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Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder2
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20.08.09 xt6 Gaming CSS Detail
12.08.09 eXcentric Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder
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29.04.09 durchdrueckeNN Detail
23.04.09 miXXorn Detail
22.04.09 ABRAKADABRA Detail
22.04.09 tuc the fucka Detail
20.04.09 loql Detail
28.03.09 FREITAG Detail
28.03.09 strohhutbaNNde 2 time outs for your win Detail
26.03.09 a well played Detail
24.03.09 pixelwooow welll played gays Detail
23.03.09 all day and night lucky with rushes Detail
22.03.09 Tactrix miX Detail
22.03.09 o2su. Detail
22.03.09 trickshots Detail
19.03.09 FACKSTI Detail
17.03.09 eonatiC.24h-Hosting - Trainacc Detail
16.03.09 aLANstufe rot Detail
16.03.09 MorZAS Detail
15.03.09 HACKFLEISCH ESSEN 5on5int Detail
15.03.09 Rocco Siffredis Detail
15.03.09 Verbund deutscher Kellerkinder Detail
04.10.08 HIGHFPS Detail
29.09.08 KirschWelle by aXe gg gys, tuscan sux:D Detail
27.09.08 e-boy TRAINING Detail
25.09.08 zu xpeh... Detail
23.09.08 Kiwu Detail
21.09.08 n0t Detail
21.09.08 team-enCore Detail
19.09.08 CONFUSED. Detail
18.09.08 whoop ass crew Detail
22.08.08 Zick's . Al' Detail
11.08.08 lo3 Detail
11.08.08 HiTaC 4fun Detail
08.08.08 LAN-TEAM 3000 Detail
23.07.08 Polish HORDE Detail
22.07.08 Mumble goes 5on5 Detail
21.07.08 POKEMON KID Detail
03.07.08 Team dSi - training account Detail
01.06.08 Verbund deutscher Kellerkinder Detail
01.06.08 CLYMAX fads Detail
01.06.08 COME ON Detail
31.05.08 BUITED Detail
30.05.08 Nix da npnp crazy gays Detail
30.05.08 00Ninjas n@@bs and cryers Detail
26.05.08 Shinobi Detail
25.05.08 TeamXtream e.V. Furious Detail
25.05.08 Enytfqtmix good game Detail
24.05.08 Kasek bitte keine infos Detail
24.05.08 K 0 3 N 1 G 3 gl Detail
23.05.08 hey ho lets go good luck Detail
20.05.08 Bobteam MR 15 Train Detail
19.05.08 trainaccount unso Detail
16.05.08 zu iNi Detail
15.05.08 dSc train acc Detail
15.05.08 Klicksports 5on5int Detail
13.05.08 Clezz Trainaccount v2 Detail
01.05.08 mtf.TrainAccount Detail
30.04.08 niXis Detail
28.04.08 waiting blaaaaa Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 best of train
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27.04.09 EviLucho&tAWERS Detail
20.04.09 CoolMod Gaming EAS Detail
15.04.09 a Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Spring Cup
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02.04.09 MIRAGE Detail
25.03.09 NoFeaR. GaMinG < Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Nightcup VII
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04.10.08 glocked Detail
03.10.08 SUBLIMINAL E-SPORTS lorelol Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Old Amateur Series
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01.07.08 kMkZ CSS Detail
01.07.08 all-Control e-Sports Detail
26.06.08 Alianza Source Detail
25.06.08 wNs.e-Sports.EAS Detail
19.06.08 wNs.e-Sports.EAS Detail
18.06.08 kMkZ Classic Gamers Detail
17.06.08 UnitedPlayers Detail
28.05.08 all-Control e-Sports Detail
26.05.08 eSencia Detail
23.05.08 ACME e-SPORTS good luck Detail
08.05.08 Alianza Source Detail
27.04.08 Mousekillerz esports Detail
24.04.08 UnitedPlayers Detail
22.04.08 The Gods Coliseum Detail
20.04.08 resist gg Detail

PraccNation Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Verygames.de Cup v3
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23.05.08 UnitedPlayers Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Spring 2008 Playoffs
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14.05.08 LateNight.Aiming CS Source Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Spring 2008 Groupstage
created to rating comment match
27.04.08 POPOSHOW gg Detail
07.04.08 AvatarTeam.css GER AvT play with 4 players. GG Detail