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Star Wars: Battlefront II 5on5 Plus Ladder Old
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13.08.09 Aquila Gaming Wanting to change the map 2 minutes before the war=/ Detail
26.07.09 Winner-Clan Detail
10.07.09 PhaceIt eSports Detail
10.07.09 relation.Allstars Good war we enjoyed it. Detail
23.06.09 The Eternal Warriors Detail
21.06.09 The Unknown Warriors Detail
16.06.09 Team7LIVES Detail
14.06.09 Aquila Gaming Detail
08.06.09 PhaceIt eSports Detail
06.06.09 R.I.P. L Alliance Detail
25.05.09 Team7LIVES Detail
22.05.09 Forever Reborn Detail
17.05.09 Delta Force Team Detail
16.05.09 The French Resistance Detail
14.05.09 Winner-Clan Detail
05.05.09 Elite Bloodsports Detail
03.05.09 PhaceIt eSports Detail
27.04.09 Dark Fighter Forces Why are the lower ranked clans more friendly? Detail
25.04.09 Team7LIVES Detail
14.04.09 E-Sport-Titanen I am satisfied Detail
03.04.09 Team7LIVES flame:( Detail
01.04.09 Elite Bloodsports Detail
29.03.09 Winner-Clan Detail
27.03.09 Legend Alpha-Gaming\'_____ Detail
22.03.09 The Eternal Warriors Detail
20.03.09 Unleashed Elemental Forces Very Good:) Detail
14.03.09 PhaceIt eSports Detail
06.03.09 Delta Force Team Detail
01.03.09 In Memory Of TKF Fair team Detail
28.02.09 The Eternal Warriors Detail
21.02.09 Mandalorian Star Commando Fair team Detail
20.02.09 Forever Reborn Bugs Detail
13.02.09 Mandalorian Star Commando I am mezmerized by your kindness, helpfulness and attitude. Great clanén kö Detail
07.02.09 The Eternal Warriors Detail
07.09.08 PhaceIt eSports Detail
31.08.08 Legend SWBF2 Alpha-Squad Detail
30.08.08 Force of Corruption Detail
28.08.08 Enten-Patrouille Detail
22.08.08 The Eternal Warriors thanks for accepting the second round Detail
10.08.08 AQUILA GAMING bad server settings Detail
25.07.08 Legend SWBF2 Alpha-Squad Detail
09.02.08 Tha Bloody Angels Detail
26.01.08 Freedom Reflection Detail
19.01.08 The Unknown Warriors Detail
21.12.07 Memory of Beta-Squad GG=) Detail
27.10.07 PhaceIt eSports Detail
20.10.07 GenesisKnights Delta Squad James shouldnt complain Detail
13.10.07 Force d'elite francaise Detail
06.10.07 ChAoS-Clan-Elite Good war Detail
08.09.07 The best SWBF2 Team Ever Detail
02.09.07 The Unknown Warriors GG Detail
30.08.07 TheLionKing Good guys and damn good gamers. Detail
28.08.07 the Army of Darkness Good guys;) Detail
23.08.07 GenesisKnights The Best Clan Detail
17.08.07 Space Battle Rangers Good war, small problem.. but who doesnt have problems sometimes? Detail
05.08.07 Unleashed Elemental Forces All was fine and a Colossal war Detail
03.08.07 Out of Control - SWBF2 Squad =) Detail
19.07.07 Der Bro Code OMFG accepting the war on the last minute ... Detail
13.07.07 PhaceIt eSports Detail
07.07.07 The Delta Force fair guys and great players Detail
05.07.07 New-Earth-Alliance Detail
26.05.07 Clone Republican Commando chat spamming... Detail
13.04.07 TheLionKing thanks for your patience Detail
09.04.07 Ninja Elite Fighters less chatspamming:S Detail
08.04.07 Enten-Patrouille The usual Enten style Detail
07.04.07 The Unknown Warriors one of our best wars Detail
31.03.07 Tha Bloody Angels The fairest opponent since sbr left Detail
25.03.07 Tha Bloody Angels fair team and quite though Detail
24.03.07 NEA-Gaming Thanks for the patience Detail
10.03.07 the Army of Darkness fair team as always.. Detail
04.03.07 ChAoS-Clan-Elite Detail
03.03.07 Temporary Unnamed Detail
24.02.07 Aquila Gaming fair team Detail
17.02.07 The best SWBF2 Team Ever Detail
17.02.07 Empire Fleet Detail
09.02.07 The Cellar Clan really fair ones, no problems at all Detail
08.02.07 NEA-Gaming i have never thought that these guys are this fair Detail
04.02.07 GERMAN-AIRWOLFS there was no problem at all Detail
02.02.07 Enten-Patrouille ns enemy Detail
20.01.07 Spec Force Quite fair opponent Detail
13.01.07 The Unknown Warriors Detail
12.01.07 Space Battle Rangers thanks for being patient.. it was an honor to play with u Detail
06.01.07 Warriors of Darkness really patient team..and they have become stronger..much stronger Detail
02.01.07 Tha Bloody Angels real fair team Detail
18.12.06 Out of Control - SWBF2 Squad Fair clan Detail
16.12.06 the Army of Darkness Detail
16.12.06 Immortal Warriors SWBF2 Beta-Squad fair team Detail
09.12.06 Winner-Clan learn how to manage your own server-.- Detail
02.12.06 Aquila Gaming some flamings Detail
26.11.06 Enten-Patrouille good guys Detail
18.11.06 Republic of Darkness OMG the fairest clan i have ever played! and good players also! Detail
28.10.06 ChAoS-Clan-Elite Soo patient and fair clan Detail
14.10.06 Battleclan Detail
23.09.06 GermanStormTroopers they said good jokes Detail
16.09.06 German Crash Commando Detail
09.09.06 GERMAN-AIRWOLFS fair players Detail
26.08.06 German Eagles - SWBF2 Squad Detail
19.08.06 187 - STEIL GEHN_____ 99in1 Detail
12.08.06 the Army of Darkness very bad server, laggy, but the guys are fair;) Detail
05.08.06 German Flame Army These guys are fair players Detail
05.08.06 German Crash Commando These guys are VERY FAIR Detail
29.07.06 Illuminati Detail
29.07.06 The Renegades Detail
22.07.06 Unleashed Elemental Forces They are the best and the fairest players Detail
15.07.06 ClankillerZ SW BF 2 Team CKZ was VERY polite and an awesome war Detail

