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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 2on2 Agito Cup #3
created to rating comment match
12.08.14 escMICHNISE Detail
12.08.14 tim na jeden mecz Detail
12.08.14 FMX Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 2on2 Agito Cup #2
created to rating comment match
08.08.14 Jezol FANS Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 2on2 Agito Cup #1
created to rating comment match
01.08.14 Ultimate All-Stars / 2on2 Detail
01.08.14 REBELS Team Detail
01.08.14 Bonus Grunwald Calliera Detail
01.08.14 Global Tigers Detail
01.08.14 CzystyFart Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 AWP Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
19.03.12 D111 Detail
18.03.12 NEW YORK KNICKS Detail
17.03.12 NaNa and HaChi Detail
17.03.12 etnies #1 Detail
17.03.12 NWS KLIKA Detail
17.03.12 teamrosa Detail
17.03.12 trzydziescisiedem Detail
17.03.12 Sry Zaspalem Detail
16.03.12 Mokoko Detail
16.03.12 na medalix #2 Detail
16.03.12 INFO BY Detail
16.03.12 kotydwa Detail
16.03.12 dA deStRoYeRs Detail
16.03.12 PRAJD Detail
15.03.12 TERROR Detail
14.03.12 cepel Detail
14.03.12 like2be Detail
13.03.12 Al jazeera gaming 2on2 Detail
13.03.12 GRUNt TO BUNt 2on2 Detail
13.03.12 ups tenia un peito :Z Detail
12.03.12 2. My Detail
11.12.11 GIVE IT UP! Detail
11.12.11 RYBNIK.eu Detail
11.12.11 hjhjk Detail
30.11.11 PALACZE Detail
30.11.11 HIGH FIVE Detail
30.11.11 elohg Detail
30.11.11 jaka bania Detail
30.11.11 Sunshine Detail
30.11.11 TROLOLO#2 Detail
30.11.11 Chupa Chups Detail
29.11.11 MajsteR&mS 2on2 Detail
29.11.11 PDG orkiestra Detail
29.11.11 WOODEN SHIELD Detail
29.11.11 1337 Detail
29.11.11 dödsmixen.no Detail
28.11.11 AWESOME GUYS Detail
28.11.11 KAT1Xy Detail
28.11.11 Smack The Paparazzi Detail
22.11.11 SunRise.2on2 Detail
21.11.11 facebook Detail
21.11.11 MORDO MORDO Detail
20.11.11 KAT1Xy Detail
20.11.11 kHRYSTAL style x3 Detail
20.11.11 Weird Night Detail
15.11.11 Disaster Gaming Detail
15.11.11 od I do W Detail
15.11.11 awes0me Detail
15.11.11 Murderer OF Souls Detail
15.11.11 Mateuszki Piotruszki Detail
15.11.11 b0b4ny Detail
15.11.11 NIE MA NA NAS OPORU Detail
14.11.11 neXus Detail
12.11.11 Samo Grajki Detail
10.11.11 PATATAJE Detail
10.11.11 Komando Foki Detail
09.11.11 Super Katy Detail
08.11.11 Poczta Polska nm Detail
08.11.11 NO FIIR FULL KLIIR Detail
08.11.11 MOFAJA Detail
08.11.11 Mafia Detail
01.11.11 NA SPONTANIE 2on2 Detail
01.11.11 Potato Revolution Detail
31.10.11 Szalony Detail
31.10.11 Fresh ! Detail
31.10.11 TROLOLO#2 Detail
31.10.11 C o O l S t o R y Detail
31.10.11 OVERCONTROLLLL Detail
30.10.11 Razemlepiej Detail
30.10.11 GF Detail
30.10.11 FiGHT lajk Detail
