Rating in memory of myn2L.de DoD

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Day of Defeat 6on6 Summer Cup 2009
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24.08.09 Team ScHuLtZ Detail
19.08.09 FunkyNoobs DoD Detail
09.08.09 ZockerRangers gg wp Detail

Day of Defeat 6on6 Autumn League 2008
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27.01.09 Team ScHuLtZ Detail
22.01.09 Luger: Acht mal Tod Detail
11.01.09 European Unknown Soldiers2 Detail
07.12.08 steelhead 2 high Detail
07.12.08 Jaegergermany Detail
26.11.08 Krieger der Ehre Detail

Day of Defeat 6on6 Summer Cup 2008
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15.06.08 waYne.DoD Detail
03.06.08 own3d.it Detail

Day of Defeat Bundesliga Saison 4 Playoffs A-B
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21.05.08 waYne.DoD Detail

Day of Defeat Bundesliga Saison 4 Gruppenphase
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04.05.08 In Memory of QuadroX - DoD Detail
27.04.08 Suchtbande.down Detail
20.04.08 Luger: Acht mal Tod Detail
13.04.08 In Memory of QuadroX - DoD Detail
06.04.08 Suchtbande.down Detail
30.03.08 Luger: Acht mal Tod Detail

Day of Defeat 6on6 Winter Cup 2008
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17.02.08 waYne.DoD scheiss GEEKS :D gg Detail
01.02.08 precise.dod -FE- gg Detail

Day of Defeat Liga Saison 3 Gruppenphase
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17.12.07 RoyalPlayaz - old skewL gg Detail
09.12.07 Suchtbande.down Detail
09.12.07 Sturmtruppen-Rue Detail
25.11.07 myRevenge e.V. Detail
18.11.07 Jaegergermany gg Detail
12.11.07 Frankfurter Kellerkinder gg Detail
04.11.07 In Memory of QuadroX - DoD Detail

Day of Defeat 6on6 Summer Cup 2007 Playoffs
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17.09.07 LANLEGENDEN Detail
13.09.07 OSD - SWF Allianz gg Detail

Day of Defeat 6on6 Summer Cup 2007
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05.08.07 waYne.DoD gg Detail