Rating Team-aXiom

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Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy Capture The Flag Weekly #4 5on5 CTF "Saber Only"
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15.01.11 MINDCLOUD Detail
15.01.11 MINDCLOUD Detail
15.01.11 Nothing changes Detail

JK:JA Open Ladder 3on3+ Team Deathmatch Europe
created to rating comment match
25.02.10 The Wankers Reunion Detail
19.02.10 iLogic eSports.JKA Detail
10.02.10 The Wankers Reunion Detail
25.10.09 The Unknown Angels - TuA fix settings Detail
17.10.09 crow Gaming Detail
20.09.09 POWERPLAY JKA Detail
13.09.09 Legendary-Beta Detail
05.09.09 sacroma Detail
03.09.09 JoKeR gAm1ng Detail
23.08.09 Legendary-alpha Detail
20.08.09 JoKeR gAm1ng Detail
17.07.09 crow Gaming Detail
25.06.09 crow Gaming Detail
21.06.09 high Quality 7eam - tdm Detail
17.05.09 raVen'Esports Detail
10.05.09 Wuzz Here fix settings Detail
19.04.09 Axis dont cry Detail
04.04.09 Axis brain on pls Detail
30.03.09 Meet The Spartans fix settings Detail
27.03.09 NEW TEAM 12345 fix settings Detail
22.03.09 POWERPLAY JKA fix settings Detail
20.03.09 inHale feat. exHale fix settings Detail
20.03.09 The Unknown Angels - TuA fix settings Detail
18.03.09 tempricots Detail
18.03.09 Meet The Spartans Detail
17.03.09 Team7LIVES - TDM Detail
16.03.09 xLr8 - TDM fix lags pls Detail
12.09.07 obscure Detail
11.09.07 nfC Detail
25.08.07 starAiming.JKA-II Detail
24.08.07 se7en Detail
23.08.07 Double-Crossed Detail
21.08.07 ironic-eSports Detail
16.08.07 NEW TEAM 12345 Detail
13.08.07 c0ntra - gAming TDM Detail
30.07.07 starAiming.JKA Detail
29.07.07 NEW TEAM 12345 Detail
27.07.07 se7en Detail
21.07.07 Brotherhood of the Eternal SoulhunTers Detail
20.07.07 unique.jka Detail
19.07.07 Devils of War Detail
11.07.07 KANTRIDA Detail
05.07.07 xLr8 team Detail
02.07.07 Brotherhood of the Eternal SoulhunTers Detail
30.06.07 Double-Crossed Detail
29.06.07 Cajun Chicken Detail
29.06.07 no Limits. TDM Detail
17.06.07 starAiming.JKA Detail
11.06.07 Brotherhood of the Eternal SoulhunTers gg Detail
11.06.07 starAiming.JKA-II Detail
03.06.07 3litism 3legance 3xcellence Detail
30.05.07 Prophecy of Renegades Detail
29.05.07 best-4fun-team Detail
27.05.07 Synchronous Subteam Detail
27.05.07 NEW TEAM 12345 Detail
22.05.07 INACTIVE Detail
13.05.07 noobs.tdm whine Detail
09.05.07 moops gaming JKA Detail
06.05.07 no Limits. TDM gg Detail
03.05.07 Brotherhood of the Eternal SoulhunTers gg Detail
29.04.07 saVior.tdm Detail
24.04.07 Synchronous Detail
23.04.07 xedi also known as haXiom Detail
23.04.07 xedi also known as haXiom Detail
21.04.07 sin.tdm Detail
19.04.07 zedi'Gaming Detail
18.04.07 Perception Detail
17.04.07 Jew6 .TDM Detail
11.04.07 starAiming.JKA Detail
07.04.07 no Limits. TDM Detail
04.04.07 German saber Legends JKA Detail
01.04.07 eXplosive.JKA nice Runnnn Detail
01.04.07 dReaamz sunshin3 Detail
30.03.07 The Jedi Seven Detail
28.03.07 obscure Detail
25.03.07 New Jedi Council.TDM Detail
24.03.07 Brotherhood of the Eternal SoulhunTers Detail
23.03.07 Jedi Sentinels gg Detail
22.03.07 zedi'Gaming Detail
21.03.07 Brotherhood of the Eternal SoulhunTers Detail
20.03.07 zaKura Detail
18.03.07 3litism 3legance 3xcellence Detail
18.03.07 Shyne's Crew Detail
17.03.07 GO Chargers Detail
16.03.07 Frozen Riders käse zum whine? Detail
15.03.07 Perception Detail
13.03.07 Fun -X- Team Detail
11.03.07 starAiming.JKA-II Detail
10.03.07 The Unknown Angels - TuA Detail
07.03.07 New Jedi Council.TDM Detail
05.03.07 Alliance Of Knights IS INACTIVE Detail
05.03.07 RaH ... Detail
04.03.07 Jedi Sentinels Detail
04.03.07 Brotherhood of the Eternal SoulhunTers Detail
03.03.07 Shyne's Crew Detail
28.02.07 pHobia e-sports club Detail
27.02.07 Saint Team Detail

Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy Team Deathmatch 3on3 Winter Games 2010
created to rating comment match
25.02.10 SF Cup Team Detail
23.02.10 dotpiXels JKA Detail

Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy Team Deathmatch Winter Cup
created to rating comment match
11.02.10 Veni Vidi Vici.JKA Detail
31.01.10 TuA - We got this Detail
25.01.10 Polish Jedi Detail

Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy Team Deathmatch Ladder
created to rating comment match
06.08.07 ironic-eSports Detail
09.07.07 KANTRIDA haha Detail
24.06.07 starAiming.JKA-II Detail
18.06.07 Space Battle Rangers Jedi Knight 3 Squad Detail
16.06.07 NEW TEAM 12345 Detail
31.05.07 NEW TEAM 12345 Detail
17.05.07 Prophecy of Renegades flames... Detail
15.05.07 Saber Force gg Detail
10.05.07 Team Mentor Detail
06.05.07 SaD.Jedi Academy Detail
02.05.07 Space Battle Rangers Jedi Knight 3 Squad Detail
02.05.07 KANTRIDA Detail
19.04.07 KANTRIDA Detail
22.03.07 eXplosive.JKA Detail
14.03.07 starAiming.JKA-II Detail
06.03.07 xlc-gAming Detail
06.03.07 Fun -X- Team Detail
04.03.07 eXplosive.JKA Detail