30.10.11 MOTHERLOVERS :* Detail
30.10.11 Tylko Szopy Pracze Detail
30.10.11 Fani Zenka Detail
29.10.11 keep calm Detail
29.10.11 phlOdx & buhuu Detail
28.10.11 GUMISIE Detail
28.10.11 macabre Detail
28.10.11 E-meryci Detail
28.10.11 6thsense Detail
26.10.11 HIGH PROMOTORS Detail
26.10.11 Nowe Skalmierzyce.cs Detail
25.10.11 Old Generations 2x2 Detail
25.10.11 nie wiem, stary Detail
11.01.11 Truskaweczki2on2 Detail
02.04.10 Optimus Prim3 Detail
23.02.10 warN MIXED Detail
08.02.10 Guardians of Freedom 2on2 Detail
06.02.10 C2H5OH Detail
26.01.10 Bez oporu do traktoru Detail
25.01.10 Tata, tata i ja Detail
02.01.10 CYBER KATY Detail
02.01.10 asdfff Detail
12.12.09 FREELANCERS 2on2 Detail
12.12.09 KOGZYproxy Detail
10.09.09 Barbariany Detail
10.09.09 TEAM RASTA Detail
04.08.09 ULTRAFPIERDOL Detail
07.07.09 GRAJ Detail
07.07.09 kocia morda Detail
06.07.09 wilde.cs Detail
06.07.09 zrywamy czeresnie Detail
05.07.09 Tarnoki Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 Handgun MR15 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
19.03.12 SuperTimor.mr15 Detail
17.03.12 guN Detail
17.03.12 qaz Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 MR15 Turniej jesienny
created to rating comment match
29.10.11 GameFactory Detail
28.10.11 Black&White Detail
26.10.11 korba Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 MR12 Ladder
created to rating comment match
03.05.10 WIELKAorka Detail
25.01.10 LODZIARZE Detail
30.12.09 matty and hamtaro Detail
16.12.09 rOBOTY Detail
12.12.09 Antyurbanizm Detail
11.09.09 TEAM RASTA Detail
07.07.09 BETONIARZE Detail
05.07.09 snail Detail
03.07.09 asdsadsad Detail
01.07.09 SecretService Detail
01.07.09 Chippendales Detail
30.06.09 5ive Dollars Detail
30.06.09 Jestem Hardcorem Detail
30.06.09 LaDanceMacabre Detail
30.06.09 topstars Detail
30.06.09 2brothers placz i wyszli. Detail
28.06.09 COCOBRICO NORMAL Detail
28.06.09 Don Jurasko Project Detail
28.06.09 MAX ROZPIERDOL 2x2 Detail
28.06.09 Nobody Know Us Detail
26.06.09 Dragon-Team 2on2 Detail
26.06.09 THE WEIRDO 2ON2 MR12 Detail
02.06.09 TRUSKAWKOWE PIENTY \" wylacz to\" i wszystko jasne. Detail
31.05.09 ZEROWO 2on2 Detail
31.05.09 P S Y C H O S E S Detail
31.05.09 DWA IN LAN Detail
29.05.09 THE WEIRDO 2ON2 MR12 Detail
26.05.09 dUbLET Detail
26.05.09 MNIEJ NIZ 0 bg Detail
26.05.09 JESTESMY DOBRZY Detail
25.05.09 IRAQ Detail
20.05.09 respect our authority 2on2 Detail
17.05.09 2 Zubry Detail
17.05.09 beka team Detail
07.05.09 BEJA CO ZIOMY Detail
06.05.09 ZALOGA ODPALACZE Detail
06.05.09 Butterfly Detail
05.05.09 OAZA SKILLA Detail
04.05.09 pokerstars Detail
04.05.09 Blelele Detail
04.05.09 snail Detail
03.05.09 great unknow 2on2 Detail
03.05.09 Team Combat Detail
03.05.09 Gunslingers Detail
