nur angetretten. Guter Clan. Detail
19.02.07 OMEGA Combat Squad GG Detail
19.02.07 SPQR Booster Pack gg Detail
15.02.07 GERMAN-AIRWOLFS GG Detail
13.02.07 To be Continued - Bf Series gg Detail
12.02.07 Team Dignitas gg Detail
30.01.07 European Elite Jolt battlefield 2142 Detail
28.01.07 German Republic Army.bf2142 Good Game Detail
23.01.07 prediction Gaming e.V. GG Detail
22.01.07 Team GROM Multigaming GG Detail
21.01.07 Team Phoenix BF2142 ReBirth GG Detail

Battlefield 2142 Conquest 6on6 Ladder
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09.09.07 Battlefield-2142.org Community Clan gg Detail
11.06.07 Gefechtsfeld Touristen Detail
02.06.07 daddel-runde.de gg, nette Leute Detail
28.05.07 German Ghost Rider gg, nette Gegner Detail
06.05.07 GERMAN-AIRWOLFS gg Detail
03.05.07 one.magic gg Detail
23.04.07 Ex Convicts2142 nette Leute Detail
17.04.07 Scenario of Violence nette Leute :) Detail
13.04.07 Exclusive Porn Crew Detail
12.04.07 EMP-Squad gg Detail
12.04.07 Battlefield Fun Gamers INF gg, nice & fair game Detail
09.04.07 Special Tactical Clan BF 2142 Detail
05.04.07 1st German Peacemaker Corps gg nette Gegner Detail
31.03.07 Tactical Nation Troopers gg Detail
30.03.07 Team Demenz gg, sehr nette Gegner Detail
27.03.07 SPQR Booster Pack gutes Spiel, nette Gegner Detail
20.03.07 Wilhelmsfelder War Clan BF2142 nette Leute :) Detail
20.03.07 TASK FORCE JAGDKOMMANDO nett, jedoch tragen sie falsches Ergebniss ein Detail

Battlefield 2142 Conquest 6on6 Amateur Series
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08.07.07 prediction Gaming e.V. Detail
08.07.07 endeffect.be-quiet - BF2142 EAS Detail
01.07.07 Solstice-Gaming gg Detail
25.06.07 Team Dignitas.bf2142 EAS Detail
07.06.07 Fight4U BF2142 gg Detail
03.06.07 Team Dignitas.bf2142 EAS Detail
31.05.07 To be Continued - Bf Series gg Detail
24.05.07 endeffect.be-quiet - BF2142 EAS gg nette Gegner Detail
22.05.07 To be Continued - Bf Series Detail
17.05.07 United Infantry Clan gg Detail
15.05.07 Lords.BF2142 nette Leute :) Detail

Battlefield 2142 Conquest Ladder
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07.06.07 Clan OLE gg Detail
25.04.07 Favorit Russian Team Good Game Detail
04.03.07 OMEGA Combat Squad We must wait 40 min for the start, but they play with 2 players less, but respect for this Detail

Battlefield 2142 Conquest Spring cup final
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02.05.07 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus - Call of Duty 4 gg, nice & fair game Detail

Battlefield 2142 Infantry Spring cup finals
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29.04.07 da Roxor united No gl or hf wishes, unsocial Detail

Battlefield 2142 Conquest 6on6+ Ladder
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11.04.07 Battlefield Fun Gamers Detail
18.03.07 TASK FORCE JAGDKOMMANDO Netter Gegner, trotz Beleidigung Detail
12.03.07 Ex Convicts2142 Nette Gegner Detail
04.03.07 Battle Survival Clan GG, sehr nette Gegner Detail
04.03.07 CHCLAN BF2142 GG, sehr netter Gegner Detail

Battlefield 2142 Conquest Spring Cup 2007
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25.03.07 BenQ DELTAeSPORTS.COM Detail
11.03.07 neXor Multigaming Wie immer nette Gegner Detail

Battlefield 2142 Infantry Spring Cup 2007
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25.03.07 Men Of Slaughter gg Detail
19.03.07 prediction Gaming e.V. gg Detail
11.03.07 BenQ DELTAeSPORTS.COM GG, friendly and fair Enemys :) Detail

Battlefield 2142 Infantry 4on4 Opening Cup
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30.01.07 UnKnown Fighters Detail
28.01.07 goldfische GG Detail
23.01.07 Wilhelmsfelder War Clan BF2142 GG Detail
18.01.07 SoH.ch BF2142 Nette Gegner - gg :) Detail
16.01.07 xCRSCxGiants of Titan Detail