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CS:GO Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
created to rating comment match
18.10.15 GOTBRAIN Detail
28.04.13 SUPREME Detail
27.04.13 prefirepinguine Detail
22.04.13 SCHUMMELBANDE Detail
21.04.13 Masvingo Detail
21.04.13 no.m3rci Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created to rating comment match
28.05.12 Save The World Detail
27.05.12 F9-Team Detail
26.05.12 Da-MiGhtY Detail
26.05.12 Grozny Online Detail
26.05.12 asd Detail
26.05.12 1on1elite Detail
25.05.12 DiEHARDS Detail
25.05.12 brrrtbrrrt.eu Detail
25.05.12 Enim Victoria Detail
25.05.12 Ferocious Vantage EU Detail
17.05.12 HEAVEN Detail
17.05.12 Da-MiGhtY Detail
16.05.12 TOOMAH Detail
13.05.12 DANIGOD 1 Detail
13.05.12 Da-MiGhtY Detail
13.05.12 NEW YORK GIANTS.int Detail
12.05.12 Watercolour Detail
12.05.12 Grozny Online Detail
12.05.12 ne se jitka Detail
11.05.12 Ferocious Vantage EU Detail
11.05.12 HEAVEN Detail
11.05.12 FRENCH Detail
11.05.12 skyhigh.int Detail
11.05.12 Role Models.int Detail
10.05.12 TOOMAH Detail
10.05.12 brrrtbrrrt.eu Detail
09.05.12 Win or lose, we still booze. Detail
09.05.12 MIX-TAPE Detail
08.05.12 F9-Team Detail
08.05.12 br3tt0ff Detail
07.05.12 Ghostfox Detail
06.05.12 HEAVEN Detail
06.05.12 wAR ACADEMY Detail
06.05.12 Soldaten van Oranje Detail
05.05.12 Da-MiGhtY Detail
05.05.12 F9-Team Detail
05.05.12 1on1elite Detail
04.05.12 SSH Detail
04.05.12 RANDOM Detail
04.05.12 Sarkozy out Detail
04.05.12 GHQ-Like moaning non stop about cheating Detail
30.04.12 SpanienN Detail
29.04.12 Made of Stars.pracc Detail
27.04.12 NOVAVIRTUS Detail
26.04.12 POCKET ROCKETS Detail
25.04.12 Save The World Detail
24.04.12 Gegnaz Detail
20.04.12 ForTheLadies Detail
20.04.12 SSH Detail
19.04.12 BABYLUCHT Detail
17.04.12 HEAVEN Detail
16.04.12 MPgaming.eu Detail
16.04.12 TOPBRASIL Detail
15.04.12 German Pro Protest Esl.eu Detail
14.04.12 SSH Detail
09.04.12 brrrtbrrrt.eu Detail
08.04.12 GangBB Detail
07.04.12 1on1elite Detail
07.04.12 Friends of the Counter-Strike Detail
01.04.12 PowerRangers Detail
29.11.11 Friends of the Counter-Strike Detail
24.11.11 Miister Detail
23.11.11 HSD Detail
20.11.11 DEFEATERS Detail
20.11.11 MADNESS! Detail
14.11.11 Nobody is Perfect Detail
14.11.11 DEFEATERS Detail
13.11.11 TOOMAH Detail
13.11.11 ANIMALS ARE BACK! Detail
13.11.11 Future Sunk Detail
09.11.11 Le fameux coup du chat Detail
09.11.11 crap Crew Detail
08.11.11 PWPUTTY Detail
08.11.11 HOMiES.eu Detail
29.10.11 DEFEATERS Detail
29.10.11 N0XCHI CS Detail
29.10.11 Save The World Detail
29.10.11 cant stoPP Detail
28.10.11 MADNESS! Detail
28.10.11 Dr Pepper Detail
28.10.11 Core Gaming Detail
28.10.11 effect Detail
28.10.11 endeavor Detail
28.10.11 Dood op Lan Detail
27.10.11 Lurchentruppe Detail
27.10.11 E-friends Detail
27.10.11 Save The World Detail
27.10.11 Rage Detail
27.10.11 cant stoPP Detail
26.10.11 PWPUTTY Detail
26.10.11 Underestimated gaming Detail
26.10.11 Schiesswütiges Kommando Detail
25.10.11 -4y- Detail
25.10.11 usiaci Detail
24.10.11 schiessbürger Detail
23.10.11 khaotic Detail
23.10.11 Powered by Detail
23.10.11 Inetbabes v2 Detail
14.10.11 ednet Detail
14.10.11 JO BONTEN Detail
13.10.11 ddddddfsdsdddd nice guys gg Detail
12.10.11 FUCKINBEAST Detail
11.10.11 PCPoint Detail
11.10.11 258 Detail
05.10.11 banzai Detail
03.10.11 PRAYS.CS Detail
03.10.11 p4r0d0nt0s3pr0phyl4x3pr0f1Z Detail
04.09.11 gamers.ba Detail
04.09.11 FRAGTIVITY.eu Detail
26.07.11 undyinG Detail
25.07.11 GUNSLiNGERZ Detail
25.07.11 cangrejas Detail
25.07.11 YATTAYATTA Detail
24.07.11 Eskalations Team Detail
24.07.11 YEAHYEAHCLAN Detail
24.07.11 S0NICC Detail
24.07.11 crap Crew Detail
23.07.11 Sofia FIVE-gaming Detail
21.07.11 Pas question ! Detail
21.07.11 ohne skill kein kill Detail
21.07.11 Team Violent eSport Detail
20.07.11 trillfingaz Detail
20.07.11 partypeople Detail
19.07.11 crap Crew Detail
19.07.11 CHECHNYA ONLINE Detail
19.07.11 gather team Detail
18.07.11 MAELSTROM Detail
18.07.11 italians do it better! Detail
18.07.11 v.5 X.x Detail
17.07.11 YATTAYATTA Detail
17.07.11 epo-gaming Detail
17.07.11 CHECHNYA ONLINE Detail
17.07.11 Team Violent eSport Detail
17.07.11 hauta @ Detail
17.07.11 undyinG Detail
17.07.11 MADNESS! Detail
17.07.11 JAMAICA.OLD Detail
16.07.11 crap Crew Detail
16.07.11 Pas question ! Detail
15.07.11 EinHorn Detail
15.07.11 Final-Chapter Detail
15.07.11 Might Be Wrong Detail
14.07.11 PCPoint Detail
13.07.11 endeavor.mix Detail
12.07.11 EinHorn Detail
12.07.11 Whats your Secret? Detail
11.07.11 letalis Detail
11.07.11 YATTAYATTA Detail
11.07.11 Lanstars Detail
11.07.11 Sofia FIVE-gaming Detail
10.07.11 CHECHNYA ONLINE Detail
10.07.11 execution eSport Club Detail
09.07.11 MAELSTROM Detail
09.07.11 easynfast.eu 5on5 Detail
08.07.11 XonX Detail
08.07.11 RevolutionGames eSports Detail
07.07.11 WE ARE ALL ONE Detail
06.07.11 DESTROJERS Detail
06.07.11 khaotic Detail
04.07.11 h4x.gr Detail
04.07.11 trueSports Detail
01.07.11 Wir schmecken gut Detail
30.06.11 trueSports Detail
30.06.11 superior genes Detail
30.06.11 iNviTeN Detail
26.06.11 just Detail
25.06.11 bierpong Detail
25.06.11 streets33 Detail
25.06.11 KRAWALLBRÜDER.cs Detail
25.06.11 faillords of darkness 2k Detail
24.06.11 Showtime Detail
24.06.11 el3men7s Detail
22.06.11 THINKTWICE Detail
22.06.11 MYAx3 Detail
22.06.11 BoomSlave Detail
22.06.11 qq Detail
22.06.11 GUNSLiNGERZ Detail
21.06.11 FRENCH Detail
21.06.11 CRAZY MONKEYS yup:) Detail
19.06.11 DIE BELEIDIGER int Detail
19.06.11 IDEALLINIE Detail
19.06.11 Ninja Sköldpaddor 5on5.int Detail
19.06.11 streets33 Detail
19.06.11 qq Detail
19.06.11 GUNSLiNGERZ Detail
19.06.11 Wir schmecken gut Detail
19.06.11 PCPoint Detail
18.06.11 italians got talent Detail
18.06.11 Level-1 Detail
17.06.11 Swedish House Mafiaeu Detail
17.06.11 Might Be Wrong Detail
17.06.11 MaK History Detail