Star Wars: Battlefront II Bundesliga Saison 2 Gruppenphase
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06.01.08 the Army of Darkness Detail
02.12.07 GenesisKnights The Best Clan =) Detail
18.11.07 Tha Bloody Angels Great war Detail
04.11.07 The Unknown Warriors GG, but not allowing barred players=/ Detail
19.10.07 Unleashed Elemental Forces really good Detail

Star Wars: Battlefront II Bundesliga Saison 1 Gruppenphase
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10.08.07 Aquila Gaming Detail
28.07.07 ChAoS-Clan-Elite Well guys...1. next time dont flame 2. Arrive in time with at least 5 players.. Detail
15.07.07 GERMAN-AIRWOLFS Detail
17.06.07 Out of Control - SWBF2 Squad complaining only cuz of loosing 2 points.. miserable Detail
08.06.07 GenesisKnights The Best Clan pls less chat next time! anyway gg it is obvious that you are better Detail
19.05.07 187 - STEIL GEHN_____ 99in1 Detail

Star Wars: Battlefront II 4on4 CTF Space Ladder
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08.08.07 Enten-RogueWings Detail
22.07.07 Enten-RogueWings one of the fairest guys Detail
14.07.07 Illuminati HimmelFahrtsKommando Detail
08.07.07 TwinSun dont flame guys.. Detail
20.05.07 Enten-RogueWings Detail
18.05.07 NEA-Arkangels Detail
15.04.07 Enten-RogueWings i love to play with the ducks:D Detail
23.03.07 Star Force Soldier Detail
18.03.07 GERMAN-AIRWOLFS Next time only leader chat pls...=/ Detail
16.03.07 The NeXt. Evolution' Detail
11.03.07 German Zocker Detail
09.03.07 Empire Fleet Detail
18.02.07 Enten-RogueWings always an honor to play with the Ducks;) Detail
11.02.07 the Army of Darkness Detail
10.02.07 Commando Republicain Clone O_o I have never knew that we are cheaters... Detail

Star Wars: Battlefront II 4on4 CTF Space Cup
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08.01.07 Daddeln-Fingersports A really fair team which i like Detail
15.12.06 New-Earth-Alliance Team Hellfire Detail
01.12.06 Star Force Soldier Man really hard war and fair team Detail
24.11.06 Space Battle Rangers fair war Detail