Rating Team Dignitas

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FIFA 08 Clanwar Ladder
created to rating comment match
05.10.08 RedLine.Fifa gg !! Detail
17.09.08 iGn eSports.Fifa gg Detail
11.09.08 exaQianer gg Detail
09.09.08 RedLine.Fifa gg Detail
09.09.08 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 Detail
08.09.08 HighLevel eSports Fifa gg Detail
08.09.08 Earthquake.Cups gg Detail
08.09.08 blank.FIFA - TRAINACC - gg Detail
07.09.08 ES-GAMING Detail
07.09.08 ex Gamax Clan FIFA 08 Detail
07.09.08 neXtPlease Gaming gg Detail
06.09.08 Never.Back.DOWN Detail
02.09.08 uPro gg Detail
02.09.08 iGn eSports.Fifa gg Detail
02.09.08 Antwerp Aces gg Detail
02.09.08 Team SPEEDLINK.FiFa09.Ladder gg Detail
01.09.08 European Football Stars gg Detail
14.05.08 Mistrzowie Swiata gg Detail
01.05.08 uPro gg Detail
28.04.08 Competo-Sports gg Detail
27.04.08 Emeryci.FIFA gg 4on5 Detail
20.04.08 LowLandLions.fifa gg Detail
12.04.08 PinCho Detail
12.04.08 diamondZ e.V. gg luckz0rs Detail
09.04.08 Undisputed Clan Poland.PS3 gg Detail
28.03.08 RedLine.Fifa GG Detail
25.03.08 Lyra Gaming Detail
25.03.08 neXtPlease Gaming Detail
12.03.08 High-Pcw.FIFA Detail
20.02.08 Clan DMT gg Detail
20.02.08 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus Detail
02.02.08 RAGE.eSports.FIFA gg Detail
30.01.08 Soccer4ever.Copa gg Detail
25.01.08 LowLandLions.fifa gg Detail
24.01.08 PinCho gg Detail
20.01.08 switchBACK GAMING FIFA TEAM gg Detail
17.01.08 LowLandLions.fifa gg cya in EMS quali!! ;) Detail
15.01.08 TurQuality gg Detail
14.01.08 High-Pcw.FIFA gg Detail
13.01.08 Elite Fifa Spain gg Detail
10.01.08 Antwerp Aces gg Detail
10.01.08 RAGE.eSports.FIFA gg, but some connection trouble. Detail
08.01.08 sQuadra Azzura gg Detail
08.01.08 Mistrzowie Swiata gg Detail
07.01.08 Lyra Gaming gg nice and fair players!!!! Detail
07.01.08 PinCho gg ESL New Years Cup Champions Detail
05.01.08 Never.Back.DOWN gg Detail
05.01.08 neXtPlease Gaming gg Detail
05.01.08 blank.FIFA - TRAINACC - gg Detail
02.01.08 OCB?! gg Detail

FIFA 08 Clanwar Spring Cup
created to rating comment match
28.03.08 Romania Detail

FIFA 07 Clanwar Ladder
created to rating comment match
15.08.07 LowLandLions.fifa gg Detail
06.08.07 GrouP oF PlayerS gg Detail
01.08.07 EASYTEAM gg Detail
25.07.07 Never.Back.DOWN gg Detail
25.07.07 BEZROBOTNY11 gg and good night Detail
24.07.07 Lyra Gaming gg Detail
24.07.07 ILUSION PICTURES e-sports gg Detail
20.07.07 diamondZ e.V. gg Detail
11.07.07 OVERLOAd.LATENCY Ackjerre spammed massively and couldnt accept the loss. Rest of them were fair and GG. Detail
09.07.07 Lyra Gaming gg Detail
01.07.07 Team Germany -GER- gg Detail
26.06.07 x5inet gg Detail
12.06.07 We are back gg Detail
10.06.07 PinCho Detail
05.06.07 name1395586 gg Detail
05.06.07 cyberOne.FIFA gg Detail
03.06.07 F-Team gg Detail
25.05.07 LowLandLions.fifa gg Detail
20.05.07 ILUSION PICTURES e-sports gg Detail
17.05.07 Elite HSkill gg Detail
15.05.07 DELETE TEAM PLZ gg :)) Detail
13.05.07 Earthquake.Gaming gg very nice and fair players Detail
10.05.07 Undisputed Clan Poland.PS3 gg very nice and fair players + good connection Detail
04.05.07 Antwerp Aces gg Detail
30.04.07 Lyra Gaming gg Detail
30.04.07 F-Team gg very nice and fair players Detail
27.04.07 cless.fifa acc GG Detail
27.04.07 nWo.Fifa gg Detail
26.04.07 Elite Fifa Spain gg :)) Detail
14.04.07 Team GameStation Some players had lag, but good game. Detail
29.03.07 DarkSide.FIFA gg Detail
13.03.07 Lyra Gaming gg Detail
11.03.07 LowLandLions.fifa gg Detail
09.03.07 PinCho bad connections :( Detail
06.03.07 AuX-Team gg Detail
04.03.07 p3-Gaming gg Detail
02.03.07 Outsiders reborn gg :)) Detail
02.03.07 Rhenium-Gaming.FIFA IPS gg Detail
01.03.07 TMGC gg Detail
01.03.07 antiKon-squad gg Detail
26.02.07 Antwerp Aces gg :)) Detail
25.02.07 Rising Generation gg Detail
25.02.07 Koma_Crew.Fifa Ladder gg Detail
21.02.07 Inferno eSports - FIFA gg very nice and fair players Detail
20.02.07 Earthquake.Gaming gg Detail
19.02.07 ENTERING GAMING forZe Detail
19.02.07 High-Pcw.FIFA gg very nice and fair players Detail
18.02.07 LowLandLions.fifa gg :)) Detail
18.02.07 FIFA Friends United gg Detail
18.02.07 Outsiders reborn gg very nice and fair players Detail
17.02.07 Pentagram G-Shock nice and fair players! good con gg :) Detail
15.02.07 pTw-Gaming gg :)) Detail
15.02.07 Rammstein Fans gg very nice and fair players Detail
15.02.07 eXtrude gg very nice and fair players Detail
14.02.07 Never.Back.DOWN gg Detail