03.05.09 TOPORNE CIE PIERDOLKIEM ! gg Detail
29.04.09 affray 2x2 Detail
29.04.09 AUTHORITY Detail
27.04.09 rpsaikfsa Detail
27.04.09 bezelele Detail
27.04.09 cSadyba.pl 2on2 Detail
27.04.09 WORLD CLASS 2on2 Detail
24.04.09 Under-Takers Detail
24.04.09 po staremu 2on2 Detail
26.03.09 rpsaikfsa Detail
25.03.09 sendorai Detail
24.03.09 walimy ryje Detail
23.03.09 Why Love You Detail
23.03.09 Genetic 2on2 Detail
21.03.09 sav0y Detail
21.03.09 walimy ryje Detail
18.03.09 GramySobie gg Detail
17.03.09 The Whell Of Time gg Detail
20.01.09 13th Division Detail
02.01.09 oldschool Detail
01.01.09 Na Potege Posepnego Czerepu Detail
30.12.08 obojetnie co 2on2 Detail
30.12.08 Bez Strachu radze poczytac komentarze meczy Detail
30.12.08 BOMBA BOYS Detail
29.12.08 DAJCIE NAM WYGRAC Detail
28.12.08 KUNG FU Detail
28.12.08 Fearless 2on2 Detail
28.12.08 Grube Lydy Detail
26.12.08 TeamSulejow.cs Detail
26.12.08 GRYFFINDOR Detail
26.12.08 mythbusters MR12 Detail
23.12.08 Logika Detail
23.12.08 nek and syrius Detail
22.12.08 Trinitrotoluene Detail
21.12.08 SZCZECIN.CZM Detail
21.12.08 OUGHT OUGHT OU OU gg Detail
20.12.08 Senso 2on2 Detail
19.12.08 THEtalents nie polecam w ogole. omijac ich z daleka. Detail
19.12.08 relakzstyle feat. R1 Detail
17.12.08 empty Detail
17.12.08 gfc Detail
17.12.08 Wielka Kompromitacja Detail
16.12.08 ROJBERY gg ;] Detail
15.12.08 reflex Detail
11.12.08 The Wizards Detail
11.12.08 LADY SPADES Detail
11.12.08 Imperial Incorporated Detail
10.12.08 Oxford Detail
26.11.08 BOZENA SKILL Detail
26.11.08 SZALONY KAKTUS Detail
25.11.08 Legion Detail
25.11.08 Agressive Players Detail
25.11.08 Genetic Detail
25.11.08 TYTAN Detail
24.11.08 Jack Daniel's. Lemondogs Detail
24.11.08 Pinkin' Aint Easy Detail
24.11.08 The Partners xD Detail
23.11.08 relakzstyle feat. R1 Detail
20.11.08 MISSING LOGO Detail
20.11.08 POKER FACE Detail
10.11.08 roa Detail
06.11.08 x gg Detail
06.11.08 roa gg Detail
06.11.08 DoT.2on2 Detail
05.11.08 MISSING LOGO Detail
29.10.08 roa Detail
28.10.08 UNDERCOVER Detail
28.10.08 SAUNA SOLUTION 2on2 Detail
28.10.08 Stare Wariaty Detail
27.10.08 Tsunami Betlejem Detail
22.10.08 UNDERCOVER Detail
19.10.08 bkbkbkbkbbkbkbkbkbbkbkbkbkbk Detail
13.10.08 empty Detail
13.10.08 NET HEROES Detail
13.10.08 seven eleven gg Detail
12.10.08 CPL PRO 2on2 Detail
10.10.08 wariaty Detail
10.10.08 Team Boga Detail
10.10.08 NNW Detail
08.10.08 AIDS 2on2 Detail
08.10.08 Szczyj 2on2 NM Detail
07.10.08 orjent pacjent dajemy czadu Detail
06.10.08 Zespol napiecia przedmiesiaczkowego Detail
06.10.08 empty Detail
06.10.08 skrobiemy po achillesach Detail
01.08.08 Zune Detail
01.08.08 bad.Place Detail
24.07.08 mducks Detail
06.04.08 HaPszy Detail
03.04.08 fisker ft. zielak Detail