Counter-Strike 3on3 MR15 Ladder
created to rating comment match
07.05.12 AKIMBO Detail
02.05.12 NEW YORK Detail
27.04.12 organner styLEEE #2 Detail
27.04.12 plus b Detail
26.04.12 sup br0? Detail
19.04.12 aBc Detail
07.04.12 OFFLINE Detail
25.03.12 DER GERÄT Detail
24.03.12 CONTENANCE.CS Detail
11.03.12 prince of belvedair Detail
11.03.12 dA-pOLICE Detail
07.03.12 K I L L C O D 3 .CS Detail
07.03.12 Ninja Sköldpaddor 3on3.int Detail
23.10.11 Jestem Porzadny Detail
14.10.11 SmartBomb 3er Detail
05.10.11 pps Detail
25.08.11 MixDePote Detail
22.08.11 bud sbaenzer gG Detail
22.08.11 POTTRIOTEN V.2 Detail
18.08.11 coke boys Detail
15.08.11 desert dogs Detail
15.08.11 bROMANCE Detail
13.08.11 kokamusik Detail
13.08.11 epo-gaming Detail
12.08.11 after hours club Detail
12.08.11 Once Again 3v3 Detail
11.08.11 8 1 1 Detail
11.08.11 60LD64M3R Detail
10.08.11 adolfbestaimer Detail
28.07.11 FRENCH Detail
28.07.11 for you Detail
28.07.11 HALLO LAAAANN Detail
27.07.11 trop fun cs Detail
27.07.11 zahltag Detail
26.07.11 Ninja Sköldpaddor 3on3.int Detail
26.07.11 f*ck,d Detail
23.07.11 italians do it better! Detail
18.07.11 whack MCs Detail
11.07.11 inSide. CS1.6 Detail
11.07.11 Made in Rio Detail
10.07.11 KLAAAAATSCH Detail
10.07.11 T00-FAST Detail
10.07.11 captain futuRe Detail
06.07.11 Geradeaus Detail
04.07.11 desolation Detail
03.07.11 03/10/2010 Detail
01.07.11 ehack Detail
28.06.11 ALL IN Detail
28.06.11 Kopfleerung Detail
27.06.11 03/10/2010 Detail
27.06.11 bisdzzJ Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 EPS3 Qualifier #2
created to rating comment match
16.02.10 Virtuoso.cs Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 EPS3 Qualifier #1
created to rating comment match
09.02.10 Free Agents Detail
08.02.10 Virtuoso.cs Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 Amateur Series
created to rating comment match
26.01.10 jog on Detail
24.01.10 Like a Baws Detail
06.01.10 Brothers in Arms Detail
15.12.09 eMpathy.cs Detail
15.12.09 Never Ending Pain Detail
08.12.09 cLip Detail
08.12.09 clanONE Detail
03.12.09 vitalsigns Detail
01.12.09 Propaganda-Gaming Detail
01.12.09 YiMS Detail
17.11.09 folded dfgdgdfgdf Detail
10.11.09 YiMS Detail
03.11.09 euphoria Detail

