Rating Kokosy a Banany

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MOH: Allied Assault Objective 5on5 Premiership #3
created to rating comment match
10.06.07 Cavaliers Detail
03.06.07 NecroRaisers.moh Detail
27.05.07 Black Skunks gg Detail
20.05.07 Pixel Warriors MoH gg Detail
29.04.07 nidecKers.MoH Detail
22.04.07 Born to Survive.MoH Detail
15.04.07 Deadly Lightning gg Detail
08.04.07 Bangkok Pandas Detail
01.04.07 fighters for right Thing Detail
25.03.07 NEVIM NIC Detail
18.03.07 REpresent's Detail

MOH: Allied Assault Objective 5on5 Ladder
created to rating comment match
15.02.07 nidecKers.MoH gg :) ale měli ste na mále :D Detail
12.02.07 REpresent's Detail
25.01.07 fighters for right Thing Detail
22.01.07 No Comment Detail
21.01.07 Regular Soldiers Detail
17.01.07 Born to Survive.MoH Detail
14.01.07 NecroRaisers.moh Detail
10.01.07 REpresent's Detail
08.01.07 Regular Soldiers Detail
04.01.07 nidecKers.MoH GG Detail
03.01.07 Born to Survive.MoH Detail
02.01.07 REpresent's Detail
01.01.07 NecroRaisers.moh Detail
30.12.06 Regular Soldiers Detail
28.12.06 Black Skunks Detail
27.12.06 No Comment gg Detail
26.12.06 Cavaliers Detail
24.12.06 fighters for right Thing Detail
20.12.06 Regular Soldiers Detail
17.12.06 NEVIM NIC Detail
13.12.06 inteGra-team.com gg Detail
12.12.06 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
12.12.06 No Comment Detail
12.12.06 fighters for right Thing Detail
11.12.06 nidecKers.MoH gg Detail
05.12.06 fighters for right Thing gg Detail
04.12.06 Medal of Honor Masters gg, no :D Detail
28.11.06 REpresent's gg Detail
27.11.06 No Comment gg Detail
13.11.06 Cavaliers gg Detail
09.11.06 No Comment gg Detail
27.09.06 NecroRaisers.moh Detail
26.09.06 fighters for right Thing Detail
24.09.06 Taktical gg Detail
22.09.06 GOOSEFLESH gg Detail
20.09.06 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
19.09.06 26.brigade gg Detail
12.09.06 fighters for right Thing gg Detail
11.09.06 Bangkok Pandas gg Detail
09.09.06 No Comment gg Detail
09.09.06 Black Skunks Detail
05.09.06 Taktical gg Detail
04.09.06 Pixel Warriors MoH za ten w8 Detail
01.09.06 inteGra-team.com urážení Detail
16.08.06 Taktical gg Detail
16.08.06 Nemesis vysazování Detail
15.08.06 inteGra-team.com gg Detail
10.08.06 No Comment Detail
10.08.06 fighters for right Thing gg Detail
08.08.06 NecroRaisers.moh gg Detail
08.08.06 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
07.08.06 deaThly BoYs gg Detail
06.08.06 Taktical Detail
05.08.06 GOOSEFLESH Detail
03.08.06 sweet Armed girls Detail
27.07.06 Kokosy a Banany Detail
17.07.06 Bratri v triku gg Detail
14.07.06 The BARRACUDS gg Detail
13.07.06 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
09.07.06 Taktical Detail
08.07.06 fighters for right Thing Detail
04.07.06 The BARRACUDS gg Detail
29.06.06 legends of clan enigma -1 za vysazování ;P Detail
27.06.06 HERITAGE 5on5 gg Detail
26.06.06 fighters for right Thing Detail
21.06.06 legends of clan enigma gg Detail
21.06.06 Taktical gg, vynikající chování Detail
10.06.06 Nemesis gg Detail
08.06.06 fighters for right Thing gg Detail
06.06.06 GOOSEFLESH gg Detail
05.06.06 Elite Assault Shooters gg Detail
04.06.06 Kokosy a Banany neustálé obviňování z cheatování Detail
01.06.06 Taktical -1 za ten bugnade Detail
27.05.06 The BARRACUDS Detail
23.05.06 GOOSEFLESH gg Detail
18.05.06 Nemesis vysazování Detail
10.05.06 fighters for right Thing gg Detail
09.05.06 Nemesis gg Detail
09.05.06 Bratri v triku gg Detail
08.05.06 Kokosy a Banany urážení - klokan + spam Detail
02.05.06 Taktical Detail
30.04.06 sweet Armed girls gg Detail
16.04.06 Magic Balloons.MoH gg Detail
14.04.06 No Comment gg Detail
13.04.06 3vs3 TDM gg Detail
10.04.06 Elite Immortal Army gg Detail
09.04.06 GOOSEFLESH Detail
07.04.06 sweet Armed girls gg Detail
04.04.06 TTC gg, ale boda ste nám mohli nechat :D:D:D Detail
03.04.06 Pixel Warriors MoH gg Detail
01.04.06 GOOSEFLESH gg Detail
11.03.06 The Gladiators Detail
10.03.06 fighters for right Thing skvělá a rychlá hra Detail
04.03.06 GOOSEFLESH xD Detail
27.02.06 Elite Immortal Army gg Detail

MOH: Allied Assault 3on3 Ladder
created to rating comment match
12.01.06 GOOSEFLESH férovej zápas, vyrovnanej zápas, vyhrál ti, co měli silnější nervy :) Detail
10.01.06 The Gladiators Maj na zádech vrtulky :D Detail
08.01.06 Lost_Souls Detail
02.01.06 1St revolution clan počkejte za rok :D Detail
29.12.05 GOOSEFLESH Detail
27.12.05 fighters for right Thing Detail
26.12.05 Lost_Souls GG. Příště vyhrajem... ;D Detail
25.12.05 3vs3 TDM Detail
21.12.05 eXclusiveAttack -FANClub- báli se -> hráli sme na schovku :D Detail
14.12.05 Lost_Souls Detail
14.12.05 inVerse.moh Detail