Rating Xa'Felian Space Legion

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ET: Quake Wars 6on6 Winter Cup
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02.03.08 rockit.ETQW Detail

ET: Quake Wars 4on4 Winter Cup
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24.02.08 FightGenossen Detail
16.02.08 team-ephix Nice done, gl Detail
13.02.08 Doomwarriors gl Detail

ET: Quake Wars 4on4 Infantry Ladder
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14.02.08 A.S. RIOT Gamers cia Detail
06.02.08 AlphaRuleZ Bella raga! Divertentissimo :) Detail
03.02.08 A.S. RIOT Gamers Detail
01.02.08 New Stealth Assassin Group Bella, anche per l\'orario che era :) Un pelo di rivincita per il 6on6 ;) Detail
16.01.08 In memory of Mystics Gaming Bella :) Detail

ET: Quake Wars 6on6 Amateur Series
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13.02.08 CG eSports Infinita Detail
07.02.08 A.S. RIOT Gamers Detail
29.01.08 New Stealth Assassin Group gg Detail
23.01.08 CG eSports Abbiamo avuto una rivincita :) bella gg! Detail
21.01.08 A.S. RIOT Gamers Bella, divertiti! Anche molto corretti! Detail
16.01.08 In memory of Mystics Gaming Bella serata gg Detail
09.01.08 O-Zon3rs Bravi Loro Detail
19.12.07 Mixed Blood avete vinto per un secondo =\\ Detail
10.12.07 CG eSports Detail
30.11.07 ExAequoItalia Detail
28.11.07 In memory of Mystics Gaming Bravi avversari, abbiamo aspettato un po\' i loro player ma per il resto tutto è filato liscio gg Detail

ET: Quake Wars 4on4 NightCup I
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03.02.08 In memory of Mystics Gaming Detail
03.02.08 Ciapa su Bravi loro :) Detail

ET: Quake Wars 6on6 New Years NightCup
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06.01.08 Four-Kings No problem at all :) Detail