Counter-Strike Winter Cup Series 2009/10 Cup #1 (10.12.09)
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10.12.09 YiMS Detail
10.12.09 1451355413 Detail

Counter-Strike Nightcup #12 (5on5 - 05.11.09)
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05.11.09 euphoria Detail
05.11.09 YO# Detail

Extreme Masters Season IV Counter-Strike British Cup 3rd Groupstage
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06.09.09 Virtuoso.cs Detail
06.09.09 Team Dignitas Detail

Extreme Masters Season IV Counter-Strike British Cup 2nd Groupstage
created to rating comment match
02.09.09 13th Detail
02.09.09 fsaff Detail
02.09.09 Team-Coolermaster Detail

Extreme Masters Season IV Counter-Strike British Cup 1st Groupstage
created to rating comment match
30.08.09 noetic Detail
30.08.09 PARS R US Detail

Counter-Strike League August 2009 Invite
created to rating comment match
23.08.09 Infernal Gamers Detail
19.08.09 cLip Detail
13.08.09 LivingFire.CS Detail
10.08.09 playhack. A Detail
05.08.09 noetic Detail
03.08.09 folded dfgdgdfgdf Detail

Counter-Strike Nightcup #6 (5on5)
created to rating comment match
18.08.09 Flattering to Deceive Detail
18.08.09 9lives 1.6 Detail
18.08.09 danmix Detail

Counter-Strike FireCore #4
created to rating comment match
06.08.09 sm:)e Detail
06.08.09 fsaff Detail
06.08.09 bashyourmash Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 Wicked Wednesday Cup #2
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10.06.09 txr.cs Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 Wicked Wednesday Cup #1
created to rating comment match
03.06.09 Sisters of Mercy Detail

Counter-Strike League June 2009 Groupstage
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02.06.09 Infused Detail
01.06.09 divine-gamers Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 Spring League
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21.04.09 elite.clan.cs1.6 a bit childish, complaining alot Detail
14.04.09 kikoukoi not flaming, good game! Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 Ladder
created to rating comment match
10.02.08 popgoesthepistol aardige gasten Detail