Main Members (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Rating History Rating Kings of Queens back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Warcraft 3 Clanwar Old Ladder created to rating comment match 01.11.08 TSCHAUUU gg :-/ Detail 26.10.08 sTaRRaVe.Wc3 eigtl nett, gg. Detail 21.10.08 Incredible Panic Detail 14.10.08 Inactive! Detail 28.09.08 TSCHAUUU Detail 25.09.08 NgP Gaming gg Detail 03.09.08 Veni Vidi Vici Detail 01.09.08 sergej-Inkasso Detail 20.08.08 Shadow of Undeads Low Mannered Kicken Leader , Schlechte Verlierer Detail 18.08.08 Skill the Freaky Gosus Detail 07.08.08 Cold Fusion WC3 Detail 03.08.08 Art of gaming.wc3 Hat richtig Spass gemacht jeder Zeit wieder Detail 02.08.08 F r i e n d s Detail 30.07.08 Team - TrY to owN uS Wc3 Detail 10.07.08 Cant.Play R.I.P. Detail 03.07.08 Precise-Gaming Detail 18.06.08 IsF.WC3 Detail 15.06.08 F.A.K.-eSports.Wc3 nice mannered clan mit gg! Detail 11.06.08 aXion Gaming.WC3 II Detail 05.06.08 BabYlon-eSports.wc3 Detail 29.05.08 Shadow of Undeads Detail 28.05.08 Detail 15.05.08 Demonknights CWL Detail 08.05.08 Clowns ohne Beine WC3 Detail 21.04.08 Kings of Metal Detail