Rating Mephisto Gaming

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Call of Duty 4 League Spring 2009 Promod Groupstage
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15.04.09 Complete Equipment Fighting Detail
15.04.09 Wo ist der JacK? Detail
15.04.09 BESTIAL eSports - Mainbase Detail
15.04.09 old sLINK Detail
15.04.09 roYality eSports Detail
15.04.09 eatSlugs Detail
15.04.09 Vitality Gaming Detail
14.04.09 Devil Fighters e.Sports Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
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14.04.09 Powa.Mult!Gam!ng Detail
14.04.09 aDn.Gaming.COD4 Detail
14.04.09 EnemyDown Detail
07.04.09 hotGenerations tres bon fait play Detail
06.04.09 Sky.Angel's 4v5 :( Detail
18.03.09 Spy And Destroy gg Detail
16.03.09 oXmoze.cod4 Detail
15.03.09 unite-fare gg Detail
12.03.09 team DreamRAR stop mr12 svp Detail
09.03.09 uSefull gg Detail
05.03.09 Les Anciens <3 gg Detail
03.03.09 none gg Detail
01.02.09 eNkeL.cod4 retard, debut 4v4 ... mais gg Detail
29.01.09 Just2Freedom Detail
28.01.09 Powa.Mult!Gam!ng gg, joli jeu Detail
26.01.09 diSPlay'MultiGaming COD4 gg Detail
14.01.09 HoriZon - Bad company 2 sympa Detail
13.01.09 Sky.Angel's gg Detail
12.01.09 Spy And Destroy Detail
08.01.09 aazzeerrttyy fair play & sympa Detail
19.12.08 PunchLine! Detail
27.11.08 uSefull Detail
26.11.08 Les Amis Litaires Bonne ambiance :) Detail
17.11.08 OMG.qs gg Detail
13.11.08 Fais Moi Peur Cod4 Groupe 1 gg Detail
10.11.08 SBSL.cod4.Souvenir Detail
04.11.08 iS.up Detail
31.10.08 Les Frageurs Reunis Detail
20.10.08 1664 Mult!Gam!nG Detail
15.10.08 Powa.Mult!Gam!ng Detail
22.09.08 Le Delire Assure CoD5 Bravo Detail
15.09.08 Clan-BEL Detail
14.09.08 Friendzzz Detail
12.09.08 Kaamelott Gaming Detail
10.09.08 sAng9.COD4 Detail
09.09.08 1664 Mult!Gam!nG Detail
04.09.08 iS.up Detail
02.09.08 Spy And Destroy team super sympa Detail
27.08.08 Patrouille Tactique Terrestre Detail
26.08.08 New Team KouDeTa Detail
25.08.08 United for Victory tjrs sympa :) Detail
20.08.08 oXmoze.cod4 Detail
19.08.08 GiGn.CoD4-5v5 lagScreenssss + suspition Detail
17.08.08 Gods of the War fun, sympa et serré Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Fall's Tournament 2008 Cup #5
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06.11.08 Team Sypher Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Fall's Tournament 2008 Cup #4
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22.10.08 Friendzzz Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Fall's Tournament 2008 Cup #3
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08.10.08 Unnamed.CoD4 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Fall's Tournament 2008 Cup #2
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25.09.08 Unnamed.CoD4 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder Old
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10.08.08 x3.GaminG' sympa Detail
06.08.08 K-LibR.COD4 remplacement pour juste un side ... sinon sympa Detail
16.07.08 Le Delire Assure BF3 fairplay & sympa. match sympa Detail
07.07.08 1664 Mult!Gam!nG sympa Detail
04.07.08 e-KeePwn serveur pas en reglé .. et ils en abusent Detail
24.06.08 Clan-BEL Detail
23.06.08 CLIKZ eSport Clan.Souvenirs Detail
09.06.08 ex TppT cod4 Detail
01.06.08 Division Anti-Terrosriste Detail
21.05.08 Joe bar team 81 sympa :D Detail
20.05.08 License 2 kill Detail
19.05.08 Le Delire Assure CoD5 Bravo Detail
27.04.08 Team-Styx fairplay & sympas ... que du bonheur dans la bonne humeur :D Detail
21.04.08 License to Kill eSport.CoD4 fairplay & sympas Detail
20.04.08 Les Exiles sympa :D Detail
04.04.08 Dfragz Multigaming fairplay & sympas ... malgres le masacre que l\'on a subis :((( Detail
02.04.08 AsF fairplay & sympas Detail
24.03.08 Z3uS super fairplay Detail
23.03.08 eXp.G High skill gg Detail
21.03.08 Fraternity Gamer'z team presente pour le fun Detail
13.03.08 Le Delire Assure CoD5 Bravo Detail
05.03.08 seekname fairplay Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Premiership
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14.04.08 LP5 Call of Duty 4 Problemes de serveur (connexion interompue & regle non a jours) sinon team sympa et fairplay Detail
11.04.08 don'Touch fairplay & sympas ... que du bonheur dans la bonne humeur :D Detail
06.04.08 AsF toujours sympas :p Detail
31.03.08 SpeedGame clan match valider au dernier momment Detail
28.03.08 GiFr eSport Detail