Rating in memory of RAGE

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Call of Duty: Black Ops Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
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21.12.10 wYc 3on3 Squad Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 5on5 Quick'n'Dirty Cup #10
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08.11.10 LYCANS spielweise :/ Detail
08.11.10 in memory of ESC ICY BOX BO2 gg^^ Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Headquarters 3on3 Quick'n'Dirty #9
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22.10.10 Die Deutsche Verschwörung MW2 Detail
22.10.10 Staff Germany Detail
22.10.10 deletion coming in Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Hardcore Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
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16.09.10 P4NZER cant get out of the spawn.. Detail
29.08.10 Wild-Fighters Detail
21.05.10 Hardcore lame, unfreundlich, laberköppe Detail
21.04.10 OLD e-sports II. Detail
18.04.10 Tactical Swiss Gaming - 3on3 Detail
17.04.10 OLD e-sports II. Detail
17.04.10 ExClusive Elite gg++ Detail
10.04.10 German-Endgegner (Green Elite) Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 3on3 Opening Cup #2
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11.09.10 BESTIAL eSports - CoD7 gg++ Detail
11.09.10 Team Banhammer MW2 - closed Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 3on3 All in One Ladder
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02.09.10 In Memory of Team.eRatic weil is so Detail
14.04.10 beQuiet fun Detail
12.04.10 allyoucanplay.eu MW2 Detail
10.04.10 roYality eSports - CLOSED Detail
07.04.10 beQuiet fun ctf only, autopump :) Detail
03.04.10 Katastrophen-Kommando Detail
02.04.10 fabulous Detail
28.03.10 beQuiet fun Detail
28.03.10 in memory of ESC ICY BOX BO2 Detail
28.03.10 Katastrophen-Kommando Detail
27.03.10 beQuiet fun Detail
27.03.10 Krankenversicherung Detail
27.03.10 Headcheat re!!! Detail
21.03.10 The MatiX Detail
21.03.10 roYality eSports - CLOSED Detail
21.03.10 The MatiX Detail
18.03.10 roYality eSports - CLOSED Detail
18.03.10 S.TEAM Detail
18.03.10 The MatiX Detail
18.03.10 Trottels chiki chiku gg++ Detail
16.03.10 Impulse.Gaming gg++ Detail
16.03.10 aQianer Model WG Detail
03.03.10 EastsideCompany Detail
27.02.10 eG.awak3 gg meine freunde Detail
27.02.10 Garbsen all Stars gg meine freunde Detail
26.02.10 69erss machts spaß zu haxen? Detail
26.02.10 ZOMBIE s gg ++ Detail
22.02.10 666 Detail
22.02.10 aQianer Model WG Detail
21.02.10 beQuiet fun gg Detail
20.02.10 ClazziX-eSports MW2 Detail
20.02.10 blackwater hax, happy birthday unglaublich schlecht dazu Detail
20.02.10 godfire trinity Detail
19.02.10 AoH 3on3 MW2 Detail
16.02.10 4-0-1 away uac höhö Detail
15.02.10 CrunK* 3on3 (Pro) Detail
15.02.10 olooooo Detail
14.02.10 TiCHEAT Detail
13.02.10 Die Springspinnen Detail
13.02.10 Team AFRO Detail
11.02.10 KUNTERBUNT.cod6 # sKILL Detail
10.02.10 CoD Bros. V3 mw2 update lässt grüßen... Detail
07.02.10 Sektion-Franken Detail
06.02.10 Katastrophen-Kommando Detail
06.02.10 olooooo nice hax echt toll Detail
05.02.10 team blackswing Detail
05.02.10 MW2 Detail
05.02.10 Bündniss der Irren Detail
04.02.10 Electronic Voltage Org. Detail
03.02.10 Battle-Force-Clan Detail
03.02.10 TALENTED.MW2 flame .. Detail
02.02.10 Gun of God Detail
02.02.10 TEAM Detail
01.02.10 Headcheat re!!! #an Detail
31.01.10 OMG SIND WIR SCHEISSE! Detail
31.01.10 FreundesKreis MW2 Detail
31.01.10 Team AFRO Detail
30.01.10 Unterfranken-Psychos Detail
23.01.10 MW2 Detail
23.01.10 Die Springspinnen Detail
21.01.10 TE4M BR4UN Detail
19.01.10 Frag-Gamers Detail
18.01.10 Trottels chiki chiku Detail
17.01.10 ISF.MW2 3on3 Detail
17.01.10 bonobos Detail
