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Counter-Strike Seasonal Leagues Liga Primavera 2k12 5on5
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27.05.12 la peña el MOCO Detail
13.05.12 AMAZiNG Detail

Karont3 Counter-Strike 5on5 Who laughs last - Bracket Final
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07.05.12 einheit Detail
26.04.12 insiders) Detail
23.04.12 duellum Detail

Karont3 Counter-Strike 5on5 Who laughs last
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02.04.12 MEET YOUR FUCKERS Detail
26.03.12 dtw Detail

Hewlett-Packard Counter-Strike HP ICi7 Community Reward
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26.03.12 CRAZY.EAS Detail
20.03.12 ASES e-Sports CS gg :) Detail
18.03.12 einheit Detail

Counter-Strike Seasonal Leagues Liga Invierno 2k12 5on5 Playoffs
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22.03.12 INVICTUS Detail
15.03.12 Sig & Aug Detail

Counter-Strike Seasonal Leagues Liga Invierno 2k12 5on5
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20.02.12 eu4ia team Detail

Hewlett-Packard Counter-Strike EAS Lan FNAC Castellana - Madrid
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19.12.11 einheit Detail
02.12.11 MD.cs Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Playoffs Otoño 2k11
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12.12.11 ASES e-Sports CS Detail
09.12.11 Im SEv Detail
06.12.11 Brutality is My Reality Detail

ESL Amateur Series Season X Counter-Strike Amateur Series
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11.12.11 xSEVENtence.EMULE Detail
01.12.11 AGGRESSIVE Detail
23.11.11 noNstoP Detail
06.11.11 Snake Night clan Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
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06.12.11 madeinlleida Detail
28.11.11 NORTHZONE Detail
07.11.11 South Gamers Crew Detail
06.11.11 Clanlvg e-Sports Detail
24.10.11 MAGIC Hands CS Detail
03.10.11 SPAGNA Detail
19.09.11 niceShooT Detail
10.05.11 Californiagirls Detail
09.05.11 PEJONAJES Detail
04.05.11 Area6 Detail
02.05.11 Caballer0s*Del*z0diac0 Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Liga Otoño 2k11
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24.11.11 pwned! Detail
21.11.11 Almeria.Gaming Detail
20.11.11 tillfälligt stängd Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Playoffs Primavera 11
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14.06.11 34united Club Detail
07.06.11 STRONGUYS Detail
05.06.11 Southern Lights Detail
02.06.11 DAN-UP FRESA Y PLATANO Detail

ESL Amateur Series Counter-Strike 5on5 Amateur Series Old
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06.06.11 UNITA Detail
02.06.11 Qlimax Sports Club K3 Detail
24.05.11 PumpkiN Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Liga de Primavera 2011
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26.05.11 tellmemore Detail
19.05.11 ..Death Knight.. no se presentaron :( Detail
15.05.11 Go_To_Hell gg :) Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 2º Clasificatorio EPS
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21.04.11 jsuog No dieron opción a retrasar el partido para que pudiéramos jugar con cinco jugadores titulares. Detail
19.04.11 Californiagirls Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 Clasificatorio Iberian League
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11.04.11 brutal team LoL Detail
09.04.11 grasshoppers Detail
09.04.11 NEVERLOSE e-Sports club Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder2
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15.07.10 INplay.Cs Detail
08.05.09 MakeYourself Honorary members Detail
05.05.09 amity4ever Detail
04.09.08 Team ORANGE Detail
11.08.08 lolazos team Detail
05.08.08 Kill And Smile 08 gg Detail
04.08.08 ss.cs gg Detail
31.07.08 iMpressive.es gg :) Detail
31.07.08 Nynjas In Pyjama De Sapos gg :) Detail
29.07.08 deadMakers gg - un poco impacientes Detail
28.07.08 Apology.Team Detail
27.07.08 n4nice Detail
11.07.08 FumetaX Se cae un jugador de ellos, les esperamos 15 minutos, se nos cae uno y no quieren esperar + insultos Detail
27.06.08 zmg Squad Cs gg Detail
16.06.08 Just4aim e-Sports good game Detail
05.06.08 Clan Kaos x ciertas faltas a las normas de ESL. Detail

Amateur Series Counter-Strike 5on5 Amateur Series
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18.10.09 5Lives CS Detail

Amateur Series Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Amateur Series Old
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14.06.09 aksdlasdagfasd Detail
07.06.09 Mare Nostrum no presentados, avisaron con tiempo Detail
01.06.09 ismaelillo ijo de puta Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Amateur Series
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29.10.08 unable Chulería en comentarios. Por lo demás, gg Detail
23.10.08 beforedie e-sports Muy bien jugado, genialmente compenetrados. Muy serios y amables. Gran equipo! Detail
15.10.08 Owned By Default gg Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Old Amateur Series
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28.09.08 survive4kill Se salen, meten resultado falso e insultan. Detail
24.09.08 n1ce'pLay No dejaron, en principio jugar con barred. Un jugador sin Aequitas y sin cuenta de juego. Insultos. Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Cup back to School
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23.09.08 ss.cs Victoria por abandono del equipo rival Detail
19.09.08 supremacy gg chavales =) Detail
16.09.08 Team ORANGE lo peor de lo peor Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Summer Cup 2008
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30.05.08 licordelpolo Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 BlueTec Cup
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12.05.08 kirby.eat.brownies Unfriendly and flaming Detail
11.05.08 licordelpolo Detail
05.05.08 ss.cs gg! Detail