Rating Team GameStation

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FIFA 07 Clanwar CZSK IPS Qualification
created to rating comment match
04.07.07 TEAM IQFIGHTERS gg Detail
28.06.07 ILUSION PICTURES e-sports Detail
20.06.07 Necroraisers.FIFA gg Detail
13.06.07 ILUSION PICTURES e-sports Detail
10.06.07 name1395586 Detail
06.06.07 OG CZSK gg Detail
03.06.07 Necroraisers.FIFA GG Detail

FIFA 07 Clanwar Ladder
created to rating comment match
17.06.07 OVERLOAd.LATENCY Detail
25.05.07 cyberOne.FIFA Detail
24.05.07 FIFA Friends United gg Detail
22.05.07 Romania no gg they only wanted write protests for nothing Detail
21.05.07 Lyra Gaming gg but luck Detail
19.05.07 Hall of fame FIFA (Trigun) gg Detail
18.05.07 fA with 3 players we lost only 11-9 Detail
16.05.07 LowLandLions.fifa gg Detail
15.05.07 Earthquake.Gaming gg Detail
14.05.07 New.FIFA gg Detail
11.05.07 osKschool.skilled thx gg Detail
07.05.07 F-Team gg Detail
06.05.07 Romania GG Detail
04.05.07 Lyra Gaming Detail
22.04.07 FULLTIME KILLERS Detail
21.04.07 Never.Back.DOWN TOTAL IDIOTS NOOBS AND FAKERS AND NO HOST ETC rumunski kokoti proste ROMANIAN JUDES Detail
20.04.07 Undisputed Clan Poland.PS3 Detail
20.04.07 Romania Detail
19.04.07 Mistrzowie Swiata gg Detail
14.04.07 Team Dignitas gg BUT vnx insult master Detail
14.04.07 F-Team gg Detail
13.04.07 neXtPlease Gaming Detail
10.04.07 Rhenium-Gaming.FIFA IPS gg Detail
10.04.07 Gangsta Unit gg Detail
08.04.07 silver-gaming gg Detail
08.04.07 nWo.Fifa gg Detail
06.04.07 JustPlay.Fifa Detail
06.04.07 Lyra Gaming Detail
04.04.07 Never.Back.DOWN Detail
02.04.07 FIFA Friends United Detail
01.04.07 TMGC FAKERS Detail
01.04.07 FIFA Addicts Hungary Detail
31.03.07 VaKarM gg Detail
30.03.07 F-Team Detail
29.03.07 In Mem0ry of Detail
18.03.07 Revoltados eSports Detail