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Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
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26.11.10 eScuadron Suicida Muy buena war, muy buena peña... Detail
05.11.10 Team RAIDERS El partido bien, pero las demos son muy raras. Si han jugado sin nada gg Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder Old
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22.10.10 ReD DoT e-Sport Detail
02.07.10 AFK sports Detail
30.06.10 JDA GaminG Detail
24.06.10 CoD3cS e-Sports Detail
17.06.10 4x4 eSports Club - Cod4 Detail
10.06.10 eScuadron Suicida Un gustazo de peña... Detail
10.06.10 Requiem Detail
27.05.10 eScuadron Suicida buena war gente Detail
09.02.10 QuiCk e-Sports Club Detail
26.01.10 eScuadron Suicida Detail
19.01.10 Guerreros de Honor Detail
14.01.10 epiK Gaming COD4 GG Detail
12.01.10 1016 ptos Detail
07.01.10 cupssssssssss Detail
23.12.09 QuiCk e-Sports Club Detail
10.12.09 eXuverance.gaming Detail
18.11.09 SnK Detail
12.11.09 eScuadron Suicida Detail
10.11.09 4x4 eSports Club - Cod4 Detail
05.11.09 Clinex Detail
03.11.09 extasix Gaming CoD4 Detail
27.10.09 SnK Detail
23.10.09 Dia-D Los mejores sin duda¡¡¡¡¡¡ Detail
14.07.09 SnK Detail
08.07.09 MHIA CTC Detail
02.07.09 Dia-D Un placer gente , ya echaremos otra ^^ Detail
16.06.09 Guerreros de Honor Detail
09.06.09 hYpnoze e-Sports Club by xyon Detail
02.06.09 Dia-D Sin Sniper que llevais xD, muy buen clan¡¡¡ Detail
26.05.09 Clan Elite Shooters buana gente, lo unico decid gg al final peña xD Detail
19.05.09 4Gotten Team Buena peña, buena war. Detail
21.04.09 Clan Elite Shooters Detail
14.04.09 Time To Kill Resurrection Detail
07.04.09 ProeliuM e-Sports.COD4 Detail
26.03.09 v.team Falta de respeto con los Binds de say.....say team por favor. Detail
24.03.09 Dragon Ball Z Detail
12.03.09 Restart! Detail
10.03.09 dulcoENEMA Detail
05.03.09 OverDreams COD4 Detail
03.03.09 Dia-D Detail
24.02.09 nn team 135 Detail
19.02.09 Dragon Ball Z Detail
17.02.09 Clan Elite Shooters Detail
10.02.09 Sacrifice Squad 3nDleSS Detail
05.02.09 Dia-D Detail
03.02.09 Quien sabe donde Detail
27.01.09 Black Panthers Clan Detail
22.01.09 Vendettas Cod4 Team Detail
13.01.09 asasw23 Detail
07.01.09 Dia-D Detail
23.12.08 Black Panthers Clan perfect gente Detail
17.12.08 Clan Elite Shooters Detail
09.12.08 iNsErSo Detail
05.12.08 R6TANCE r6. Detail
19.11.08 Time 2 kill Detail
13.11.08 Dia-D Detail
11.11.08 Slithers.COD4 Detail
04.11.08 Clan Viciats Units Detail
30.10.08 overGame Ladder Detail
28.10.08 Noobs in Arms Buen clan.....seguid así gente. Detail
23.10.08 Sacrifice Squad buen equipo Detail
21.10.08 pewneD Sobra el comentario despectivo hacia nuestro mapa. Detail
20.10.08 CoD3c'S F Detail
14.10.08 SPQR Legion IX Hispana Detail
06.10.08 Clan Elite Shooters Bien jugado por parte de todos, buen rival. Detail
02.10.08 all-Control Buena war equipo Detail
25.09.08 OveR Cod4 Team Buena war equipo Detail
16.09.08 ApoCorpS buena war gente Detail
12.09.08 overGame Ladder Detail
02.09.08 Soldados Rasos Detail
01.08.08 SS inactive Detail
30.07.08 120ping Detail
17.07.08 eScuadron Suicida Detail
15.07.08 Clan Gaditanos gg, lastima la caida del otro Detail
10.07.08 Fraktals Detail
25.06.08 Cowboys From Hell Detail
24.06.08 FTE Detail
17.06.08 inactiv clan Detail
12.06.08 Friendly Fire Hibernando Detail
11.06.08 ProeliuM e-Sports.COD4 muy buenos, si señor Detail
29.05.08 Team Always' wenisima war gente Detail
22.05.08 Warriors of Honor Detail
20.05.08 Shooter-Spain Detail
15.05.08 clan.s4DroN Detail
08.05.08 Clan Viciats Units Detail
06.05.08 Fraktals Detail
29.04.08 The Birra Project Detail
17.04.08 MidNight Detail
16.04.08 MAHOU Detail
10.04.08 Clan Grejo Detail
08.04.08 SS inactive Detail
01.04.08 MoH Team perfecta war tios Detail
27.03.08 SIR Detail
18.03.08 Lem.Cod4 Serios y responsables, si señor un gran team Detail
11.03.08 Fraktals Muy buena war, muy buena gente Detail
07.03.08 OveR Cod4 Team Detail
05.03.08 Forbidden Gods Detail
28.02.08 ICECLAN Detail
08.02.08 The Birra Project Buenas war, no jugue pero ese ha sido el comentario de mis compañeros Detail
22.01.08 Territorio Hostil wena war y wena deportividad. Detail
18.01.08 WARCLAN e-Sports Club Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Best of ladder II
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26.05.10 Bursting e-Sports.COD4 gg chavales Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Summer League
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26.06.09 QuiCk Combat.cod Detail
19.06.09 Dia-D Detail
12.06.09 epiK Gaming Revolution ' Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Best of Crash Cup
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03.02.09 R6TANCE r6. Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 October Red 08 Cup
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30.10.08 all-Control Detail
28.10.08 Noobs in Arms Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 1.6 Map-pack Cup
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03.07.08 Team Wizards.cod4 Merecedores sin duda Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 EMS Qualifier
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01.02.08 First Generation e-Sports.CoD4 buenos contrincantes. :) Detail
25.01.08 majestic five Cups Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 wintercup
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15.01.08 Nless OldSchool wena war Detail