03.04.08 F U N D A C J A Detail
29.03.08 The Structors 2on2 gg :) Detail
29.03.08 FighterFX Detail
28.03.08 respect our authority gg Detail
28.03.08 wtoper boys 2on2 Detail
11.03.08 Lethal Detail
06.03.08 Mama Detail
06.03.08 Mafia Italiano Detail
01.03.08 LATAMY ODPALENI Detail
01.03.08 oiwefhjeoiwrhfoiew Detail
27.02.08 CCWD Detail
26.02.08 1-2-3 Frytki McCAIN Detail
26.02.08 Nie Czaje jacO and syrius Detail
26.02.08 x9nine by Livelink.pl Detail
25.02.08 JOKERS Detail
19.02.08 respect our authority Detail
19.02.08 galbaroo feat. neo-angin Detail
15.02.08 BOLEK and LOLEK Detail
15.02.08 Mafia Italiano gg Detail
13.02.08 search off sunrise Detail
12.02.08 Jack Daniels Lemondogs Detail
11.02.08 Gumisie Gaming Detail
10.02.08 SPECTRUM 2on2 Detail
05.02.08 perfect players Detail
04.02.08 high jinks'' Detail
03.02.08 DZIKIE WEZE ! Detail
03.02.08 KLIN Detail
03.02.08 lo i Marido gg Detail
03.02.08 F13 gg ;) Detail
02.02.08 Happy Bot gg Detail
27.01.08 Efekt AXE Detail
27.01.08 Czarodziej i Paczesiowa Detail
27.01.08 5 przykazanie. Gaming Detail
26.01.08 JAZZ Detail
11.11.07 PALIMY LOLKI Detail
11.11.07 Ciemna strona pomidora Detail
04.11.07 UBERATOM Detail
04.11.07 nonejmy Detail
30.10.07 n1erzetelni gg Detail
11.10.07 eXcellent Hunters gg :) Detail
02.10.07 This is Sparta 2on2 Detail
29.09.07 Mateusz Piotrek gg :) Detail
27.09.07 Siema elo520 Detail
29.01.07 Kolednicy Spod Ulicy gg Detail
06.01.07 lanovvcy Detail
27.12.06 aimsports Detail
26.12.06 RECYCLING CENTRE Detail
26.10.06 promiscuous Detail
26.10.06 dw team Detail
26.10.06 wsciekle zwieracze gg Detail
25.10.06 Warhearts good game :) Detail
24.10.06 bamboleo Detail
22.10.06 EL CZUPAKABRA inactive Detail
21.10.06 gramy od biedy Detail
09.10.06 bamboleo Detail
17.09.06 EYEBALLERS Detail
16.09.06 THE RUNE 2on2 Detail
12.09.06 071team gg Detail
11.09.06 Street Squad gg. ale to wyjscie bez sensu! Detail
10.09.06 psxor and mes 2on2 good game :) Detail
09.09.06 aqq feat.angry_- Detail
31.08.06 Never give up good game :) Detail
30.08.06 aGb Detail
30.08.06 promiscuous good game :) Detail
26.08.06 ptK i nevAr gg Detail
26.08.06 eMotion 2on2 Detail
24.07.06 Team INSOMNIA good game :) Detail
23.07.06 DOMINATORS good game :) Detail
20.07.06 ddddddddaas Detail
07.07.06 BOJOWI CHLOPCY Detail
05.07.06 skarany by Detail
04.07.06 jajogrodzkie Apacze good game :) Detail
02.07.06 bastirk and nek Detail
30.06.06 zygoratory Detail
30.06.06 Daj boze rozum 2on2 good game :) Detail
25.06.06 Neurals eSport 2on2 good game :) Detail
25.06.06 Polish beer drinkers good game :) Detail
24.06.06 vlt ft. whm Detail

Counter-Strike Funmap 2on2 Ladder
created to rating comment match
04.11.07 DWA IN LAN Detail
09.07.07 Nick Treningowy Detail