17.01.10 existiertnicht seto only Detail
17.01.10 Concept Digital Damage.CoD Detail
17.01.10 Electronic Voltage Org. Detail
17.01.10 aQianer Model WG Detail
16.01.10 Concept Digital Damage.CoD Detail
16.01.10 Robotah Cr3w v.1 mw2 Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 3on3 Sternzeichen-Cup Jungfrau
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28.08.10 Team Amaz!nG Detail
28.08.10 nix könner hoch 10 Detail
28.08.10 deletion coming Detail
28.08.10 myf!st CUPTEAM Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
created to rating comment match
24.05.10 team.KA gg++ Detail
09.05.10 Elite Ghost Strikers 3on3 Detail
08.05.10 In memory of DeVIATE Gaming Detail
25.04.10 TiCHEAT Detail
21.04.10 Geek for Life 3vs3 Detail
18.04.10 PleXuality COD:BO Detail
17.04.10 B A N A N E N F L A N K E Detail
16.04.10 Boring eSport 1 Detail
15.04.10 DIE Leberwurst Detail
13.04.10 Rodriguezzzz Reservisten Detail
12.04.10 Illustris Dei host lagg Detail
11.04.10 team blackswing Detail
07.04.10 RINGER.xP Detail
30.03.10 Boring eSport 1 obvious hack, vac blocker ftw !! dont play when they host Detail
29.03.10 In Memory of Team LogiX e.V. Detail
29.03.10 team blackswing Detail
28.03.10 Gamers Delight - MW2 S&D Detail
27.03.10 Remember Of Mayday Detail
27.03.10 The MatiX Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 3on3 Frühjahrscup 2010 #1
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23.04.10 in memory of ESC ICY BOX BO2 gg Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Sabotage 3on3 Oster Cup #3
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04.04.10 The MatiX Detail
04.04.10 Partysquad Detail
04.04.10 in memory of ESC ICY BOX BO2 Detail
04.04.10 Krankenversicherung Detail
04.04.10 idle-crew Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Sabotage 3on3 3rd person fun cup
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27.03.10 Concept Digital Damage.CoD Detail
26.03.10 Hard To Survive 3on3 Detail
26.03.10 roYality eSports - CLOSED Detail
26.03.10 The MatiX Detail
26.03.10 Gamers Delight - MW2 3on3 Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 5on5 Pure Ladder
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08.03.10 Ares e.Sport e.V. CoD BO2 nett/freundlich... gerne wieder Detail
07.03.10 in memory of RAGE gg++ Detail
01.03.10 Fisted Sister gg meine freunde Detail
28.02.10 69erss legt euch irgendwo hin, ihr werdet eh durch 2 wände getötet Detail
24.02.10 Hard To Survive -SEALS Detail
23.02.10 in memory of RAGE Detail
23.02.10 Sons of East Bravoteam Detail
21.02.10 69erss obvious Detail
21.02.10 in memory of RAGE Detail
21.02.10 ZOMBIE s Detail
17.02.10 Unlucky Fellows Detail
16.02.10 BDN Brüder der Nacht Detail
14.02.10 uNknown BeQuiet Detail
14.02.10 PSI COD: MW2 Detail
08.02.10 THE-ENDEFFECT.MW2 Detail
08.02.10 Gods Of Guns Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 3on3 After Xmas Nightcup
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30.12.09 Razer team Detail
30.12.09 myQuality.COD-MW II Detail
30.12.09 royall mit kääs Detail
30.12.09 THUGmENTALITY Detail
30.12.09 Grüne Teufel Detail

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Demolition 3on3 ExplosiveCup
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19.12.09 in memory of ESC ICY BOX BO2 Detail
19.12.09 Kein Witz ich schwitz Detail
18.12.09 aToOn Detail
17.12.09 R@GE Detail

Call of Duty 4 Team Deathmatch 3on3 Launing Cup
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04.04.08 LegendZ Cup Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder_old
created to rating comment match
29.03.08 takeover gaminG gg Detail
29.03.08 Nu gloar du Gaggbratze Detail
28.03.08 Incredible.Bus Bauer Detail
27.03.08 EnRo GRIFFINS closed goesBO Detail
26.03.08 ENEMENE Detail