Rating konSes CS 1.6 5on5

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Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
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17.02.08 friendly-fire Detail
17.02.08 TESTING AREA Detail

Counter-Strike Cups Snowflakecup 2008
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14.01.08 b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b GG Detail

Counter-Strike Cups Autumncup 07
created to rating comment match
07.11.07 5n5.mr12 gg Detail
24.10.07 OLDSQ99L Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder
created to rating comment match
03.09.07 uniQue-ingenZ mr12 gg Detail
27.12.06 pangea.CS Detail
23.12.06 Kackagenten moelln oldschool Detail
18.12.06 insekten 5n5 Detail
07.12.06 Lords of the Geeks netter gegner! Detail
04.12.06 oldschool Detail
20.11.06 in memory of cwalkin.de Detail
12.11.06 International - Experience selfkills, teamkills, einfach nur schlecht... Detail
02.11.06 eSports X trem.cs Detail
02.11.06 Boxer88 gg! Detail
01.11.06 PROFESSORENNNN netter gegner... Detail
31.10.06 gaming-Artists gg Detail
31.10.06 TEAM' Detail
15.10.06 gehbehindertes Exekutionskommando Detail
15.10.06 HEADHUNTERZ Detail
02.10.06 in memory of obscura netter gegner ... etwas viel gelaber im spiel :( Detail
02.10.06 Riot geht ab netter und starker gegner!!! Detail
01.10.06 aNway to play COUNTER-STRIKE gg Detail
01.10.06 In Memory of ..... gg! netter gegner Detail
01.10.06 5on5 - MR12 - TOP 20 gg! nette gesellen ;D Detail
26.09.06 PK4.eSPORTS gg Detail
12.06.06 eLdioZ gg Detail
07.06.06 Happy six Friends .... 13 Rundenregel Detail
05.06.06 Schwarzer Schmetterling Detail
10.05.06 myGpKo.com - skillz that killz Detail
02.05.06 platin gg Detail
02.05.06 vom-feinsten alte Schule Detail
03.04.06 voll Routine mr12 Detail
26.02.06 Heliophobia Detail
24.02.06 mortalPerfection.net - impulse Detail
19.02.06 gOtCha.ec Detail
14.02.06 Society of Friends Detail
13.02.06 Schnucki Club gg Detail
12.02.06 pUre-gaming Buehl 5on5 MR15 Detail