Rating w4sp-BioXar-stoNed

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Battlefield 2 Infantry 4on4 Ladder
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25.02.09 S3MP3R.Fi gg Detail
25.02.09 mSmworld e.V. BF2 weil wegen -- letztes mal Detail
12.02.09 S3MP3R.Fi Detail
22.01.09 High FiDelity gg Detail
11.01.09 S3MP3R.Fi Detail
10.01.09 mSmworld e.V. BF2 gg Detail
09.01.09 TerraNex e.V. - BF2 gg Detail
09.11.08 OLD myAtera - BF2 Ladder gg Detail
06.11.08 mSmworld e.V. BF2 Detail
04.11.08 bf spielen Detail
03.11.08 logiX e.V. Detail
28.10.08 bf spielen Detail
27.07.08 A c e b e a t z gg Detail
23.07.08 mSmworld e.V. BF2 gg Detail
14.07.08 V3- REG.HunTers gg Detail
13.07.08 A c e b e a t z gg Detail
13.07.08 Power Gaming BF2 gg Detail
06.07.08 AlienGaming.BF2 gg Detail
05.07.08 Revolution gg Detail
03.07.08 mSmworld e.V. BF2 gg Detail
25.02.08 FourBrothers Detail
23.02.08 OLD myAtera - BF2 Ladder Detail
10.02.08 o) Solstice-Gaming gg Detail
09.02.08 Revolution Detail
08.02.08 SpecialTeam-Lahr Gang Bang gg Detail
08.01.08 TripoX.eSports KANN LIGA NICHT VERLASSEN Detail
09.11.07 International Fight Championship .Alpha Dog's Detail
01.11.07 madHerosquad Detail
28.10.07 Universal-eSports.BF2 Detail
20.10.07 In Memory of Lunatic-Warriors Detail
20.10.07 prediction Gaming e.V. Detail
18.10.07 Eternal Soldiers.bf2 Detail
16.10.07 dimicatio - bf2 gg Detail
15.10.07 Equinox Clan BF2 gg Detail
15.10.07 Infantry Fighters Germany gg Detail
14.10.07 V3- REG.HunTers gg Detail
13.10.07 GAR - BF2 Squad gg Detail
12.10.07 ReactorSquad 4on4 Team nächstes mal nach regeln spielen, bitte Detail
09.10.07 niCe.team Infantry gg Detail
08.10.07 Swiss Tactics and Teamwork Detail
08.10.07 OLD myAtera - BF2 Ladder gg Detail
06.10.07 Soul ReeperS gg Detail
26.09.07 HKC Aimless reunion??...NEVER Detail
22.09.07 In Memory of Lunatic-Warriors Detail
08.09.07 Pro Evolution Sturmtrupp Detail
26.08.07 prediction Gaming e.V. Detail
12.08.07 Purple.hazE Detail
11.08.07 Eternal Soldiers.bf2 Detail
09.08.07 HKC Aimless reunion??...NEVER gg Detail
22.07.07 In Memory of Lunatic-Warriors Detail
15.07.07 Purple.hazE Detail
06.07.07 mSmworld e.V. BF2 Detail
01.07.07 Starfish Prime Detail
28.06.07 Hardcore-Amys 4on4 Infantry Detail
24.06.07 in memory of Battlefield 2 Detail
22.06.07 In Memory of Lunatic-Warriors gg Detail
11.06.07 Eternal Soldiers.bf2 Detail
05.06.07 prediction Gaming e.V. Detail
27.05.07 In Memory of eXtOO.bf2 Detail
16.05.07 panix eSports gg Detail
15.05.07 Team Inf.and.Go Detail
14.05.07 KomaCrew e.V. - ETQW R.I.P. gg Detail
04.05.07 mSmworld e.V. BF2 Detail
23.04.07 wwasd LOL WE CANT MOVE! Detail
23.04.07 Internet Experience gg jungs Detail
19.04.07 Eternal Soldiers.bf2 gg Detail
16.04.07 Just Having Fun Detail
05.04.07 Xtream.Taktix Detail
22.03.07 Eternal Soldiers.bf2 leude leude, nextes mal sind raven und ich dabei wieder...^^ Detail
20.03.07 Pro Evolution Sturmtrupp Detail
08.03.07 KomaCrew e.V. - ETQW R.I.P. gg Detail
01.03.07 Xtream.Taktix Detail
22.02.07 HKC Aimless reunion??...NEVER Detail
22.02.07 masterblasters e.V. - BF2 4o4-Team Detail
15.02.07 Eternal Soldiers.bf2 Detail
06.02.07 Team FourForOne Detail
31.01.07 Lamershell FrontSchweine Detail
29.01.07 mtk.terror Detail
26.01.07 Team.DvS 4on4 Detail
25.01.07 logiX e.V. Detail
20.01.07 HKC Aimless reunion??...NEVER rematch plz Detail
16.01.07 masterblasters e.V. - BF2 4o4-Team Detail
10.01.07 progressive e-sports Detail
07.01.07 Fight4U BF2 Infantry Predators Detail
06.01.07 keyboard.Tactix-BF2 Infantry Detail
28.12.06 Lamershell FrontSchweine Detail
22.12.06 German Infantry Division Detail
15.12.06 Fight4U BF2 Infantry Predators Detail
10.12.06 Phase 5 Detail
07.12.06 eluNex4ever Detail
28.11.06 Ohne Hirn3 gg Detail
22.11.06 Northrends Baumfaeller Bf2 gg Detail
16.11.06 Clone International gg Detail
15.11.06 coldPoison bf2 gg Detail
09.11.06 STRANDSTUERMER Infanterie gg Detail

Battlefield 2 Infantry Winter League
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10.02.09 High FiDelity gg Detail
24.01.09 VIP-Gaming Ultra gg Detail

Battlefield 2 Infantry 4on4 Winter Cup
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14.02.08 Team DuschDas Detail
06.01.08 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123 gg Detail

Battlefield 2 Conquest Winter Cup 07
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16.12.07 ToXiC CreW.bf2 gg Detail

Battlefield 2 Conquest Herbst 6on6 Conquest Cup
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25.11.07 Swiss Tactics and Teamwork gg jungs, rip bf2 Detail
01.11.07 Swiss Tactics and Teamwork Detail
21.10.07 In Memory of Team-Two :) Detail
08.10.07 Team DuschDas Detail
02.10.07 Rent a marvelous Player Detail

Battlefield 2 Infantry 4on4 Liga Playoffs
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01.10.07 Team Inf.and.Go Detail
28.08.07 They Kick Ass.Bf2 thx 4 train Detail
23.08.07 Fight4U BF2 Infantry Predators Detail

Battlefield 2 Infantry 4on4 Summer Cup
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30.09.07 GETTOGETHER - ESPORT gg Detail
27.08.07 GETTOGETHER - ESPORT whiner Detail
20.08.07 They Kick Ass.Bf2 Detail
13.08.07 mSmworld e.V. BF2 Detail
06.08.07 In Memory of Lunatic-Warriors Detail
02.08.07 MI - Battlefield 2 gg Detail

Battlefield 2 Infantry 4on4 Liga
created to rating comment match
10.07.07 Fight4U BF2 Infantry Predators Detail
20.06.07 Internet Experience Detail

Battlefield 2 Infantry Spring cup final
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21.05.07 Team FourForOne Detail
23.04.07 KomaCrew e.V. - ETQW R.I.P. spannendes match Detail

Battlefield 2 Infantry 5on5 Spring Cup 2007
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19.03.07 New Dutch Coalition Detail
19.03.07 UnKnown Fighters Detail
11.03.07 TerraNex.Bf2 Detail